Mistweaver possibly BiS?


So I figured that my upcoming BG team was going to need some solid healers and I made a monk :)

There is a serious lack of Mistweavers around right now so I will quickly mention that they are extremely strong healers. We've got mobility and utility with tiger's lust and a very strong gap creator with roll. You'll find that when playing a monk you won't be the target of many attacks because most people realize that its very hard to kill you without very strong CC.
We have some damage capability but if you do more than a few globals of dmg against a good team you are likely to fall behind on heals due to the lack of Chi Generated.

I'm no pro but I have a strong understanding of how the class is supposed to be played. With that being said I'd like to mention that with this gear setup I chose to prioritize Haste > Int > Stam = Crit. I've got no idea if this is the absolute best for heals per second but I can tell you I've faced a lot of good teams and I'm happy to say that this gear is extremely effective.

When or if you rate my setup please offer as much constructive criticism as you see fit. I'd appreciate your detailed input on why another item or setup would be stronger. Thank you:)
Yipmonk @ Bleeding Hollow - Community - World of Warcraft

*Edit* I've updated my trinket setup to 1 AGM and 1 PvP trinket. While this isn't optimal for healing output I find that it fits my partys aggressive play style in Random BGs. Heirloom hastes trinkets would be optimal for straight up healing without any risk though.(in my opinion anyway)

*Edit 2* Been a long time since I posted. I felt the need to make a note of my new ring/neck enchants. I'm just testing out what I think is optimal right now, which is haste. I'm currently able to heal with soothing mists at 1 tic per .85 seconds. It's pretty damn quick and seeing as how I gain mana while channeling the spell makes the ability easy to appreciate. Once I figure out what enchant I like most is when I'll upgrade the enchants to the rare quality version that offers more stats.

*Edit 3* Picked up http://www.wowhead.com/item=88279/robes-of-koegler and put some stam on them for shits and gigs. I might use them more often than my leather chest. For some reason I just feel bad getting rid of the leather.
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I saw possibly best in slot n I was tempted, lol let's take a look at ur gear (looks like a haste build)

helm: tattered boa ( haste build) no head haste enchant

Neck - ( haste build) sorcerer satchel has 2 more haste

Shoulder - haste enchant needed

Chest - better chest hp enchant

Wrist - light blade bracer 3 haste

gloves: u went to haste satchel gloves ( haste build) wild has 4 more haste

belt u went with high int but no haste would be 5 haste satchel belt

it seem like you were haste building on your armory.

^ Few options

Sorry i don't rate anymore, it hurts too many feelings. Plus derails threads, not that I care. /Tickle

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I saw possibly best in slot n I was tempted, lol let's take a look at ur gear (looks like a haste build)

helm: tattered boa ( haste build) no head haste enchant

Neck - ( haste build) sorcerer satchel has 2 more haste

Shoulder - haste enchant needed

Chest - better chest hp enchant

Wrist - light blade bracer 3 haste

gloves: u went to haste satchel gloves ( haste build) wild has 4 more haste

belt u went with high int but no haste would be 5 haste satchel belt

it seem like you were haste building on your armory.

^ Few options

Honey holds very valid points
I saw possibly best in slot n I was tempted, lol let's take a look at ur gear (looks like a haste build)

helm: tattered boa ( haste build) no head haste enchant

Neck - ( haste build) sorcerer satchel has 2 more haste

Shoulder - haste enchant needed

Chest - better chest hp enchant

Wrist - light blade bracer 3 haste

gloves: u went to haste satchel gloves ( haste build) wild has 4 more haste

belt u went with high int but no haste would be 5 haste satchel belt

it seem like you were haste building on your armory.

^ Few options

Sorry i don't rate anymore, it hurts too many feelings. Plus derails threads, not that I care. /Tickle

If I was to stack that much haste my throughput would go into the dirt. I see it like this. Whats the point of throwing heals out fast if they are not going to be effective?
With that thought in mind I put intellect very close to haste in my priority list.
Now with that being said I'd like to point out that you have made very good suggestions to max out haste (which would be rather insane when stacked with troll racial).

I'd like to comment on a few of the suggestions you've made though.
Helm: I wish I had an enchant :)

Shoulder: I didn't actually know there was a haste enchant, but I'm going to work on getting this asap! Can anyone confirm how it scales?? Maybe I'll just find out myself.

Chest: I wasn't sure on how stam enchants scaled so I assumed this was best. What is better?

Wrist: Funny thing about the wrist is that I was using lightblade bracers UNTIL..... This is where it gets good...... I spec'd Brewmaster and decided to solo gnomergan for a chance at getting leather int bracers... for shits and giggles.... Well I did 10 runs without seeing the rare and was about to give up on the grind that I had only just begun. So here I am waiting for the lockout, patiently, and when it resets I run through the instance skipping what mobs I can and then I see it. The rare spawn I had been trying to spawn for about an hour. So I kill it with no problems and guess what drops. 8 int bracers on my first kill. I've done countless gnomer runs on many alts and have never had luck like this. SO for that reason (me soloing gnomer and getting super lucky) I've decided to use the bracers for at least a little while to kind of gloat in my self-happiness.
^^TLDR^ Got 8 int bracers from gnomer first try
I do think lightblade bracers are VERY strong for any leather-wearer.

Gloves: Again I think that the mass amount of intel will benefit my team more when I throw out burst heals.
Belt: Same as above^

Thank you for helping me realize a few things I had not thought about prior to your post. You rule.
You are very right about me using a haste build (based on my armory) but I should make it clear that I am trying to maximize throughput, not exactly haste. I would consider my build a haste-heavy build though.

Ok so I got the new shoulder enchant http://www.wowhead.com/item=62343/greater-inscription-of-charged-lodestone
3 Int - 1 Haste at level 29
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Avoid both crit and haste and focus more on the primery stats like stamina, spirit and int. It is by far the best thing to do in this patch. :)
So I figured that my upcoming BG team was going to need some solid healers and I made a monk :)

There is a serious lack of Mistweavers around right now so I will quickly mention that they are extremely strong healers. We've got mobility and utility with tiger's lust and a very strong gap creator with roll. You'll find that when playing a monk you won't be the target of many attacks because most people realize that its very hard to kill you without very strong CC.
We have some damage capability but if you do more than a few globals of dmg against a good team you are likely to fall behind on heals due to the lack of Chi Generated.

I'm no pro but I have a strong understanding of how the class is supposed to be played. With that being said I'd like to mention that with this gear setup I chose to prioritize Haste > Int > Stam = Crit. I've got no idea if this is the absolute best for heals per second but I can tell you I've faced a lot of good teams and I'm happy to say that this gear is extremely effective.

When or if you rate my setup please offer as much constructive criticism as you see fit. I'd appreciate your detailed input on why another item or setup would be stronger. Thank you:)
Yipmonk @ Bleeding Hollow - Community - World of Warcraft

*Edit* I've updated my trinket setup to 1 AGM and 1 PvP trinket. While this isn't optimal for healing output I find that it fits my partys aggressive play style in Random BGs. Heirloom hastes trinkets would be optimal for straight up healing without any risk though.(in my opinion anyway)

Monk heals are underwhelming. Sure, you can roll around and lust people, but you have zero CC (not even Disable), no interrupt, and you lack the defensive CDs that WW/BM monks get. Surging Mists heals for roughly 300 non crits, Enveloping Mists ticks for roughly 300 non crits, Expel Harm heals for roughly 300 non crits, and Renewing Mists heals for about 50 per tick. Then you consider that you have to spam Soothing Mists non stop to get instant Surging Mists/Enveloping Mists (with Surging Mists as your main Chi builder), and you begin to realize just how underwhelming MW monks are.

They have 1.5 sec GCD (instead of 1.0 second like they had in MoP). Soothing Mists no longer generates Chi. Expel Harm is a 15 second CD, Renewing Mists an 8 second CD. Enveloping Mists is able to be purged. It literally takes 4.5 seconds to get off an Enveloping Mists, only to have it purged/dispelled by a priest/shaman. Stance Dancing to DPS is terrible, since you have no powerful abilities and your heals from damage suck.

So then you play a Shaman, who heals for 1100 Healing Surges (non crit), 400 Riptide (non crit), has Earth Shield, Wind Shear, Purge, Earthbind Totem/Frost shock, and Ghost Wolf, it becomes painfully clear which is the better class to play. Mind you, this is coming from someone who played two MW monks @ 90 in MoP, played MW monk @ 29 all through MoP, and actually likes the healing play style of monks.

Monks are trash healers right now.
Monk heals are underwhelming. Sure, you can roll around and lust people, but you have zero CC (not even Disable), no interrupt, and you lack the defensive CDs that WW/BM monks get. Surging Mists heals for roughly 300 non crits, Enveloping Mists ticks for roughly 300 non crits, Expel Harm heals for roughly 300 non crits, and Renewing Mists heals for about 50 per tick. Then you consider that you have to spam Soothing Mists non stop to get instant Surging Mists/Enveloping Mists (with Surging Mists as your main Chi builder), and you begin to realize just how underwhelming MW monks are.

They have 1.5 sec GCD (instead of 1.0 second like they had in MoP). Soothing Mists no longer generates Chi. Expel Harm is a 15 second CD, Renewing Mists an 8 second CD. Enveloping Mists is able to be purged. It literally takes 4.5 seconds to get off an Enveloping Mists, only to have it purged/dispelled by a priest/shaman. Stance Dancing to DPS is terrible, since you have no powerful abilities and your heals from damage suck.

So then you play a Shaman, who heals for 1100 Healing Surges (non crit), 400 Riptide (non crit), has Earth Shield, Wind Shear, Purge, Earthbind Totem/Frost shock, and Ghost Wolf, it becomes painfully clear which is the better class to play. Mind you, this is coming from someone who played two MW monks @ 90 in MoP, played MW monk @ 29 all through MoP, and actually likes the healing play style of monks.

Monks are trash healers right now.

Dude... NO, just NO. You have clearly played too little mw to have any sort of opinion, no offense. Yes, you are right about numbers more or less and the dmg and cc loss but you are also missing all the good sides. Ok, well u did mention the healing but come on. U compere the monk 300 healings to the shamans 1k+ surges? Use soothing mist, renewing mist and enveloping mist at the same time and u heal 1k per sec, actually even faster than that since u got the haste. No other class heals as much as a mw monk singletarget and have never done in low lvls. Yes, the Enveloping mist can be purged but with spammable chi gain by instant surging mists, renewing mist and expel harm u should have a new hot ready before before it's purged. U must also have in mind all the damage you loose by purging instead of damaging. One or two ticks of enveloping mist is enough, the purges have to be perfectly timed and u must play against a warrior to even consider it as bad.

This is also the patch of stun oneshots, how many healers can survive a stun by their own? Time a Enveloping mist together with renewing mist and u don't even need to trinket either pala stun or ww stun. Mw is one of the strongest healer atm, they are even better in bgs. I've been doing some premades and mw usually tops healing after priests something they never did before (except 19s). Play MW together with a offheal class and you will outlast any comp that doesn't oneshot you in arena aswell.

Monks are better now than ever, so far away from trash as u can get. This is from some1 who have played MW 19s, 29s, 70s and 90s since it came.
Dude... NO, just NO. You have clearly played too little mw to have any sort of opinion, no offense. Yes, you are right about numbers more or less and the dmg and cc loss but you are also missing all the good sides. Ok, well u did mention the healing but come on. U compere the monk 300 healings to the shamans 1k+ surges? Use soothing mist, renewing mist and enveloping mist at the same time and u heal 1k per sec, actually even faster than that since u got the haste. No other class heals as much as a mw monk singletarget and have never done in low lvls. Yes, the Enveloping mist can be purged but with spammable chi gain by instant surging mists, renewing mist and expel harm u should have a new hot ready before before it's purged. U must also have in mind all the damage you loose by purging instead of damaging. One or two ticks of enveloping mist is enough, the purges have to be perfectly timed and u must play against a warrior to even consider it as bad.

This is also the patch of stun oneshots, how many healers can survive a stun by their own? Time a Enveloping mist together with renewing mist and u don't even need to trinket either pala stun or ww stun. Mw is one of the strongest healer atm, they are even better in bgs. I've been doing some premades and mw usually tops healing after priests something they never did before (except 19s). Play MW together with a offheal class and you will outlast any comp that doesn't oneshot you in arena aswell.

Monks are better now than ever, so far away from trash as u can get. This is from some1 who have played MW 19s, 29s, 70s and 90s since it came.

I'm not saying MW monks are bad, but Willix has a good point. Shamans can do everything MW's can do.. but better. Put those two healers in the hands of good players and the shaman will win out in an Arena situation. MW's are forced to channel SM to even do any healing, and if he has to constantly stop channeling to avoid a shear, he's not putting ANY healing out. MW's are insanely vulnerable to hard CC.. and if they get trained it's game over. Shamans can slow, interrupt, have a strong healing HoT, earth shield, and strong nuke heals. Not to mention GW. Don't get me wrong, MW's are a great class, but to re-state the point I made at the begining of this post.. Shamans can do what they do, but way better.
For reference:

Munkz @ Ursin - Community - World of Warcraft

Trollguden said:
Dude... NO, just NO. You have clearly played too little mw to have any sort of opinion, no offense. Yes, you are right about numbers more or less and the dmg and cc loss but you are also missing all the good sides. Ok, well u did mention the healing but come on. U compere the monk 300 healings to the shamans 1k+ surges?

What else am I supposed to compare their heals to? Surging Mists is the Monk equivalent to Healing Surge. Both have a 1.5 second cast time. It's not my fault if the monk's 1.5 second cast time spell is underwhelming compared to the shaman's. Sure, you can spam it at instant speed if you channel Soothing Mists, that's still a 1.5 second GCD. You're not casting more than 1 Surging Mist every 1.5 seconds, unless you stack haste (which shamans can do as well). Even if I'm generous and say you can heal for 600 per second non crit (it's actually closer to 500 per second), Healing Surge by itself (not even with Riptide up) out heals it substantially (733 per second, without riptide up or Earth Shield to boost by 20%) and doesn't require that you cast two spells to get that much healing.

So yeah, when we have other healing classes available in the bracket, of course I'm going to compare the strongest throughput spells of monk to say, the strongest throughput spells of a shaman.

Trollguden said:
Use soothing mist, renewing mist and enveloping mist at the same time and u heal 1k per sec, actually even faster than that since u got the haste.

Other classes can stack haste too, it's not a factor here. If it takes 20% haste in order to match a shaman's healing output, what happens when a shaman has 20% haste too? Also, Renewing Mists heals for 40 per tick, it's literally a pointless spell, outside of getting 1 free chi, which is arguably terrible considering you're wasting 1 GCD to do it when you could have spent that GCD casting Surging Mists for 300 and gotten that same 1 chi.

You're also forgetting the heavy cost of even casting Enveloping Mists in the first place (3 chi). So if you start with Expel Harm (1.5 sec), Renewing Mists (1.5 sec), and then cast Sooting Mists (1.5 sec) > Surging Mists (1.5 sec), it's literally 6 seconds before you can even put Enveloping Mists on something. 6 seconds of getting dumped on while you're trying to get your dispellable hot onto someone so they don't die. What happens when you get kicked and the hot gets dispelled?

Your teammate dies, right? It's not like a competent player won't see this pile of spells coming.

You can spend 4 globals getting a hot on someone or you can just cast 4 Healing Surges and not have to care about being over pressured by dispels.

Trollguden said:
No other class heals as much as a mw monk singletarget and have never done in low lvls.

Considering there are no AoE heals at this level, all healers are single target healers. Since that's the case, and Shaman healing numbers easily dwarf MW monks, I would say you are flat out wrong.

Soothing Mists - 8 second channel, ticks every 1 second for 331 non crit, total of 2648 healing.
Surging Mists - 1.5 second cast, heals for 276.
Enveloping Mists - 1.5 second cast, ticks every 1 second for 316 non crit, total of 1896

So if you somehow manage to go uninterrupted, undispelled, you can heal for a minimum of 4986 (no crits, no haste factored) during your 6 second burst healing window of having Soothing Mists, ReM (negligible), and Enveloping Mists up, while spamming Surging Mists. It's not bad, if you have absolutely zero pressure incoming and you get flawless heals off. As a shaman, in that same window, I can heal for 6445, not including a second Riptide cast or having to stack spell casts on top of channels on top of hots (also not factoring haste/crit).

Trollguden said:
Yes, the Enveloping mist can be purged but with spammable chi gain by instant surging mists, renewing mist and expel harm u should have a new hot ready before before it's purged.

I'm not sure you really understand how detrimental having Enveloping Mists purged is. It's a hot that takes a minimum of 4 GCDs to put up. Purge/Dispel are instant casts with no cooldown, only requiring 1 GCD to effectively end your Enveloping Mists. A player can literally purge 4x as much as you can put up Enveloping Mists, no matter how skilled you are. That's just how the math works out.

Not to mention it's your biggest source of healing, so having it purged puts a significant dent in your throughput. Enveloping Mists is not like Renew or Rejuve where the caster can just spam them on GCD and dispelling them becomes a waste of time. It's literally mind numbingly easy to purge Enveloping Mists all day, and the Monk can't put up another one for 3 GCDs. That's if you're playing perfectly too. If you don't get kicked, if you get to channel Soothing Mists and rack up 3 more chi.

Surging Mists as a WW heals for roughly twice as much as it does as a MW. It's embarrassing.

I understand that you like the spec (me too), and you want it to be the best healing spec at this level.

It just isn't. Every other spec is better, especially in pvp where you have competent players using abilities that directly counter yours.
shame your opinion matters very little doesnt it? otherwise inc flame wars. kek

Let the flame wars begin. whend you make your 29 twink? Looks like last week kek.

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