MrCer's A-Team Premade - Looking for Participants

Hi, I am interested in Joining the A-Team Premade. I am Applying for the Role as: (Ret Pally)

1. (Armory Page goes here)
Versaop @ Aerie Peak - Game Guide - World of Warcraft

2. (Do you meet Every Requirement Listed Above? if not, Which ones do you feel you don't meet?)
Computer lags alot but I make it work :p.

3. (Are you, or can you, be available every Thursday Night?)

4. (What PvP experience do you have?)
Haven't Really 10v10 Premaded just pugmades but thats why I want to join.

5. (Why Should I choose you over Everyone else?)
I'm Good.

6. (Do you have a working Mic and do you have skype?)
Yes and Yes

7. (Is your twink BiS? I am willing to overlook Skill > AGM but only that item.)
Missing LFH, Resil Trinket, Boa chest but thats all and ill get my boa chest and maybe the Resil Trinket this weekend and hopefully my LFH Sunday.
Hi, I am interested in Joining the A-Team Premade. I am Applying for the Role as: Resto druid flag carrier/Surv hunter
1. Hida @ Aerie Peak - Game Guide - World of Warcraft and Osoosi @ Aerie Peak - Game Guide - World of Warcraft

2. I do meet every requirement, except my hunter is missing his resil trinket, which will be fixed within 400 honor

3. I am free thursdays, including when school starts, only way this can change is if i find a new job

4. Been twinkling in the f2p bracket for almost 7 months now, and lots of arena experience at end game levels

5. Good communication, lots of patience, and plenty of experience doing strong premeds

6. Yes i have Skype and a working mic

7. Yes both of my twins are BiS, except for the above mentioned resil trinket on my hunter

Looks great! Adding you as a sub for both your hunter and druid.

Hi, I am interested in Joining the A-Team Premade. I am Applying for the Role as: (Ret Pally)

1. (Armory Page goes here)
Versaop @ Aerie Peak - Game Guide - World of Warcraft

2. (Do you meet Every Requirement Listed Above? if not, Which ones do you feel you don't meet?)
Computer lags alot but I make it work :p.

3. (Are you, or can you, be available every Thursday Night?)

4. (What PvP experience do you have?)
Haven't Really 10v10 Premaded just pugmades but thats why I want to join.

5. (Why Should I choose you over Everyone else?)
I'm Good.

6. (Do you have a working Mic and do you have skype?)
Yes and Yes

7. (Is your twink BiS? I am willing to overlook Skill > AGM but only that item.)
Missing LFH, Resil Trinket, Boa chest but thats all and ill get my boa chest and maybe the Resil Trinket this weekend and hopefully my LFH Sunday.

Unfortunately you're not quite what we are looking for. You're missing BoA gear, incorrect neck, missing enchantments, professions aren't finished, and there are much better ways to get hit capped than the route you're taking.

Declining your app for now. However your toon is headed in the right direction. Thank you!

@OP - The Subs are filling up fast! I know quite a few priests who I have in mind that I was hoping that they would apply. You still have a week to apply. Sadly I am only making room for 2 subs and 1 Main. I believe every main spot has be filled(but if you're geared enough and I know how well you play; you may end up taking their place). If I could get every sub filled before next week(the 9th of Aug) than we will probably start practicing earlier.

Thank you everyone for the positive comments and feedback.

@Deadvulcano - It saddens me we couldn't have you be apart of this premade. Thank you though :)
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@OP - The Subs are filling up fast! I know quite a few priests who I have in mind that I was hoping that they would apply. You still have a week to apply. Sadly I am only making room for 2 subs and 1 Main.

If you are thinking of other priests, and they want to be in, you can kick me out then. Doesnt matter to me. Seems like you have it figured out kinda who you want
If you are thinking of other priests, and they want to be in, you can kick me out then. Doesnt matter to me. Seems like you have it figured out kinda who you want

Nah don't worry about it :)
Adding this to the first page as well:

Training Starts @9pm Server Time on Wednesday and Thursday on the 8th and 9th.

If everything goes well, we can start matches against 24s as soon as the 15th/16th.

We still have plenty of room for more Subs. Please keep the applications coming!
I have, along with several f2p twinks, a semi-p2p druid. If I were to re-gear him to have no p2p items or enchantments, could I apply for the third spot of an FC druid? Armory page in the signature.

link ur armory after you have fixed his gear.
Still looking for a Sub for:

Ret Paladin
Sub Rogue
Destro Lock
Back from vacation... I'm down to roflstomp some 24s!

Hi, I am interested in Joining the A-Team Premade. I am Applying for the Role as: (Role goes here)

1. (Armory Page goes here)

2. (Do you meet Every Requirement Listed Above? if not, Which ones do you feel you don't meet?)

3. (Are you, or can you, be available every Thursday Night?)
Most likely. But real life > WoW, so if stuff comes up...

4. (What PvP experience do you have?)

5. (Why Should I choose you over Everyone else?)
I have a lot of achievement points
inb4 bizr v salfir competition

6. (Do you have a working Mic and do you have skype?)

7. (Is your twink BiS? I am willing to overlook Skill > AGM but only that item.)
Missing ivycloth like a noob

Edit: Just a note, I think aff may be a better choice for your warlock spot than destro. If you have all the DPS dedicated to taking out the kill target then they will likely drop too fast to get off a conflagrate. Aff, on the other hand, can pressure the entire enemy team a bit better while still providing all of the CC of destro. The difference is slight... but just throwing this out there
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