Most Gimped class


Just need an opinion.....What is the most gimped class at the moment. Reason is I really enjoy a challenge and want to see what I can do with a class thats severely lacking. I enjoy my rogue and resto shammy but want to try something new.

Thanks in advance
If you're informing us that rogues are gimped. You are definitely wrong, They are probably the most OP class.
UmpteenthTwink said:
If you're informing us that rogues are gimped. You are definitely wrong, They are probably the most OP class.

Not saying rogues are gimped at all....Rogue was my first twink and I've had alot of success with it. Made a resto shammy and had alot of fun with him (yes my ass is handed to me alot but I still enjoy it). All I was asking is what other class might make for a decent challenge.
Valintyne said:
Not saying rogues are gimped at all....Rogue was my first twink and I've had alot of success with it. Made a resto shammy and had alot of fun with him (yes my ass is handed to me alot but I still enjoy it). All I was asking is what other class might make for a decent challenge.

Ahh i see. I was confsued on what you said.
Clips said:
Hunter bro

Not a fan of facerollz....Unlike alot of kids who enjoy the FotM, I enjoy a bit of a challenge where skill is involved rather than sitting around watching a movie while hitting one or 2 buttons and ocassionally looking up at the computer.
Shaman or Warrior, however - Shadow Priests are quite terrible also.


UmpteenthTwink said:
If you're informing us that rogues are gimped. You are definitely wrong, They are probably the most OP class.

Thank you poster #10. ...Shamans aren't entirely gimped, just Restoration spec. Elemental and Enhance make great specs when played efficiently.
Warrior imo, mostly cause I played mine pre shattering. They're still effective but definately only for someone who wants a challenge.
Warrior has my vote as well. Cataclysm's changes made warriors completely lame. I've been thinking of switching my prot warrior to arms just to check out how it plays at 19 (I have an 85 arms warrior.)
holy paladins, prot paladins, and hunters.....are most gimped classes in 19.

they lack survivability and have to be played with great skill

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