My hunter :) (transmog too)

Get hitcapped.
noob char...

Champion Herod's Shoulder - Game Guide - World of Warcraft
Champion's Deathdealer Breastplate - Game Guide - World of Warcraft
Bands of Serra'kis - Game Guide - World of Warcraft
Hogger's Trousers - Game Guide - World of Warcraft
Lucky Fishing Hat - Game Guide - World of Warcraft
deffonatly worth the 3 crit and i would recomend enchaning them with +1 agility. before spending time on lucky fishing hat its worth doing the fishing dailys to get the hat that drops from that +3 stam +3 spirit, it only takes about 5 days and then u get it and it looks cool i think. i use the 8agility and 3 stam and 3 crit on my hunter just beacause of the crit and u dont need the extra hit as its capped leggings of the fang are good if u are a bit low on hp though
before spending time on lucky fishing hat its worth doing the fishing dailys to get the hat that drops from that +3 stam +3 spirit, it only takes about 5 days and then u get it and it looks cool i think.

My main has completed more than thirty fishing dailies to no avail. It's random just like LFH, so don't tell him it'll just be 5 days. The drop chance is about 1 % according to wowhead.

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