I agree with everyone.
A "DPS competition" should have been...thought out as to what it might LOOK like. However, I will agree, it was not what it looked like.
Something like that was a terrible idea. I never would have supported something so irrelevant. You could have turtled your own FC (as Kahr mentioned before, we're great at that), gone after an EFC (if there was one), headed into the EFR in case of a return, or finished the match right there and decide the "winner" with the damage already dealt. One way or another, the point is a friendly competition like that promotes unobjective play. The same can be seen when in a losing BG, and the hunter declares: "LOL I'M TOP KILLS" (of course, a hunter would not have been so eloquent, and an insult would have been thrown in as well).
There was no "winner" in that competition, and the only damage done was to my pride as a Vashjian.