EU+US Midsummer

On a second note, if you wear the midsummer pieces and then mog it on that char, you can mog it on your other chars.
Yup. Also worth noting that you have to have the item in inventory to xmog them. And once theyre xmog'd, they are non refundable.
So if you plan on selling the clothes back after the maypole dance achievement (to buy pets/toys), they wont be available for xmog.
You can get the midsummer set for mog: head, shoulder, robe and sandals since they became cosmetic. It's only mogable on the char you have the items on though.
Correction Event Cosmetics can only be transmogged during event, but may persist through event if you don't untransmog it,
I must say, I've never liked the helm or shoulders.

The robe, however, I could see being good in some outfits. The color has kind of a shaman feel, though.
Going to try and get all the (Obtainable) achieves this year for this one, which I have yet to do on my F2P.

And I haven't done Midsummer in years xD

I've been running around on my toons, trying to get as many Burning Blossoms to get the full outfit (close to done, only need shoes)
and that 500-cost toy with the matching pet. Plus the spider. Spider is pretty cool.

But I have noticed, that on Bleeding Hollow, it was much easier to get to all the enemy faction capitols to steal their flame. (Got the Crown) When I tried to do it on Dalaran; Ironforge has a particularly nasty guard camping out by the bonfire, which proved stealing that flame by myself impossible.
I'll give it a shot tonight on Aerie Peak alliance.

I've only done about 5 of them, so I've got tons to do. I'd like to, at least get EK + Kalimdor done.
I'll give it a shot tonight on Aerie Peak alliance.

I've only done about 5 of them, so I've got tons to do. I'd like to, at least get EK + Kalimdor done.

I've stopped at the 30-35 zones. (As I am only really after Blossoms) I imagine the corpse running will be immense beyond that.
I've stopped at the 30-35 zones. (As I am only really after Blossoms) I imagine the corpse running will be immense beyond that.

Not really - you should get all flight paths anyway as it's needed in a shitload of events and achievements, and generally midsummer fires & halloween buckets are near FPs with no corpserunning. There are places where you need a lot though.
I've done my share of exploring Outland, Northrend, and even Pandaria on my Rogue. I'm usually able to do those sort of things without any real issue, especially on Kalimdor/Eastern Kingdoms. I find it a bit easier on a hunter, though. That way I can see all the mobs to watch out for on the map, for the most part.

And yeah, having all the flight paths helps. I have I think all of them in EK, and maybe 95% in Kalimdor. A good portion of Outland and NR, and some in Pandaria.
Level 50-60 zones in Eastern Kingdom and Kalimdor are way harder to navigate than places like Outland and a Northrend. The mob density is way lighter in higher level zones.
Silithus isn't so bad, I find.
I've been trying to fly to all the fires for the blossoms, but bg's are popping too damn often these days - lol. Not that I'm complaining! But I can't get much done! :eek:
I've got Pandaria done, and 90% through EK's. Probably will do Kalimdor next. I got the mog items bar the hat, now it's off to grind for these pets and toys. Don't think I'll get them all this year :(
For some reason, I've never really done any of the Midsummer achieves in days gone by. I think trying to catch that damn torch 10 times used to put me off it all together - lol.;)
i started off the event looking forward to getting the new toy and pet, but ive become lazy and dont think ill get them this year
I've been trying to fly to all the fires for the blossoms, but bg's are popping too damn often these days - lol. Not that I'm complaining! But I can't get much done! :eek:
I've got Pandaria done, and 90% through EK's. Probably will do Kalimdor next. I got the mog items bar the hat, now it's off to grind for these pets and toys. Don't think I'll get them all this year :(
For some reason, I've never really done any of the Midsummer achieves in days gone by. I think trying to catch that damn torch 10 times used to put me off it all together - lol.;)

You cant get all the toys and pets unless you do some serious grinding on alts too. This holiday is a real boon for collectors but you gotta sink some time for it. There's no way I'm getting it all this year :(
You cant get all the toys and pets unless you do some serious grinding on alts too. This holiday is a real boon for collectors but you gotta sink some time for it. There's no way I'm getting it all this year :(
Yeah, I'm the same. I'm only going to grind it on 1 toon. No way will I do it on any others, it's sooo time consuming. But in saying that, I am getting quite a lot of blossoms from honouring and extinguishing the flames. I haven't added them up or anything but if you do all the zones, along with the capital city's and dailies you must come fairly close to obtaining a fair few mog items and toys / pets (even on the 1 toon).
So far I've completed Eastern Kingdoms and Pandaria along with Silvermoon & Undercity. Silvermoon had a few ghost runs but Undercity was super easy, just walk in and it's there. Not having ever played Horde, I didn't know my way around Silvermoon so I cannoned + glided in but ended up some distance from the flames so had to get whooped a few times from the guards before I got the flame - lol.
And, I managed to convince a friend to step out from his raiding schedule to get a guildie and get me a summons to Deepholm. So now I will be able to complete the Cata zones, then it's onto Kalimdor and the last few capital cities. Not sure how much of Outland, Northrend or Draenor I'll get too. :(
I'm going to try and get first as it looks cool. Reminds me of one of those 5 or so spiders they brought out that Hunters could tame some years back in the Firelands.
Yeah, I'm the same. I'm only going to grind it on 1 toon. No way will I do it on any others, it's sooo time consuming. But in saying that, I am getting quite a lot of blossoms from honouring and extinguishing the flames. I haven't added them up or anything but if you do all the zones, along with the capital city's and dailies you must come fairly close to obtaining a fair few mog items and toys / pets (even on the 1 toon).
So far I've completed Eastern Kingdoms and Pandaria along with Silvermoon & Undercity. Silvermoon had a few ghost runs but Undercity was super easy, just walk in and it's there. Not having ever played Horde, I didn't know my way around Silvermoon so I cannoned + glided in but ended up some distance from the flames so had to get whooped a few times from the guards before I got the flame - lol.
And, I managed to convince a friend to step out from his raiding schedule to get a guildie and get me a summons to Deepholm. So now I will be able to complete the Cata zones, then it's onto Kalimdor and the last few capital cities. Not sure how much of Outland, Northrend or Draenor I'll get too. :(
I'm going to try and get first as it looks cool. Reminds me of one of those 5 or so spiders they brought out that Hunters could tame some years back in the Firelands.

Eastern Kingdoms took me 5ever (I had no idea how to navigate Ghostlands/Silvermoon/etc) but I blazed through Kalimdor and Outland. I hadnt ever been to outland before except to do the Sporregar event and I still got through it pretty quick.

For what its worth, doing all the capitals, Eastern Kingdoms, Kalimdor and Outland (along with the quest chain) I ended up with around 600 blossoms? Bought a pet and the robes for xmog. Still have over a 100 blossoms.
Are you trying to mog the shoulders on a different toon? If that's the case, you have to wait for the refund period to expire first. If it's on the same toon, then it should, not sure why it wouldn't let you.
I've made a shaman, bought the shoulders on it and went straight to xmog; won't let me change shoulders at all. Has an X through it. Bought the chest and that xmog'd fine
I've made a shaman, bought the shoulders on it and went straight to xmog; won't let me change shoulders at all. Has an X through it. Bought the chest and that xmog'd fine
to my knowledge you can't xmog cosmetic stuff, instead you xmog your corresponding shoulders into them. Once that's done on the toon you bought the shoulder, it should be available on all you other toons

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