my banktoon is now a..

iaccidentallytwink said:
Also, use [ITEM]Rugged Armor Kit[/ITEM] on [ITEM]Tuxedo Pants[/ITEM].

Doubt this works, tried it on Haliscan Pantaloons a while back.

If you really wanna top your lvl 1 twink; [ame=]YouTube - Worlds First Lvl 1 Diplomat - Boglund[/ame] :D, never seen a diplomatic banker have you:p? WG shoulders would be best for the extra stam, loosing 1 ap doesn't really make much difference. You should get a pair of bracers with 9 stam, boots with 7 stam and minor speed could be handy in some situations.
Boglund said:
Doubt this works, tried it on Haliscan Pantaloons a while back.

If you really wanna top your lvl 1 twink; YouTube - Worlds First Lvl 1 Diplomat - Boglund :D, never seen a diplomatic banker have you:p? WG shoulders would be best for the extra stam, loosing 1 ap doesn't really make much difference. You should get a pair of bracers with 9 stam, boots with 7 stam and minor speed could be handy in some situations.

My banker will have explorer soon, watch out ;)
whitekush said:
yeah i dont think the rugged thing is gonna work either accid, i looked up on wowwiki and they all say to put light armor kit sooooo we'll see when (if ever) servers go live.

I've done it and it works.
ok, instead of worrying about all the discovery exp for your current twink, why not just make a new one?

i know that at least all of the gear with enchants should not be BoE. and aren't BoAs transferrable even after you equip them? so just send all of the gear on your current level 1 away

could just make a new level 1, discover the places you want (including the furbolg place if you have to), and you have yourself a level 1 twink with less discovery problems
Druiddroid said:
ok, instead of worrying about all the discovery exp for your current twink, why not just make a new one?

i know that at least all of the gear with enchants should not be BoE. and aren't BoAs transferrable even after you equip them? so just send all of the gear on your current level 1 away

could just make a new level 1, discover the places you want (including the furbolg place if you have to), and you have yourself a level 1 twink with less discovery problems

This is all true. Everything is transferable except for [ITEM]Insignia of the Horde[/ITEM] and [ITEM]Furbolg Medicine Pouch[/ITEM].
Druiddroid said:
ok, instead of worrying about all the discovery exp for your current twink, why not just make a new one?

i know that at least all of the gear with enchants should not be BoE. and aren't BoAs transferrable even after you equip them? so just send all of the gear on your current level 1 away

could just make a new level 1, discover the places you want (including the furbolg place if you have to), and you have yourself a level 1 twink with less discovery problems

was planning to do so if it came down to that lol.

my server STILL isnt up so i cant be sure whats going on just yet.
I'm assuming he has the BoA insignia, since it would be ridiculous if he took the time to kill that many other level 1s to get the honor to purchase the regular one. :p
Maerduk said:
I'm assuming he has the BoA insignia, since it would be ridiculous if he took the time to kill that many other level 1s to get the honor to purchase the regular one. :p

I've done 1k HKs on lvl 1 in under an hour:p
Is your still guild still going Boglund? Or are you going to restart it IF you become active again?

Oh and is it US or EU? (Your realm)

And finally, how did you get that many members in that guild? Because i would like to start up my own low level twink guild. (non decided which yet)
Go with Haliscan Jacket instead. You can enchant it and it has armor. Also Haliscan Pantaloons can have the higher level armor kits as well.
Naw, you definitely want the Formal Dangui, if you get lucky enough camping it (I camped it on a level 1 for a couple months before I got it)... if you mail it to your main, he can put a Greater Rune of Warding ([item=25521]Greater Rune of Warding[/item]) on it.

The Fulborg Medicine Pouch isn't that bad if you have a warlock friend & someone who wants the Ambassador title. Just get summoned into Timbermaw hold, die there, and follow your friend around as a ghost around the respawn outside until you get Honored. Depending on the amount of people there, it isn't that hard. It took me a little over 3 hours to get it, if I can recall. And you'll only discover the hold because you can't discover places as a ghost. :D

In terms of enchants... we're kinda skimpy on HP now. I might say put stamina onto the bracers instead of strength, otherwise it looks good. Surviving longer = more weapon procs, and the strength doesn't really make up for 9 stamina. You won't be able to get a scope on the bow, btw. Used to be Cadet's Bow was the only one you could get a scope on, but they put in a level 5 requirement on it now. =/ However, if you really want to twink out, go look get some Feathered Arrows for extra DPS ([item=3464]Feathered Arrow[/item])

For weapon, I would get Venerable Dal'Rends Sacred Charge or Battleworn Thrash Blade. The Sacred Charge is statistically better; it's slower and so you'll be proccing more lifestealing (my pref - it's hard to regain HP)/fiery/whateveryoufeellike than Battleworn. The Thrash Blade's proc is pretty fun, though.

After that, if you have the patience, work on trade skills. 225 First Aid is a must, 2k bandages mean that if you can get 1 or 2 ticks off, you regain full HP. You can also get some professions without gaining experience - I got at least Toughness 2 from Mining and Master of Anatomy 1, but I am sure you could get even Herbalism up to 150 if you really wanted to (there are some guides out there that tell you how to get herbalism up without gaining any EXP)... if you could get herbalism, that would definitely be the best. Crit also scales pretty well (6 crit rating from Skinning = 11% crit more). For real fun crit times, wait for someone to turn in Onyxia's head, for Rallying Cry of the Dragon Slayer.

Also keep your bank stocked full with consumables. Rumsey Rums, sharpening stones, scrolls, potions are your best friend. Discombobulator Ray, while kinda expensive to make, is a must for kiting to get bandage ticks up. ([item=4388]Discombobulator Ray[/item])

Finally, just top your twink up with some fun items to wear around, maybe some TCG items if you get lucky (save at least 55 exp for Booty Bay if you want those. Between BB, Timbermaw, and towns for weapon skills, I have 275/400 so it isn't bad...) ... and then get ready to show your level 1 off! It may not be as impressive and pre 3.1 1400 hp levels, but you can still embarass the occasional level 10 in a duel.

If ya want more advice, send me a letter. My level 1 twink is Enjolras on Kargath-USA.
My item list:

Head: Violet Hat (had 100hp,8 agi and 10 haste on this and now its soulbound lol)

Neck: The voice engi item

Shoulder: WG BoA is the best

Cloak: Linen cloak or Wispy Cloak (I preffer wispy) - I had this with 70 armor, 3 agi and 5 resistance, the 3 agi one is the only one that actually gives a great effect.

Chest: Haliscan Jacket - 150 hp & 6 stats. Use this til you get the formal dangui and when the rune is not applied.

Tabard: I had both sporeggar and mag'hat:p

Shirt: Sleeveless Shirt

Bracer: Vendor bracers with 9 stam and another pair with 9 str. I only used the strength when I tried to max crit.

Weapon: I'm using the BoA emblem sword with lifestealing.

OH: Furbolg Medicine Pouch

Ranged: BoA bow

Ammo: As stated above Feathered Arrows

Trinket1: PvP one

Trinket2: The one that gives 1 haste and heals when u get exp.

Boots: Vendor boots with 7stam,7 agi and minor speed. Used minor speed against possible kiters and stamina against classes I wouldn't necessarily need any dodge.

Legs: Haliscan Pantaloons/Tuxedo Pants depending on which one you can add 40 armor too.

Belt: Squealer's Belt

Gloves: Those grey you tried to farm, forgot the name. Get 15 agi and 10 haste on these, 15 agi was the one I usually used.

Pots and stuff you should have in your bags:

Rumsey Rum Label

4 str pot

50 armor pot

3 stam/agi scroll

Discombobulater Ray (This item is really OP, pop it and run and 1st aid.)

I can't come up with much right now, but I guess I must have left out something.

Level 1 twink - WoWWiki - Your guide to the World of Warcraft is a great site really. With a lot of information, especially about consumables you can use.
Quick question, any idea of a place in Westfall that I can be summoned on my bank alt that will not net xp and level him so I can get the Red Defias Mask? I am 80 xp from lvl and still need to get the off hand. I would re roll, but he has Murkimus now and the pet wasn't bound to account, but rather all my toons that are currently made got him, that and he has 260 achievements and 47 pets. That guy has been a money sink for sure... lol
55 XP to discover the hold. That's all the XP you'll get from getting it.

that's what iaccidentallytwink posted

also i would honestly skip getting the defias mask, it doesn't have any stats anyways
If you wanna be a real pimp level 1 twink like me, you get the TCG Turtle, Dalaran Familiar (the blue-ish voidwalker pet), and get 420 cooking hehe.

Also, I'd like to add (but not quite sure), if you don't wanna farm 1,000 Honorable Kills / 200 ish shards for the Bind-on-Accound Insignia of Alliance/Horde, you can get the 2,000honor Bind-on-Account tokens and just send them to your level 1; that's what I did atleast.

I wish you the best luck on making your level 1 twink, and if you have any questions, hop over on coilfang (horde side) and send Egoraptor / Egosvaultx a letter and I'll try my best to help you :].

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