EU+US Most out of Racials as F2P

I would assume with the Human and Blood Elf racials nerfed; Tauren, Undead and Gnomes got a bump for their racial's value.
I would assume with the Human and Blood Elf racials nerfed; Tauren, Undead and Gnomes got a bump for their racial's value.
Yall still acting like dwarves don't exist
[doublepost=1532032137,1532031918][/doublepost]Side note: don't feel like trading aoe silence for aoe purge is really a nerf. It's a hell of a situational buff
Oh, did rogues start doing damage again?
I'll have to test that out, then.

Prior to this patch, F2P rogues hit like a wet noodle and I mostly used mine for CC and distracting people.
worgen druids
for that double dash yo
Also good for rogues and warriors.

Rogues to supplement no sprint (And not everyone has Speed pot) and it's a great gap closer for warriors since they don't get double charge or leap.
Undead should be t1 racial, touch of the grave has a really high ppm and heals for around 10% at lvl20
Usually only ever accounts for 4% of my damage when going thru an instance

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