Mists of Pandaria, what are you looking forward too?

Well today was a day I've really started thinking about Mists of Pandaria, nerfs, buffs, new items, skills, etc.
I don't really know all that much about what's coming, all I know so far is what I've heard in f2pchat and stumbled onto by accident, so I'll educate myself by starting a thread while I check out the MoPWowhead. :D

What is it you're looking forward to in Mists of Pandaria?

I myself (so far) am ecstatic about Druids getting Boomkin form, the added damage as well as the aesthetic bonus is welcomed greatly.
I cannot put into words how overjoyed I am that hunters are being nerfed, they'll undoubtably continue to be slightly overplayed for a while, but I think they might balance out given time.
Displacer Beast is going to be *FUN*, Blink, Vanish, and Cloak of shadows all in one? Yes please!

DemineonZ video is actually the reason my [url=http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/dawnbringer/mamimi/advanced]main[/url] is a druid.
[url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zm63Gmaxlho]Crank Dat Druid Boy - YouTube[/url]
 I had just dinged 80 on my first character in WotLK (a priest, my friends told me to play a priest because they needed a healer for their raids in <Honorbound> We actually became one of the top raid guilds on Dawnbringer until <Gentlemen of Leisure> transferred to our server to take that spot, effortlessly I might add) and I saw that video, I wasn't wanting to level a new character to 80 because that grind was unbearable (Took me FOURTEEN days play-time to hit 80. God damn.) So I decided my first twink would be a 49 balance druid (49 was the lowest level for boomkin form, and the highest level you could go without going against Death Knights, so it sounded perfect!)
I got the name [url=http://flcl.wikia.com/wiki/Mamimi_Samejima]Mamimi[/url] from my favorite anime, it's a rather popular one too so I was really happy the name wasn't taken (As it is taken on A LOT of servers) leveled to 49, it was my first time making a twink so I made a few bad decisions, I certainly wasn't BiS, but I was pretty good taking into consideration it was my first time. 
Sadly I only have one screenshot left from back then, I had them all on a hard-drive that fried but I had this one on my facebook, and yes we were spawn camping. XD


Then when Blizzard put experience into battlegrounds I decided there was no reason to twink anymore, I wasn't very open minded at the time so I didn't consider if Blizzard would do something like Experience off, so I leveled it 49-80 without a second thought, didn't touch my priest (first 80) the whole time I leveled, and my druid quickly took my priests place.
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Re: Mists of Pandaria, what are you looking forward too? (And my Story)

Mind Control+Lumber Mill=Still playing this bracket (although not as much) when MoP comes out.

edit: inb4 "cool story bro"
Re: Mists of Pandaria, what are you looking forward too? (And my Story)

All of the drood buffs, feral burst, boomking form, and astral communion, BASELINE rootshifting
I am sad that priests lose fort, and happy for locks( with 10% hp on everyone, and a disarm(dif pets))
OVERJOYED At huntard nerfs( -15% stam,& i can dodge 1/5 of thier attacks with my current dodge lvls)
Cant wait for Rshammy to get the only in bracket magic dispell,
Sad That i need to lose out on WC, to keep 30% movespeed(i cant live w/o it)
Happy for the survival of holy pally dps( thier flash heal is 42% of Total mana,so healing sucks)
Glad for mage burst, sad the 24's will 4 shot with Ice lance of frozen targs( gurrent SP puts it around 280 insta cast on frozen targs, almost certain crit, so 550 hits)
Happy the rogues lose SS, with sub keeping +35% to first ambuse off stealth( assuming nightstalker)
Re: Mists of Pandaria, what are you looking forward too? (And my Story)

druid will be the only thing i play when mop hits.

disengaging crit chikens and teleporting as a caster to juke the shit outa ppl trying to kill me as fc will be so much fun. im liking the druid stuff although im not to happy with the no minimum range for hunters.
Re: Mists of Pandaria, what are you looking forward too? (And my Story)

Sadly, as a priest, I have nothing to look forward to in MoP...

No Fort.
No Renew.
No Mind Blast.

We get three different kinds of psychic scream. Hooray. </SARCASM>
Re: Mists of Pandaria, what are you looking forward too? (And my Story)

That mind control dosnt work on us :) only on npc's i believe
Re: Mists of Pandaria, what are you looking forward too? (And my Story)

I think Robert had a pretty good thread idea, then just really really wanted to throw out his own personal WoW history on the side? Good read
Re: Mists of Pandaria, what are you looking forward too? (And my Story)

I think Robert had a pretty good thread idea, then just really really wanted to throw out his own personal WoW history on the side? Good read
Yea, thought about that while I was at College.
I actually didn't mean throw a life story out there, went on a slight detour to explain why I was excited for balance druids to gain boomkin form, and then a wall of text appeared and there was a black area in my memory and my brain was fuzzy.
C'est la vie.

Edit: There, that's better c: Now it's an optional read.
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hmm lets see. druids get boomkin, tree form, ambush for feral, speed increase, tons of other stuff = all the hunters are gonna re-roll druids. i called it.

prot pallys get buffed

resto shammys get riptide

in order, i think those will be most OP classes. everything is subject to change still so idk, but im keeping druids at #1
I main a Warrior at the 20's bracket, so Im excited. In combat charge, and Arms getting Slam woo! no more Heroic Strike on my bars.
Main a warrior and both sad and happy. We lose piercing howl, battleshout and heroic throw in exchange for in combat charge.
Re: Mists of Pandaria, what are you looking forward too? (And my Story)

To the priests that are worried, you get to keep Psychic Scream as a baseline ability on top of chosing between an aoe snare, a ranged fear and mind control (which I think is the worse out of the others).

I'm looking forward to demon spec as a warlock, gaining health from our damage, we gain a 30% aoe slow with no cooldown and a short forward type disengage. Voidwalkers will also be able to disarm and since priests no longer have fort we will be wanted for the 10% imp stamina buff.

Warriors will also become viable against good players.

Resto shamans getting a dispel means Unstable Affliction will actually be useful.

I hope they actually balance the damage formulas for hunters because there scaling is broken right now obviously.

Not looking forward to prot paladins, but I hear that healing as protection or ret will be very difficult with their mana pools.
Re: Mists of Pandaria, what are you looking forward too? (And my Story)

(which I think is the worse out of the others).
It's the only choice out of that whole section that doesn't put psychic scream on a 45 second cooldown

Making it the only viable option
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