Minor Speed + Warrior


rip fishin buddies
Minor Speed is worthless to a good warrior.

I'll inject my reasoning when I see a good argument against the statement.

Orcgasm said:
Minor Speed is worthless to a good warrior.

I'll inject my reasoning when I see a good argument against the statement.


You can't catch up to someone with it if you don't have it.
Speed = more ToT = more over all dmg. You may argue that 7 stam = longer life etc and that you always have charge but any good player can keep you in combat stopping you from charging.
Definatly is questionable because warriors do have charge to catch enemies and hamstring to run away/catch up.

70 extra life = More survival

+8% speed = faster speed, which could mean faster killing.

Imo It really depends on what your doing, It's not much diffrent from the arguement that shamans/druids should have stamina rather than minor speed increase because they have ''abilities'' that can make them go faster than +8% speed increase.

Shamans and Druids(hunters are maybes) are probably the one classes who should not need Speed increase because they have abilities that can get them out of snare-effects. and at the same time make themselves go faster than the normal speed for longer than 1.5 seconds(talking about a warriors charge).

Best way to put it, if your a warrior who's life is under 1.3k, I'd go for the stam increase, if it's over 1.3k, minor speed increase.(unless your FC'ing)

just like casters, they want to stay balanced with both life/mana/sp. Same rule can be applied for melee classes, you want to stay balanced.
speed, so you can outrun the noobs with any other chant.
orcgasm, i believe you actually wanted this to happen, weren'T you !

you like putting us thru this bullshit over and over again.

as for those saying people sucks because they dont have minor speed... i played a hunter even before aspect of the daze... they dont need minor speed to win, not at lal, maybe in one v one or arenas, but not in the gulch. and with the new travel forms being in, the 8% speed isn't going to make you catch that EFC. so its even worse there.

warriors not needing it, well i preusme you played WSG more then arena and i presume you are playing PUGs more then premades. If so, then i agree, minor speed lately has become quite useless. a great player will always know what near him and thus will never be taken in combat before he even have time to charge.

nonetheless i think warrior are better off with it then without, for if you ever fight a guy without it, hes gonna kite you even with hamstring on. all that without even being a kiting class !

but now, let's talk about your argument please ?

you already got plenty to tell you, you suck, so go ahead tell us that argument of yours !

guess: my guess is... you are not a warrior to begin with and thus dont need it ! but this is just a wild guess at your argument ! :)
ArthurianKnight said:
orcgasm, i believe you actually wanted this to happen, weren'T you !

you like putting us thru this bullshit over and over again.

as for those saying people sucks because they dont have minor speed... i played a hunter even before aspect of the daze... they dont need minor speed to win, not at lal, maybe in one v one or arenas, but not in the gulch. and with the new travel forms being in, the 8% speed isn't going to make you catch that EFC. so its even worse there.

warriors not needing it, well i preusme you played WSG more then arena and i presume you are playing PUGs more then premades. If so, then i agree, minor speed lately has become quite useless. a great player will always know what near him and thus will never be taken in combat before he even have time to charge.

nonetheless i think warrior are better off with it then without, for if you ever fight a guy without it, hes gonna kite you even with hamstring on. all that without even being a kiting class !

but now, let's talk about your argument please ?

you already got plenty to tell you, you suck, so go ahead tell us that argument of yours !

guess: my guess is... you are not a warrior to begin with and thus dont need it ! but this is just a wild guess at your argument ! :)

I'm guessing you posted here for the sole purpose of trolling Orcgasm...
The day that not one single other person in wsg is running minor speed, then you can drop it. Until then, you're gimped without it.

End of thread.
If you are doing it right, as a warrior, your target will 90% of the time be moving at 50% reduced speed (42% if they have minor speed). You always have charge, and with the glyph its simple to LoS for 5 seconds then reapply hamstring. If the other person is doing it right, and they get a slow off on you, they will have minor speed and either way you aren't catching them until you charge again.

If neither of you have minor speed, you aren't going to catch them until you charge, if you start out behind them. Same as if when you both have minor speed. If you have speed, and they don't, then it is wasted since you will charge anyway, and apply the 50% reduced speed debuff to them, allowing just as much time on target.

If a pally HoFs out of it, this would be the only possible viable situation to use minor speed, and even then it is trivial due to the fact that pallies only have a stun to stop your movement, and it is simple to double back the other way and recharge. If they just try to pursue you, you are still on the target and it is again wasted.

I'm not saying 7 stamina is better, but it is an alternative. I usually roll with 5 hit, then pick up other stats from the cloak.
Only other enchant I would consider besides minor speed is + 5 hit this would allow a little different gear for belt/cape slot.

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