Im really excited for all the specs. Feral is no longer going to be the mangle spam spec, and it's going to hit really hard when you know the rotation. I imagine I will be picking up displacer beast for feral rather than wild charge. Im going to blow energy, rejuv, go cat, savage roar, then displacer beast. Then when I reopen it's like I have zerking? rofl dead. Assuming all goes well and mechanics are similar, they will have mangle and rake up, and a nice couple shreds will be painful.
I smart rdruid is going to be able to heal mid like never before with the buffs to swiftmend and regrowth, and wild charge is going to make FCing fun as hell for someone who can use it to their advantage.
Balance looks sexy. More damage done, Less damage taken, extra free haste.
All in all #druidfotm