MGC vs. Static

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If racials are game breaking you should probably go back to like 2004 when people cared.

Anyone who's good can atleast hold up to most any opposing class, and by the sound of that post I think you're having some trouble.

Come back when you can deal with PuGs.

play alliance, and tell me race does not matter.
I do actually.

Pro tip: don't stack and their AoE racials wont wreck you.

Honestly, Gob Boots are lol as most of the time people just out run the healers with them. Human 2 min Trink aka 2 AGM's is one of the best racials at this level, I cant see why you would ever complain about that.
Racials are game breaking in this bracket, are you kidding me? It would be one thing if we were talking about a bracket where the damage being thrown around in manageable without said racial. But no, we're speaking about 19s...You can literally 2 shot someone in this God forsaken game. So yes, a blood elf silence(along with the resist) is GAME BREAKING. Horde have a huge advantage in premades because of this.
Horde racials = Meant to kill shit.

Alliance racials = Utility / defensive CD's
Blood Elf racials > All Alli racials combined.
I am so egotistical

No one is as good as me.

Good read boys

Agreed, just goes to show how garb this community is... people quit and still flame and troll on everyone.

Bunch of cocky kids.

1 am so g3wd, no 1 iz as g3wd as me. nmbr one tw1nk wur1d wide.

Where will most of you be in 10 years+, as addicted and crazy weird over this game as you are now?

Uh yeah no where.

End of crazy random response.


I am so egotistical

No one is as good as me.

Agreed, just goes to show how garb this community is... people quit and still flame and troll on everyone.

Bunch of cocky kids.

1 am so g3wd, no 1 iz as g3wd as me. nmbr one tw1nk wur1d wide.

Where will most of you be in 10 years+, as addicted and crazy weird over this game as you are now?

Uh yeah no where.

End of crazy random response.



It's like you're unaware of anything going on around you ^.^
From reading this thread, I am certainly aware of how blown this community is.

^.^ <----- k
good one beau, good one.
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