MrCer's A-Team Premade - Looking for Participants


MrCer's A-Team Premade - PLEASE RE-APPLY/ SUNDAYS 4:30PM


Hello Everyone. For those who do not know me, I am MrCer and I have a P2P 20 Rdruid with F2P Gear Restrictions. I have been twinking in this bracket for awhile now and I recently came back from a long break about a month ago. I have done a lot of thinking and I would like to start my own A-Team Premade. For those who do not know, I am a little bit of an Elitist. I except everyone to play either just as good as me, if not better; No one is being carried but that does not go without saying Teamwork is expected. I have been running my own Premades for quite some time for WSG but also AB. I consider myself an exceptional Premade Leader and very knowledgeable. But lets go into the actual Team itself.

My A-Team will look exactly like this:

1. Restoration Druid(Flag Carrier)
2. Holy Paladin
3. Discipline Priest
4. Restoration Shaman
5. Survival Hunter - Wolf Pet. 2nd Pet Scorpid
6. Beast Mastery Hunter - Monkey Pet. 2nd Pet Scorpid
7. Frost Mage
8. Destruction Warlock
9. Subtlety Rogue
10. Retribution Paladin

A Quick Summary of this team:

1 FC
3 Healers
2 Hunters - One Hunter for Pure Burst and 5% Crit buff. The other hunter will act as a Stunlock. He has two stuns one being ranged plus ScatterShot. The Survival Hunter will be calling Kill Targets.
2 Melee - The Ret Paladin will also be incharge of Calling Kill Targets. The Rogue I expect to be able to do Shadowstep Focus Target Macros.
2 Ranged CC - The Mage and the warlock will act as Support DPS but are mainly incharge of CC. They are required to call each of their CCs out and who they are targeting.
Two People have BoPs. Two HoJs. 2 Pet Stuns. 2 CCs(Sheep/Fear). And 1 Stealth(not including FC).

My Goal for my A-Team:

My team will be working once a week on being connected as a team and working on teamwork. This will include:

1. Learning how to Move around Top of Horde Tunnel.
2. Reacting to Kill Targets. As soon as a Kill Target is called out, Start Killing. All DPS need to be able to Focus and Kill the called out targets.
3. Positioning. DPS needs to always be near their Healers. No one should be fighting alone or without a Healer. The less deaths we can manage the less travel time from GY.
4. Listening. If you can't listen, then you do not have a place in this Team.

Lastly: My Goal for my A-Team is to fight a level 24 5man Alliance Premade. As soon as we learn how to play together correctly, we will start accepting Challenges against any 5man 24 Alliance Premade. No Consumable Restrictions, No Class Ratio Restrictions, no rules at all. As long as you only have 5 24s in your premade, we will accept your challenge. Btw this does include that the 24s may use FAP potions.

The Requirements for the A-Team

1. You must have Skype. We will not use Vent.
2. No Using Speakers. Speaker Feedback is painful enough in skype. Use Headphones or a Headset.
3. You must have a working Mic. Communication is the key to success in any Premade. If you can't speak, then you don't have a spot in this Team.
4. Hunters will be required to Have their Pet Names Changed to one of the Two CCers(Mage/Warlock). This will help slightly in order to prevent Focus-Target macros from the other team. It may not stop them, but it will delay them. We don't want our CC's to be silenced during a Cast.
5. Everyone is required to run with this Addon: targetAssist - Unit Frames - World of Warcraft Addons - Curse. There is no way around this. You must have this downloaded and working for each premade. It's easy to use and very helpful.
6. BiS Gear. I will overlook AGM for the time being. However there are numerous 85s on Aerie Peak Horde who are willing(and do) help F2Ps get their AGMs. I don't not take priority of AGM > Skill.
7. Absolutely no backpeddling. I don't even need a reason for this.
8. As I said in the beginning, I expect everyone to play @my level if not better. This means I expect to see my Rogue doing Shadowstep --> Kick/Gouge Focus Macros. I expect all my healers and CCers to know how to fake Cast. I expect all my DPS focusing on the Kill target. I expect at least two people always CC'd when the Mage and Warlock are together(which they always will be). I expect my CCers to rotate between Sheep/Fear on their two targets until DR is up on both targets for both Sheep and Fear. I have a lot of expectations, these are only a few of them.

In the Future / Misc -

I will be running a B-Team and C-Team on different Nights. However I will not run against a 5man 24 Premade with anyone but my A-Team.
The A, B, and C stand for: Team Apple. Team Banana. Team Cherry. Couldn't be any more simple<3
My Druid, Çer, will be Flag Carrying. No positions are currently filled.
The A-Team Premades will happen every Sunday @4:30pm. I don't have a projected Date to start Practicing or what time we will be starting the Premades.
No Spots are currently filled expect for the Rdruid Flag Carrier Position(me). I will Keep this page Up-to-Date on that. Speak to me in-game, on this page, or through PMs if you are interested.
There will be Two Back-up Positions for each role, Including Rdruid Flag Carrier. I will do a Mass-Invite for everyone Including the Back-up Players(in case someone doesn't show up). At the end(right before we start the premade), You be asked to leave if you are not chosen for that night, if not just removed from the groups.

Can P2Ps Participate as well?

Absolutely. However there are a few requirements I have for anyone who is a P2P Twink. You must obey and follow all F2P Restriction, this includes:

1. You cannot be in a guild during Premades.
2. Do not use Consumables that F2Ps clearly can't use. This means using Alchemy Pots even though you aren't an Alchemist.
3. Do not use BoE items or Vender Items that are not available to F2Ps.
4. Your Enchantments and Gear is Restricted to all F2P Restrictions.
5. Do not Transmog Gear that is not available to F2Ps. No Questions asked.
6. You must be level 20.
7. Do not exceed Profession Cap.

How to Participate?

If you would like to Participate in my A-Team Premade, Please post in this topic with the following Template:

Hi, I am interested in Joining the A-Team Premade. I am Applying for the Role as: (Role goes here)

1. (Armory Page goes here)

2. (Do you meet Every Requirement Listed Above? if not, Which ones do you feel you don't meet?)

3. (Are you, or can you, be available every Sunday Night @4:30pm?)

4. (What PvP experience do you have?)

5. (Why Should I choose you over Everyone else?)

6. (Do you have a working Mic and do you have vent?)

7. (Is your twink BiS? I am willing to overlook Skill > AGM but only that item.)

The Current A-Team Premade Roster

Restoration Druid - Flag Carrier:

1 - Çer
Sub -
Sub -

Holy Paladin - Healer:

1 -
Sub -
Sub -

Restoration Shaman - Healer:

1 - Arenashameng
Sub -
Sub -

Discipline Priest - Healer:

1 - Veinte
Sub - Lmerch
Sub -

Ret/Fury - Melee DPS / Kill Target Caller

1 - Jgov
Sub -
Sub -

Subtlety Rogue - Melee DPS / ShadowStep --> Kick/Gouge Focus Macro

1 -
Sub -
Sub -

Destruction Warlock - CC / Support DPS

1 -
Sub -
Sub -

Frost Mage - CC / Support DPS

1 -
Sub -
Sub -

Survival Hunter - Ranged DPS / Kill Target Caller

1 - Acéßull
Sub -
Sub -

Beast Mastery Hunter - Ranged DPS / Stunlocker

1 - Felïx
Sub -
Sub -
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Updated the Template.
Hi, I am interested in Joining the A-Team Premade. as a Retribution Paladin, though probably only as a backup player.

1. (Armory Page goes here)
Zaxxo @ Aerie Peak - Game Guide - World of Warcraft

2. (Do you meet Every Requirement Listed Above? if not, Which ones do you feel you don't meet?)
I don't have resil trinket or (annoyingly) LFH, despite weeks of trying.

3. (Are you, or can you, be available every Thursday Night?)
It would be very strange if I couldn't.

4. (What PvP experience do you have?)
Been playing BG's for months, and doing arenas increasingly in the last few weeks

5. (Why Should I choose you over Everyone else?)
I'm available, decently skilled and have always appreciated the supreme power of teamwork. I used to play a game that consisted entirely on teamwork in order to succeed, and I learned a lot.

6. (Do you have a working Mic and do you have skype?)
Yes and yes.

7. (Is your twink BiS? I am willing to overlook Skill > AGM but only that item.)
No agm, no resil trinket and no lfh. Fully enchanted with bis gear.

I hope you accept my application, I think the idea is fantastic if it came off, and I really, really, really wanna beat on a 24made :p
Pubstomping doesn't require this much effort.

Apparently reading does though.....

Lastly: My Goal for my A-Team is to fight a level 24 5man Alliance Premade. As soon as we learn how to play together correctly, we will start accepting Challenges against any 5man 24 Alliance Premade. No Consumable Restrictions, No Class Ratio Restrictions, no rules at all. As long as you only have 5 24s in your premade, we will accept your challenge. Btw this does include that the 24s may use FAP potions.
Hi, I am interested in Joining the A-Team Premade. as a Retribution Paladin, though probably only as a backup player.

1. (Armory Page goes here)
Zaxxo @ Aerie Peak - Game Guide - World of Warcraft

2. (Do you meet Every Requirement Listed Above? if not, Which ones do you feel you don't meet?)
I don't have resil trinket or (annoyingly) LFH, despite weeks of trying.

3. (Are you, or can you, be available every Thursday Night?)
It would be very strange if I couldn't.

4. (What PvP experience do you have?)
Been playing BG's for months, and doing arenas increasingly in the last few weeks

5. (Why Should I choose you over Everyone else?)
I'm available, decently skilled and have always appreciated the supreme power of teamwork. I used to play a game that consisted entirely on teamwork in order to succeed, and I learned a lot.

6. (Do you have a working Mic and do you have skype?)
Yes and yes.

7. (Is your twink BiS? I am willing to overlook Skill > AGM but only that item.)
No agm, no resil trinket and no lfh. Fully enchanted with bis gear.

I hope you accept my application, I think the idea is fantastic if it came off, and I really, really, really wanna beat on a 24made :p

Zaxxo, I've played with you and I know what you are capable of. I'll add you as a Main Teamplayer. However I expect you to continue trying to get finish getting the last few BiS Items. Thank you for applying :)

On a side note: As far as Helm goes, Everyone please read this:

For Healers, LFH is BiS. If you have the WBFH and you are 100% BiS geared other than AGM, I will consider your APP as Main.
For DPS, LFH is BiS but I will also accept the Engineering goggles since we will be fighting 24s in the future. That extra hit rating will help.
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Hi, I am interested in Joining the A-Team Premade.

1. (Armory Page goes here)
Felïx @ Aerie Peak - Game Guide - World of Warcraft

2. (Do you meet Every Requirement Listed Above? if not, Which ones do you feel you don't meet?)
I do not feel that I am BiS and I will never be able to meet the BiS standard ever until Blizzard implements a quest item recovery system.
Also taming and naming new pets can be done very quickly.

3. (Are you, or can you, be available every Thursday Night?)

4. (What PvP experience do you have?)
I killed a warrior once.

5. (Why Should I choose you over Everyone else?)
I have a swag set.

6. (Do you have a working Mic and do you have skype?)
Yes to both.

7. (Is your twink BiS? I am willing to overlook Skill > AGM but only that item.)
As i said in 2. I am unable to ever be BiS.

Edit: also should mention I'm applying for the position for the BM hunter.
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Yeah it would be. I had no idea Monkey Stun was ranged. Updating.
Hi, I am interested in Joining the A-Team Premade.

1. (Armory Page goes here)
Felïx @ Aerie Peak - Game Guide - World of Warcraft

2. (Do you meet Every Requirement Listed Above? if not, Which ones do you feel you don't meet?)
I do not feel that I am BiS and I will never be able to meet the BiS standard ever until Blizzard implements a quest item recovery system.
Also taming and naming new pets can be done very quickly.

3. (Are you, or can you, be available every Thursday Night?)

4. (What PvP experience do you have?)
I killed a warrior once.

5. (Why Should I choose you over Everyone else?)
I have a swag set.

6. (Do you have a working Mic and do you have skype?)
Yes to both.

7. (Is your twink BiS? I am willing to overlook Skill > AGM but only that item.)
As i said in 2. I am unable to ever be BiS.

Edit: also should mention I'm applying for the position for the BM hunter.

Without a doubt adding you. Thanks for applying :)
Hi, I am interested in Joining the A-Team Premade.

1. Mialu @ Aerie Peak - Game Guide - World of Warcraft

2. (Do you meet Every Requirement Listed Above? if not, Which ones do you feel you don't meet?)
#2 Swag. After Felix ofc.

3. (Are you, or can you, be available every Thursday Night?)
Every? No. Most? Yes.

4. (What PvP experience do you have?)
I've crushed some PuGs before. Does that count?

5. (Why Should I choose you over Everyone else?)
I have a huge epeenfactor and I'm BiS looking. Fashion police anyone?

6. (Do you have a working Mic and do you have skype?)
I can even talk funneh.

7. (Is your twink BiS? I am willing to overlook Skill > AGM but only that item.)
As close I could possibly ever get.
Hi, I am interested in Joining the A-Team Premade.

1. Mialu @ Aerie Peak - Game Guide - World of Warcraft

2. (Do you meet Every Requirement Listed Above? if not, Which ones do you feel you don't meet?)
#2 Swag. After Felix ofc.

3. (Are you, or can you, be available every Thursday Night?)
Every? No. Most? Yes.

4. (What PvP experience do you have?)
I've crushed some PuGs before. Does that count?

5. (Why Should I choose you over Everyone else?)
I have a huge epeenfactor and I'm BiS looking. Fashion police anyone?

6. (Do you have a working Mic and do you have skype?)
I can even talk funneh.

7. (Is your twink BiS? I am willing to overlook Skill > AGM but only that item.)
As close I could possibly ever get.

Adding right now. Thank you for applying :)
can i be the destro lock when no one else is on? :D
oh didnt but now i did..
edit inc

nvm i dont have mic :( have fun
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Fantastic idea! However im working on my gear so i cannot apply. good luck to all.

You're pretty well geared. If you want to apply as a Sub you're more than welcome too. And I've played with you in the past so I know you are a decent player.
Me too :(

Do we need a mike to be on the banana team?

Probably not. But you need to be on skype. I am not going to worry about Team B atm.

Also, Updating the Hunter pets again. Both Hunter Pets need to be a Scorpid Pet as their 2nd Pet. Their Main(1st) pets remain the same.

Big Thanks to Felix<3

EDIT: Updated the Template. Please add which Position you are applying for.
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Uh, so I'm sorry Çer, I have a serious scheduling problem. D: Still applying, but might be problematic. Hope Golden comes back. ^^

Hi, I am interested in joining the A-Team Premade on my Holy Paladin.

1. Swagduffle (occasionally logged out in a costume)

2. Requirements I don't meet / only partially meet:
  • Skill: I still fail to fake-cast too often, partially due to sucking, partially due to high latency from EU. I try my best though. And I'm definitely not better than you. :p

3. Thursdays: My biggest problem. I can't be available every Thursday night. (Also Thursday night is Friday morning for me.)
  • I could be available from about 9 pm server time til (relatively) open end for the next two Thursdays (August 2 and 9). Following that I will need to take a two week break from WoW.
  • I would be available again on most, but not all Thursdays from August 30 only from 8 to 10 pm server time due to work and school restraints. -_-

4. PvP experience:
  • F2P bracket is the first time I enjoyed PvP in WoW. Does Quake III count?

5. Why Should I choose you over Everyone else?
  • If a better Holy Paladin applies, or someone with more time, you shouldn't. :/

6. Do you have a working Mic and do you have skype?
  • Yes. I use the inbuilt mac microphone, but audio quality in Skype seems to be alright. (You've been in Vent with me.)
  • English isn't my native language, so I sometimes communicate less than perfectly.

7. Is your twink BiS? I am willing to overlook Skill > AGM but only that item.
  • No AGM and still missing Satchel Cloak.
Hi, I am interested in Joining the A-Team Premade.

1. (Armory Page goes here)
Bizr @ Aerie Peak - Game Guide - World of Warcraft

2. (Do you meet Every Requirement Listed Above? if not, Which ones do you feel you don't meet?)
I don't have the required addon. Simple fix. May need help possibly getting used to how it works. Hopefully the addon works on my computer.

3. (Are you, or can you, be available every Thursday Night?)
I'm sure I can work something out. I would need more detail on exact realm times.

4. (What PvP experience do you have?)
Tons of WsG experience. Mediocre AB experience. A good understanding of twinking at low lvl from experiences in 19s.

5. (Why Should I choose you over Everyone else?)
Bizr comes before Lazertag, Salfir, Tbagr, and Tentacleman in the alphabet.

6. (Do you have a working Mic and do you have skype?)
I have a working mic, but no Skype. Again, another simple fix.

7. (Is your twink BiS? I am willing to overlook Skill > AGM but only that item.)
My twink is BiZ.
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Uh, so I'm sorry Çer, I have a serious scheduling problem. D: Still applying, but might be problematic. Hope Golden comes back. ^^

Hi, I am interested in joining the A-Team Premade on my Holy Paladin.

1. Swagduffle (occasionally logged out in a costume)

2. Requirements I don't meet / only partially meet:
  • Skill: I still fail to fake-cast too often, partially due to sucking, partially due to high latency from EU. I try my best though. And I'm definitely not better than you. :p

3. Thursdays: My biggest problem. I can't be available every Thursday night. (Also Thursday night is Friday morning for me.)
  • I could be available from about 9 pm server time til (relatively) open end for the next two Thursdays (August 2 and 9). Following that I will need to take a two week break from WoW.
  • I would be available again on most, but not all Thursdays from August 30 only from 8 to 10 pm server time due to work and school restraints. -_-

4. PvP experience:
  • F2P bracket is the first time I enjoyed PvP in WoW. Does Quake III count?

5. Why Should I choose you over Everyone else?
  • If a better Holy Paladin applies, or someone with more time, you shouldn't. :/

6. Do you have a working Mic and do you have skype?
  • Yes. I use the inbuilt mac microphone, but audio quality in Skype seems to be alright. (You've been in Vent with me.)
  • English isn't my native language, so I sometimes communicate less than perfectly.

7. Is your twink BiS? I am willing to overlook Skill > AGM but only that item.
  • No AGM and still missing Satchel Cloak.

Adding you as Main. However you most likely will be replaced as a Sub.

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