Yeah, I'm the same. I'm only going to grind it on 1 toon. No way will I do it on any others, it's sooo time consuming. But in saying that, I am getting quite a lot of blossoms from honouring and extinguishing the flames. I haven't added them up or anything but if you do all the zones, along with the capital city's and dailies you must come fairly close to obtaining a fair few mog items and toys / pets (even on the 1 toon).
So far I've completed
Eastern Kingdoms and
Pandaria along with
Silvermoon &
Undercity. Silvermoon had a few ghost runs but Undercity was super easy, just walk in and it's there. Not having ever played Horde, I didn't know my way around Silvermoon so I cannoned + glided in but ended up some distance from the flames so had to get whooped a few times from the guards before I got the flame - lol.
And, I managed to convince a friend to step out from his raiding schedule to get a guildie and get me a summons to Deepholm. So now I will be able to complete the
Cata zones, then it's onto
Kalimdor and the last few capital cities. Not sure how much of
Northrend or
Draenor I'll get too.

I'm going to try and get first as it looks cool. Reminds me of one of those 5 or so spiders they brought out that Hunters could tame some years back in the Firelands.