Most Gimped class

I don't see too many warlocks, and they do not seem to hard to take down. Another option on the table maybe. Your choice man.
Well......Warrior it is....started him up last night and if all goes well be ready to go sunday (hoping for Fishing Hat). Although AGM-less for a bit everything else is a go. Lets see what we can do with this bad boy.
Anyone who said resto shaman... They are not gimped or anything like this they are just not playable. I wouldn't recommend anyone rolling a resto shammy
ironically, theres something you all missed.

something less played than fire mages and resto shamans..

combat rogues! x)
chíll said:
ironically, theres something you all missed.

something less played than fire mages and resto shamans..

combat rogues! x)

not true. if you look at the scrub-rogues in the bgs, they're either LOL 2X DAGGERZ, or combat-idiots.
yeah alright, i was referring to any GOOD combat rogues :\
and how did that combat work out for ya? ^^
cool, i'll have to try it some time =)
why does everyone think spriest are bad? i got Wrecking ball on mine the other day, and he has like 1.5k hp and 2k mana...the spriest is not as broken as it was in wotlk
because any healer, at all, can outdps you with ease? =) only things you REALLY punt are warriors, rogues and paladins.. and even a good pala will prolly own a good spriest.. :S

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