Mocha's Resignation

Who knows what may happen in the future... I'm not saying since Broken and I took on Moderator positions this site has been the cleanest that it has ever been..... I'm not saying that with the site being the cleanest it has ever been, we broke our activity record....... I'm not even saying that I enjoyed removing the problem causers from this site...... I am saying that I'm going to do what's right for not only you guys and myself... but for legacy... I'm going to do whatever it takes to ensure that the next generation of twinkers will be better off than the previous generation because that's simply what's most important and that's exactly what I'm going to do :cool:
It is probably for the best. Activity in the 15-19 forum has been soaring since the mods stepped down.
u ready to try LoL?
Oh I'm not going anywhere this close to a new expansion! Perhaps my interest may spike once I commit to where my upcoming classes will be.. I'm rather indecisive and there's a lot going on right now irl... between a new job, possibly becoming the new guitarist for a quite well known band (opened for avenged sevenfold for their first show, there's a hint ;)) and my GF there isn't much time I can dedicate to starting a new game =P

And @dory, you are so polite all the time and I'm very happy that TI is blessed to have you as a contributor to this site! Whenever you are rude to me on forums you are always so nice and friendly in ventrilo! Perhaps you should apply for Mod and take over since my efforts to improve the quality of posts and reduce the amount of trolling with the help of Shane and Broken proved fruitful.... Either way.... it gives me reassurance that people who talk trash on forums are just as two-faced as those in real life!

PS nice signature taken completely out of context! Very mature/professional for a school teacher to do on public forums ;)
You're going to be missed deeply as a mod and as a friend. I remember the first time you put me in check for getting a bit outta line but ever since then I've found my place as a happy-go-lucky guy on the forums despite having irl family issues (gf ditching with the kids mostly ><) but enough about me, I digress.

You were a great mod and have guided TI into the right direction, thank you for your service to this forum.
Welcome to the club, this site is drama-driven, more drama more activity. You did a very nice job! :)
I hate to say it but i found this twink community to be much nicer and friendlier than the majority of wow. With that being said WoW community wise is the worst game I've ever played. In madden poeple are always willing to help youg et one of that in madden.
I hate to say it but i found this twink community to be much nicer and friendlier than the majority of wow. With that being said WoW community wise is the worst game I've ever played. In madden poeple are always willing to help youg et one of that in madden.

It never used to be this way...

Then came wrath/cata, and our community was shattered :(

--> I haven't felt connected or truly part of a guild since BC ;(
It never used to be this way...

Then came wrath/cata, and our community was shattered :(

--> I haven't felt connected or truly part of a guild since BC ;(

The expansion was called the shattering. :p

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