try mogging that burgys hat and lantern bruvClothie Mog (Mogit does not work with my wow setup)
There's no Mail posting (because all the gear is ugly!), so I'll drop one in here.
If you want to put it on a BElf, there's the link:
they do not have mogit, and I cannot see the ally gear to make it in mogit for them.You can put the set together on your level 20. Save the gear and open it on a level 1 other character, not much extra work there.
I want to change my entry to this[MogIt:88g3Gc3GCh5m7jWbtp]
Not sure which to enter. Also, are hair style/color, race, and skin color included in the mogit code?
Falanah - [MogIt:eJFfmO3MTh2e0GseJvdGtdGy0FJdGBbaM]
Bubbagumpa - [MogIt:fkd1Nkh1Ph9w3X6dGc6Lz184fkpbbi]
Hienoch - [MogIt:cF72xHbaG2xL6242xGdw817T0lch99baK]
Falena - [MogIt:cFdfQnbaI77W1fq6kE4263nk0lWbti]
Salfir - [MogIt:cFl3Goh2p8gv0yY0Rmbbj]
Salphir - [MogIt:0FubaH3Gz3FD3FHbbj]