Misha / Izac Streams


I stream every once in a while so thought I'd make a thread. Have no idea what I'm doing so any input would be appreciated

Streaming some 5 man Misha premades now

Streaming Misha 5 mans! You can come read top secret Misha chat and all my whispers since I dont know how to block it out on twitch
I love this so much. <3
Here's a fun game last night vs a godly OP 10 man 24 premade. Featuring myself [MENTION=16866]Izac[/MENTION] [MENTION=21566]fatbellyzz[/MENTION] [MENTION=17794]Seffora[/MENTION] [MENTION=18418]playdoe[/MENTION] [MENTION=18801]ETshaman[/MENTION] and a few ppl who idk their TI. Once Izac learns to highlight things you can see more fun competitive premades against 24s.

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