Most viable hunter spec?

That wasn't a jab at you personally. Just one directed to all hunters. Sensitive much?

Yes, I Get offended when you offend any hunter or even the class Hunter. I am Oneshot. I am writing shit right now idk why you are reading this.
It really makes me sick how alliance hunters get all this extra agility, crit , armor and stamina from the unfair gear. If it wasn't for blood fury I would have already changed to a night elf hunter. It is in those 15 seconds where I can squeeze out more dps than a fully twinked alliance hunter, but even with that being said its tough to bring one down 1v1 with that extra stamina/agil they get if they get the first hit on me or we hit each other at the same time especially if I don't pop blood fury.
I think that strength should add to your pets dps as well. Why is this bracket so unfair to horde hunters? How about some exclusive horde rings or leg options? I just don't understand and I don't think I ever will. Why would Strength boost horde hunters melee attack but not their pets? This game blows my mind. LOL, ok I am done raging.
I will say this about BM, KC has been killing me more than ever. It sucks bad when you are low on health and disengage but a pet is chasing you and kill commands from 20 feet away. So the hunter can deal significant damage to you with his pet and be like 80 yards away, a nice move to have in your arsenal but not as useful as explosive shot would be.
Fujin0 summed up survival pretty well. Good mobility and burst.

I really shouldnt do this but YOU MAD BROH!? I'm sorry.
It wasn't directed at you! It was directed at you and every other hunter out there.

Well, that obviously helps your case and clarifies things.

Personally, who cares what you think?

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LoL, yeah a little. It was my first character and I didn't know about the unfair gear, all well.

And u can get LFH which haves more 4sta then eyepatch.

The only diference btw horde and ally agility classes is legs and head:

17sta 11agi 11hit Vs 25sta 17agi 8hit
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The only diference is eyepatch.

And u can get LFH which haves more 4sta then eyepatch.

The only diference btw horde and ally agility classes is legs and head:

17sta 11agi 11hit Vs 25sta 17agi 8hit

You forgot Ello's Band. I would love having that over Protectors band. That is a lot of extra stats horde agility users get cheated out of.
BM is pointless now without intim (idc how much dmg kc does) so there should be no1 who's BM

Ridiculous. You of all people should understand the advantages of all the specs. Yes surv has the best dps when you mash at peoples faces from point blank.
BM offers so much more utility, with or without intimidate. Engaging enemies becomes a dance around 40 yards, you move in to dot, steady, mend pet, move back out of their range to kc kc. BM requires the hunter to control their pet with more precision, while allowing them to manage both kc / pet stun targets and arcane shot / scatter targets simultaneously. It requires more finesse, you can 100% people, you can los / range while still putting out dps.
Honestly, im a bit tired of this bis spec nonsense, I dont care what class it is. The OP uses "viable" not "max dps" so to rule out the other specs of one of the most powerful dps classes is "ridiculous."
IMO, I find marksman to be a bit clunky, but it too has advantages with its disadvantages.
Surv internal monologue v. good BM: "wait hes out of range, wait my pet doesn't do anything, wait his pet is eating my face, wait lil told me Id be real good."
Ridiculous. You of all people should understand the advantages of all the specs. Yes surv has the best dps when you mash at peoples faces from point blank.
BM offers so much more utility, with or without intimidate. Engaging enemies becomes a dance around 40 yards, you move in to dot, steady, mend pet, move back out of their range to kc kc. BM requires the hunter to control their pet with more precision, while allowing them to manage both kc / pet stun targets and arcane shot / scatter targets simultaneously. It requires more finesse, you can 100% people, you can los / range while still putting out dps.
Honestly, im a bit tired of this bis spec nonsense, I dont care what class it is. The OP uses "viable" not "max dps" so to rule out the other specs of one of the most powerful dps classes is "ridiculous."
IMO, I find marksman to be a bit clunky, but it too has advantages with its disadvantages.
Surv internal monologue v. good BM: "wait hes out of range, wait my pet doesn't do anything, wait his pet is eating my face, wait lil told me Id be real good."

Explosive shot ticks 250-300 crits vs. a 300-400 KC crit? It is obvious what spec is better. You can max-range in any spec not just BM. Explosive shot deals like 3-4 times the damage a BM pet does.
You are right jajaja.

Even though I can do everything a BM could do in survival, while doing more damage. I can LoS serpent sting DoT, and send my pet after them in survival too. I can move away right before that spell is about to get cast off to cancel it, then come right back in range and start shooting.
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