EU+US Most missed Gfd items...


•ßøbbÿ• ;p
Title says it all,
We all know that feeling when we watch a level 10 twink video from vanilla... Or see a lifeblood in our bank, or even gear. Let's try to remember the best items that have been since removed from the game, and what you want to see come back :) Btw I'm still going to be hosting guild wars if sponsor is still down with idea :p I just need a few more peeps to do WSG.
Granted I have all these on any of my 10's I really care about but it sucks I can't get them anymore on any new 10 I make as some of them were via seriously epic Quest chains. Also BoA is superior to pretty much everything listed here so kind of moot, except nostalgia ofc. Enjoy this brief stroll down memory lane.

Gloves of the Moon
Beastmaster's Girdle
Ring of Scorn
Crescent Staff
Jackseed Belt
Featherbead Bracers
Ghastly Trousers
Acidproof Cloak
Branding Rod (stupidly OP Wand back in the day, even without stats)
Ward of the Vale (still to this day the highest Armor value of any Shield at 10)
Cobalt Buckler
Gargoyle Leggings
Rambling Boots

There's more than what I listed but I can't be bothered to remember them all or dig through all my Twink's Banks/Bags to find them lol. Now of the things I no longer have due to not being one of the lucky ones who had them GB'd or being one of the ones Blizz successfully removed:

I'd love all of these. but it's only the swag points as its just a MINOR difference in actual damage, that's why i don't really care about it ^^
I'd love all of these. but it's only the swag points as its just a MINOR difference in actual damage, that's why i don't really care about it ^^
It's possible come Legion that some of those old GF'd items will regain BiS status due to iLvL stacking for BG's, but we'll have to wait to see for certain.
It's possible come Legion that some of those old GF'd items will regain BiS status due to iLvL stacking for BG's, but we'll have to wait to see for certain.
And as of now i seriously would like those items of course, who wouldn't right , - But the thing about 10 twinking is the self-builds, you can't be bis as there are many builds. As in MS, haste, Crit, Versa (Which is very dull and boring). I'm currently in a MS/Haste set which does AMAZING proc damage with sublety passives, this is what is important instead of the many minor changes, of course if you want the best you should have them :)
Ilvl stacking will be exactly same as wod.
Correct only to a point. In Legion Gear/Enchants/Set Bonuses/Gems are all disabled. Only iLvL effects the pre-determined value given to each Class/Level by Blizz.
Lmao I know nothing about legion scaling... Is highest Ilvl best ?
In Legion every Class/Level is given a static iLvL value for BG's. For every 1 average iLvL higher you have than that static number you gain 0.1% Stats, thus iLvL stacking could become the new BiS in BG's come Legion, but we won't know for sure until it's out.
But the thing about 10 tinking is the self-builds, you can't be bis as there are many builds. As in MS, haste, Crit, Versa (Which is very dull and boring). I'm currently in a MS/Haste set which does AMAZING proc damage with sublety passives, this is what is important instead of the many minor changes, of course if you want the best you should have them :)
Outside of BG's come Legion you are absolutely correct. But there will likely ONLY be iLvL stacking builds for BG's once 7.0 hits in ~2mo without Enchants being active.

Also, get ready for Speed Pot abuse come Legion when everyone is dumped down to base speed without the Cloak or Boots Enchant for +20%.

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