Originally, I was going to make a guide of ALL the changes F2Ps will be effected by in MoP, but after completing the Druid section, I have decided that it is a TON of changes to cover by myself, and I may in the future, detail them, but not at this point in time. Most of these changes are subtle results of the changes to the talent system and the removal of a TON of glyphs. Also, due to the numerous changes, I have not included changes that passively increase stats and things along those lines (such as Heart of the Wild). I should also note that all of these changes apply to 19s, the only things that don't are ability removals. Enjoy.
<Thread up to date as of Tuesday April 3rd>
-Cat Form now has a base speed of 115%, rather than the current 100%. Energy will now regen in the background as if you have the furor talent.
-Bear Form will now also instantly grant the caster 10 rage.
-Maul now has a 20% increase in damage to bleeding targets. This is a change from Maul which has its damage increased by abilities that increase bleed damage (Mangle)
-Wrath now has a base cast time of 2 seconds, down from 2.5 seconds.
-Starfire now has a base cast time of 2.7 seconds, down from 3.2 seconds.
-Claw has been replaced entirely by Mangle
-Druids gain access to Lacerate.
-Druids gain access to passive Feline Grace.
-Druids not in the appropriate specialization will lose the following abilities: Regrowth (Restoration) and Nourish (Restoration).
-Due to a level requirement change, Druids will no longer have access to Swipe, Omen of Clarity (N/A to 19s), Rebirth (N/A to 19s).
-Thorns, Insect Swarm (N/A to 19s), and Demoralizing Roar have been removed altogether.
-Eclipse now gains the passive bonuses one would normally talent into: Solar Eclipse changes your Moonfire into Sunfire, and for the duration of the eclipse Starfire will refresh the duration of Moonfire and Wrath will refresh the duration of Sunfire. Upon reaching eclipse, you will also gain 15% spell haste for 15 seconds (What used to be Nature's Grace), and gain 35% of your maximum mana.
-Balance gains passive Celestial Focus, reducing spell pushback by 70% for Wrath, Starfire, and Entangling Roots
-Balance gains access to Moonkin Form, increasing Nature and Arcane damage dealt by 10% and reducing all damage taken by 15%. Healing spells cannot be casted while in Moonkin Form.
-Balance loses access to Balance of Power
-Balance loses access to an on demand Nature's Grace (See above).
Tiger's Fury - Feral now gains Tiger's Fury at level 12 in its talented form that restores 60 energy. It is otherwise unchanged.
Shred - Feral also gains Shred which, similar to the new maul, gets a damage increase on bleeding targets rather than having its damage increased by abilities that increase bleed damage (Mangle).
Savage Roar - Feral gains access to Savage Roar as well, which now increases all physical damage done by 30% for the duration of the buff, with it lasting longer depending on the number of combo points used, instead of the Cata version which increases auto attack damage by 80%.
-Feral loses access to Predator’s Swiftness
-Feral loses access to Primal Fury
-Feral loses access to Infected wounds.
-Furor is now passive for all specs.
-Gains access to Savage Defense. Which reduces physical damage taken by 40% for 6 seconds, costing 60 rage.
-Gains access to Vengeance (Not gained from players as of patch 4.3).
-Swiftmend now also heals the three most injured allies within 8 yards of the swiftmend target for an amount that seems to be slightly lesser than the swiftmend initial heal over 7 seconds, ticking every 1 second.
-Nourish now has a cast time of 2.5 seconds baseline, as if you specced into the talent.
-Gains Nature’s Focus, reducing spell pushback while casting Regrowth, Entangling Roots, and Nourish.
-Regrowth now has a baseline 60% increased chance to crit, and (from what I can tell) each time the Regrowth HoT heals someone under 50% health, the HoT will refresh in duration.
-Restoration loses the passive ability to shapeshift out of roots.
All MoP changes can be seen here, this is just a convenient compilation. I have used the wowhead talent calculator for changes.
Everyone should also keep in mind that as always, information is subject to change, and as such any posts about updated changes in the MoP talent calculator would be appreciated.
If I have missed something, got something wrong, or skipped something you feel should be included, please speak up.
<Thread up to date as of Tuesday April 3rd>
-Cat Form now has a base speed of 115%, rather than the current 100%. Energy will now regen in the background as if you have the furor talent.
-Bear Form will now also instantly grant the caster 10 rage.
-Maul now has a 20% increase in damage to bleeding targets. This is a change from Maul which has its damage increased by abilities that increase bleed damage (Mangle)
-Wrath now has a base cast time of 2 seconds, down from 2.5 seconds.
-Starfire now has a base cast time of 2.7 seconds, down from 3.2 seconds.
-Claw has been replaced entirely by Mangle
-Druids gain access to Lacerate.
-Druids gain access to passive Feline Grace.
-Druids not in the appropriate specialization will lose the following abilities: Regrowth (Restoration) and Nourish (Restoration).
-Due to a level requirement change, Druids will no longer have access to Swipe, Omen of Clarity (N/A to 19s), Rebirth (N/A to 19s).
-Thorns, Insect Swarm (N/A to 19s), and Demoralizing Roar have been removed altogether.
-Eclipse now gains the passive bonuses one would normally talent into: Solar Eclipse changes your Moonfire into Sunfire, and for the duration of the eclipse Starfire will refresh the duration of Moonfire and Wrath will refresh the duration of Sunfire. Upon reaching eclipse, you will also gain 15% spell haste for 15 seconds (What used to be Nature's Grace), and gain 35% of your maximum mana.
-Balance gains passive Celestial Focus, reducing spell pushback by 70% for Wrath, Starfire, and Entangling Roots
-Balance gains access to Moonkin Form, increasing Nature and Arcane damage dealt by 10% and reducing all damage taken by 15%. Healing spells cannot be casted while in Moonkin Form.
-Balance loses access to Balance of Power
-Balance loses access to an on demand Nature's Grace (See above).
Tiger's Fury - Feral now gains Tiger's Fury at level 12 in its talented form that restores 60 energy. It is otherwise unchanged.
Shred - Feral also gains Shred which, similar to the new maul, gets a damage increase on bleeding targets rather than having its damage increased by abilities that increase bleed damage (Mangle).
Savage Roar - Feral gains access to Savage Roar as well, which now increases all physical damage done by 30% for the duration of the buff, with it lasting longer depending on the number of combo points used, instead of the Cata version which increases auto attack damage by 80%.
-Feral loses access to Predator’s Swiftness
-Feral loses access to Primal Fury
-Feral loses access to Infected wounds.
-Furor is now passive for all specs.
-Gains access to Savage Defense. Which reduces physical damage taken by 40% for 6 seconds, costing 60 rage.
-Gains access to Vengeance (Not gained from players as of patch 4.3).
-Swiftmend now also heals the three most injured allies within 8 yards of the swiftmend target for an amount that seems to be slightly lesser than the swiftmend initial heal over 7 seconds, ticking every 1 second.
-Nourish now has a cast time of 2.5 seconds baseline, as if you specced into the talent.
-Gains Nature’s Focus, reducing spell pushback while casting Regrowth, Entangling Roots, and Nourish.
-Regrowth now has a baseline 60% increased chance to crit, and (from what I can tell) each time the Regrowth HoT heals someone under 50% health, the HoT will refresh in duration.
-Restoration loses the passive ability to shapeshift out of roots.
All MoP changes can be seen here, this is just a convenient compilation. I have used the wowhead talent calculator for changes.
Everyone should also keep in mind that as always, information is subject to change, and as such any posts about updated changes in the MoP talent calculator would be appreciated.
If I have missed something, got something wrong, or skipped something you feel should be included, please speak up.
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