I hope.Adding you as Main. However you most likely will be replaced as a Sub.
I hope.Adding you as Main. However you most likely will be replaced as a Sub.
Hi, I am interested in Joining the A-Team Premade.
1. (Armory Page goes here)
Bizr @ Aerie Peak - Game Guide - World of Warcraft
2. (Do you meet Every Requirement Listed Above? if not, Which ones do you feel you don't meet?)
I don't have the required addon. Simple fix. May need help possibly getting used to how it works. Hopefully the addon works on my computer.
3. (Are you, or can you, be available every Thursday Night?)
I'm sure I can work something out. I would need more detail on exact realm times.
4. (What PvP experience do you have?)
Tons of WsG experience. Mediocre AB experience. A good understanding of twinking at low lvl from experiences in 19s.
5. (Why Should I choose you over Everyone else?)
Bizr comes before Lazertag, Salfir, Tbagr, and Tentacleman in the alphabet
6. (Do you have a working Mic and do you have skype?)
I have a working mic, but no Skype. Again, another simple fix.
7. (Is your twink BiS? I am willing to overlook Skill > AGM but only that item.)
My twink is BiZ.
Hi, I am interested in Joining the A-Team Premade.
1. (Armory Page goes here)
2. (Do you meet Every Requirement Listed Above? if not, Which ones do you feel you don't meet?)
Yes I do.
3. (Are you, or can you, be available every Thursday Night?)
I should be, but during college I have Fridays off... Thirsty Thursdays =)
4. (What PvP experience do you have?)
I have been PvPing since vanilla and was a Glad S7 2v2.
5. (Why Should I choose you over Everyone else?)
I am Açai and I like Apples. In all honesty, this toon is kind of retired and I would show up for these premeds, but I can be a replacement for Zaxxo/Morgana.
6. (Do you have a working Mic and do you have skype?)
Yes and yes.
7. (Is your twink BiS? I am willing to overlook Skill > AGM but only that item.)
I am BiS for all paladin specs minus the quest reward overlaps for each. Yes, I also have AGM.
I would however, stack more hit to deal with the 24s.
Oh sorry, I would prefer ret, but if the holy slot is open and the ret is taken I can heal.
Hi, I am interested in Joining the A-Team Premade. I am Applying for the Role as: Num won qt (Oh wait, resto shaman)
1. (Armory Page goes here)
Check my signature
2. (Do you meet Every Requirement Listed Above? if not, Which ones do you feel you don't meet?)
Yup. Just need to grab that addon, no problem.
3. (Are you, or can you, be available every Thursday Night?)
4. (What PvP experience do you have?)
Played WoW 19 bracket 2007-2008, played f2p for almost a year
5. (Why Should I choose you over Everyone else?)
6. (Do you have a working Mic and do you have skype?)
7. (Is your twink BiS? I am willing to overlook Skill > AGM but only that item.)
Needs LFH but close enough I'd say
I can call targets fine; just need to know your general idea of CCing DPS vs Healers. I can make the calls, just would like to see if you have a preference.
Practice for that unrealistic goal is going to involve stomping pubs.Apparently reading does though.....
Kinda feel honored you made a new account just for me. Of course, it is entirely possible you are correct about my skills, if I have one big problem in life it would be a likelihood to overestimate my ability in certain tasks, it is a glaring fault in my personality no doubt and I thank you for your honesty, I will work to improve myself in the areas you outlined for melist full of terribles who spend the game afking out when they have the flag,farming/camping gy, farming mid, blaming the rest of the team for not being objective while farming mid/gy, blaming the rest of the team for the loss. i though this was a list of terribles until i saw zaxxo on the list.......now i think it is a joke list. have you kids ever seen zaxxo play LOL coming in with in undergeared 800hp LOL. now he comes with 1k+ but stills does shit like backpeddle, he has a slow reaction time and does not have field awareness LOL remove zaxxo if you really want an A team LOL
Practice for that unrealistic goal is going to involve stomping pubs.
Practice for that unrealistic goal is going to involve stomping pubs.
Hi, I am interested in Joining the A-Team Premade. I am Applying for the Role as: Sub Rogue
1. (Armory Page goes here)
Check the signature plz
2. (Do you meet Every Requirement Listed Above? if not, Which ones do you feel you don't meet?)
3. (Are you, or can you, be available every Thursday Night?)
like 90% of the time but not always
4. (What PvP experience do you have?)
68k rogue kills and most active rogue in arena
5. (Why Should I choose you over Everyone else?)
I wear my sunglasses at night
6. (Do you have a working Mic and do you have skype?)
yesh add zerazsa
7. (Is your twink BiS? I am willing to overlook Skill > AGM but only that item.)