I believe the Magician Staff scales properlyDruids typically don't do melee damage. The real "advantage" of jagged mace is very slight - mostly auto attacking people as you run past or doing some slight damage while FCing in bear form. Not worth the loss of 4 int. I'm guessing pallies/shamans don't want to lose the significant armor from shields. And that it isn't worth it for priests either.
But 2h staves for MW monks is interesting. I'll have to keep an eye out for some on the AH.
[doublepost=1536977959,1536976476][/doublepost]Some higher ilvl options that may or may not scale down enough...
[doublepost=1537038302][/doublepost]Since this is a thread about MW gear, question for you guys. (speaking for vets and f2ps)
ilvl 23 MTB (stats are: 6 stam, 5 int, 3 vers) or BG crate? I have a pair of unbound ilvl 23s so I'm debating on if I should use them or hold onto them. I don't have adaptable bracers yet.