Hello, fluffy druids inc. Dis is bend speaking. I see u what knowledge of the heals. Well you are in luck cause dis is my guide to healing and looking cute while doing it <3
Table of Contents: (Patch 5.4)
Thank you for taking the time to read this guide. Before reading this guide, please read these notes:
Gear Notes:
(!) - This Symbol means that this item is apart of a quest that has another BiS item for a different spec. If you choose to use to use this item, you will not be able to reach BiS(Best in Slot) for a different spec/role; this is because both items are rewards from the same quest.
(?) - This Symbol means it is a rare item. This may mean it is BoE or it will require you to farm in many misc ways. If you find yourself needing this item to reach BiS, then you will need to farm it.
List of Acronyms:
BiS = Best in Slot
FC = Flag Carry(Carrying, Carrier, etc)
LoS = Line of Sight
oom = Out of Mana
BoE = Bind of Equip
BoP = Bind of Pickup
BoA = Bind on Account
AoE = Area of Effect
PvP = Player versus Player
PvE = Player versus Environment
So you Want to be a Cow . Well lucky you we have the cutest Cow that ever was with us today to give you some tips on how to play a fluffy farm dweller. Lets hear what he has to say !
-"MOOooooOOOO" - Bop
Wow talk about some words of wisdom. If you didn't catch that lets look at some of the cow's unique characteristics.
Ahh yes so you want to play a troll. Well lets see what makes you such a Cool Cat. #buhdunhchhh
Lets talk choices now . Cows will have the highest SPAM healing in Wod. The 2% crit healing increase is basically a 2% buff to regrowth. Trolls will have the highest burst healing with their haste racial even though it becomes 15% in wod. Cows are best in arenas trolls are best for people with a "glass cannon" mentality.
Night Elf
So you want to be a Cute AND sneaky? Well then nelf might be for you !
Got the urge to bite things ? A unhealthy love of twilight? Perhaps a wolf is for you.
Aberration: Tree huggers with a dark side !
Darkflight: Run faster than nyan cat.
Viciousness: Makes your green numbers bigger more often.
[-.-]Two Forms: Nothing like a lil rp in gold shire.
So you are choosing which race to play on alliance. Its REALLY easy to choose. If you are going to fc go worgen but if you are healing night elf is superior in every single aspect. Their racials are more beneficial to mid healing and they have higher base movement speed, intelect, spirit, and 1% haste>1% crit from worgen racial.
Hello, fluffy druids inc. Dis is bend speaking. I see u what knowledge of the heals. Well you are in luck cause dis is my guide to healing and looking cute while doing it <3
Table of Contents: (Patch 5.4)
- I. Hello
- II.Races
- III.Talents
- IV.Professions
- V. Gear
- VI. Macros
- VII. PvP Tips
Thank you for taking the time to read this guide. Before reading this guide, please read these notes:
Gear Notes:
(!) - This Symbol means that this item is apart of a quest that has another BiS item for a different spec. If you choose to use to use this item, you will not be able to reach BiS(Best in Slot) for a different spec/role; this is because both items are rewards from the same quest.
(?) - This Symbol means it is a rare item. This may mean it is BoE or it will require you to farm in many misc ways. If you find yourself needing this item to reach BiS, then you will need to farm it.
List of Acronyms:
BiS = Best in Slot
FC = Flag Carry(Carrying, Carrier, etc)
LoS = Line of Sight
oom = Out of Mana
BoE = Bind of Equip
BoP = Bind of Pickup
BoA = Bind on Account
AoE = Area of Effect
PvP = Player versus Player
PvE = Player versus Environment
So you Want to be a Cow . Well lucky you we have the cutest Cow that ever was with us today to give you some tips on how to play a fluffy farm dweller. Lets hear what he has to say !
Wow talk about some words of wisdom. If you didn't catch that lets look at some of the cow's unique characteristics.
- Cultivation: Your natural tendencies to graze helps you pick stuff faster. ....... OM NOM NOM
- Endurance: You're a little beefier.... hahaha ..... get it ?
- Nature Resistance: Helps keep ur hide nice and clean.
- War Stomp: Super effective vs gnomes...
. - In wod they also gain a new racial passive ability that increases Critical Strike bonus damage and healing done by 2%.
- Beast Slaying: Helps u kill those pesky hunter pets. (pvp use removed in Wod)
- Berserking: VROOM VROOOM cast real fast. (Becomes 15% in Wod)
- Da Voodoo Shuffle: helps with dance moves.
- Regeneration: anything helps.
Lets talk choices now . Cows will have the highest SPAM healing in Wod. The 2% crit healing increase is basically a 2% buff to regrowth. Trolls will have the highest burst healing with their haste racial even though it becomes 15% in wod. Cows are best in arenas trolls are best for people with a "glass cannon" mentality.
Night Elf
So you want to be a Cute AND sneaky? Well then nelf might be for you !
- Nature Resistance: Cause you hug trees.
- Quickness: Quickness now also increases movement speed by 2% in addition to increasing Dodge chance by 2%.
- [-.-]Touch of Elune is a new passive ability which increases Haste by 1% at night, and Critical Strike Chance by 1% during the day.
- Shadowmeld: Activate to slip into the shadows, reducing the chance for enemies to detect your presence. Lasts until cancelled or upon moving. Any threat is restored versus enemies still in combat upon cancellation of this effect.
- Wisp Spirit: Transform into a wisp upon death, increasing speed by 75%.
Got the urge to bite things ? A unhealthy love of twilight? Perhaps a wolf is for you.
Aberration: Tree huggers with a dark side !
Darkflight: Run faster than nyan cat.
Viciousness: Makes your green numbers bigger more often.
[-.-]Two Forms: Nothing like a lil rp in gold shire.
So you are choosing which race to play on alliance. Its REALLY easy to choose. If you are going to fc go worgen but if you are healing night elf is superior in every single aspect. Their racials are more beneficial to mid healing and they have higher base movement speed, intelect, spirit, and 1% haste>1% crit from worgen racial.
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