
Brooklyn would have gone for sanders no doubt, if you'd been their you would know how liberal it is, Not sure you can just discredit something like this. Seems like something really corrupt is behind these numbers.
If it walks like a duck, and talks like a duck...

Have friends in NYC talking about not being able to vote
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i mean yeah it sucks that 100,000 people couldnt vote but i dont think even if they had all voted for bernie it would have made much of a difference in the outcome.

The real problem is that people who wanted to vote and made time to vote had a bad experience voting in a primary and may not do it ever again because of this
Even where I live, it's a pain to register for voting. It took me ~three attempts of "registering" until I was actually "registered", and that was before I moved.
Sanders does best when there's an open primary or caucus especially with same day registration. He does better with independents and that's a sign of bringing people together. He does best when there's inclusion. Not everyone follows politics super close and if they find out they like someone by that time it might be too late to register. It's a fucking shame.
Why is it so hard to register? In my country you just get a letter with the formal papers you need to vote 1-2 weeks in advance and then show up on voting day with your papers.

Everyone above the age of 18 that havn't done a serius crime, will recive the papers.
Why is it so hard to register? In my country you just get a letter with the formal papers you need to vote 1-2 weeks in advance and then show up on voting day with your papers.

Everyone above the age of 18 that havn't done a serius crime, will recive the papers.

because the two parties who control the country want to make it as difficult as they can for people to vote for anyone but the establishment candidates.

2 party system hopefully on its last breaths after this election
News articles are written to SCARE!! We have to put that number in perspective.
in a city of 12,000,000, a 1% drop is not all that significant considering all the people moving in and out of the city each year. You do have go out of your way to register to vote. You can't register if you have a felony conviction on your record, EVER... So if any of those people got a felony conviction, well...
The largest majority of the numbers that the article is citing just failed to reregister and became "inactive". Some could have moved to another city/county and then voted there. Some may have died and new voters replaced them.
This article is VERY deceptive at best.
If you look at the article, it says a drop of 120,000 voters in Brooklyn alone. Brooklyn has a population of 2.6 million, but that's with minors, felons, and invalids included. Just guesstimating it, but that's probably a ~7% drop in Brooklyn with those people taken out. This sounds like a big drop to me, but maybe this sort of thing happens often. No clue.
New York does not permanently disenfranchise felons. You can vote unless you are currently incarcerated or on parole. Otherwise you can vote even if you are on probation.
He didn't say he would prefer anlther country, he just said that the freedom that you are so proud of, might be a delusion.
The issue is Europeans and
People have to realize, America has one thing going for it that no European country can't match. And it irritates the hell out of them.
Which is?

Ps. Europe isn't one country
Each red blooded American should know this.
same government, same constitution etc...

Perhaps the mentality is lost on the older generations...at this point this may not really be something to brag about. Especially when so much of our constitution is being made a joke of.

Eminem said it best "I'm all for America, fuck the government"

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