Hey! After I recently decided to try a level 10 after a quite a long break from this bracket I found out that 10s got nerfed quite a bit from TWW Pre-patch. I however got the information that
Mechagon Rings are still ilvl 80 and worth it so I decided to get them. I did not see any guides done to this as it is not that complicated but still I wanted to make one to make grinding for them easier for others. This guide will tell you how you can unlock and grind materials for
ilvl 80 Mechagon Rings obtained from
Extraordinary Adventurer Augmentation. If you are having problems on unlocking
Mechagon be sure to check out
this post.
1. Unlocking the blueprint
This guide will only focus on the
ilvl 80 version, since it is best. If you want information on the other you can check out Beti's comparison on them
2. Crafting the rings
or one of three trinkets which have a level requirement of 50 so they will be ignored.
As each one of these rings can roll a socket and tertiary stat, there is a quite a lot of grinding for you to do.
The received tertiary stat amount can be:
4 Avoidance = 1.65% [lvl 10]
4 Speed = 5,27% [lvl 10]
4 Leech = 0.88% [lvl 10]
Since the amount of speed gained from
Straddling Jewel Doublet is so high, and the cap of
49% speed can be reached with only 76 speed rating, you might want to stack avoidance or leech instead of speed. You can check out more information on
secondary and
tertiary stats from an amazing spreasheet from
@pokspell here. It includes information on how stat ratings work on different lvls and when diminishing returns start doing their job.
3. Grinding the materials
As you will be crafting a lot of rings to get the right ones with a
socket and
tertiary stat you will need a lot of materials. These materials will mostly come from chests and rares so I highly recommend getting
Handy Notes and
The materials which you will mostly lack are going to be
Chain Ignitercoil and
Galvanic Oscillator since they are harder to obtain. We'll also go trough how you can farm
Energy Cells and
S.P.A.R.E Crates since you will end up needing them a lot.
3.1 Cost of materials
After weeks of farming in Mechagon I decided to take a new look on things. I decided to value the true cost of all things. Instead of just blindly doing all daily content, I decided to evaluate everything and see if there is a smarter way on approaching things.
3.1.1 Junkyard Tinkering
3.1.2 Drill Rigs
Drill Rigs as you can farm the DR-CC caves (discussed later) we will not include those. We will only calculate values for highest and lowest chance Rigs for obtaining
Chain Ignitercoil. Some will drop
Empty Energy Cells but we will include them as
Energy Cells.
Firstly we need to calculate how much 1
Drill Rig will cost. To start any
Drill Rig you will need:
As you will kill 7 of them per Drill Rig, you'll get:
In total from 1 Drill Rig you will get:
And if we reduce the loot from the cost, 1 Drill Rig costs:
When we multiply these amount with the amount of
Drill Rigs required to get a
Chain Ignitercoil, we will get the
cost from
Drill Rigs.
Highest chance: Lowest Chance:
39% = 2.564 Drill Rigs 36% = 2.778 Drill Rigs
Now if we compare these values to the values from
Junkyard Tinkering we can see that their cost is only approximately 2
Energy Cells less. So we can definitely say that
Drill Rigs are worth it but
Junkyard Tinkering is no that far behind.
3.1.3 Boilburn
I decided to make this its own paragraph since I think this information is so great. You can loot
Boilburn (DR-JD41)
multiple times a day. If done properly you can also kill it twice during
the same Drill Rig. I made a video of showcasing how you can kill it twice in the same
Drill Rig event. You can check it out from here.
Right as the cave opens you need to quickly do damage to it. Right after that you need to kill it very fast, which can be done for example with Mechagon weapons (which I will make its own chapter on in the future). After that it should spawn in about a second and then you can kill it a second time. Note that even if you kill the second one instantly, you can not get a third one to spawn.
The thing that makes this so great is that you get almost 2 times the normal loot of a
Drill Rig. This makes it so the
cost is even lower.
As you will still kill only 7 minions you will get the same loot from them:
But since you will kill
Boilburn twice, all of its loot is doubled:
So the cost of 1 Drill Rig is:
Which means that you will gain
Energy Cells if you succeed on killing
Boilburn twice.
This also means that your chance to get a
Chain Ignitercoil (38%) is rolled twice which means that the probability of hitting the roll at least once in two attempts is calculated like this:
The probability of not getting a drop on a single attempt is: 1 - 0.38 = 0.62
The probability of not getting a drop on both attempts is: 0.62 * 0.62 = 0.3844
Therefore the probability of getting a drop at least once in two attempts is: 1 - 0.3844 = 0.6156
As you will have almost a
(62%) chance of getting a
Chain Ignitercoil from 1
Drill Rig the
cost is multiplied
61,56% = 1.612 Drill Rigs
This means that it costs almost no
Spare Parts, and you will gain
Energy Cells. This makes it
the best way of grinding materials.
3.1.4 Additional information
Prior to these calculations I noted for most rares that they are worth it. However there are couple which we can now exclude.
Malfunctioning Beastbot requires a
Beastbot Powerpack to be spawned. The cost of this is:
Now as his loot amount is low:
Even though
Energy Cell cost is almost same as on
Drill Rigs, the much higher amount of required
Spare Parts makes him not worth it, except if you have abundance of them compared to everything else.
The Rusty Prince was previously mentioned as being worth it. As you need a
Personal Time Displacer to kill him, and it has 3 charges and it requires 1
Chain Ignitercoil makes it so 1 kill will
cost you 1/3
Chain Ignitercoil. As his drop chance is only
(27%) you will lose approximately 0.063
Chain Ignitercoils per kill. You will also lose other materials, so killing him for materials is definitely not worth it.
3.2 Chain Ignitercoil sources
Chain Ignitercoils are obtained from multiple sources so they are much easier to come by.
Out of
35 rares located in Mechagon, 18 of them have a
27-39% chance of dropping
Chain Ignitercoil. Most rares have
a daily lockout for drops but some of them can take quite awhile to spawn, so I wouldn't recommend trying to get all of them daily. 7 of them require an event Drill Rig to be spawned so you can reach them. The Drill Rig spawn locations you can see
here. You can also check the complete list of rares with notable drops from
here, but I once again recommend getting
Handy Notes and
On the following map you can see locations for the notable rares found in Mechagon and the location of
Bloody Grotto which is discussed later in the guide. I have split the rares in three categories.
Drill Rig rares require the event Drill Rig to be active. You can build a drill in the marked locations which you have to protect for about a minute. After protecting it the cave opens and you can kill the rare in question.
Special rares all have some specific conditions that need to be met for them to spawn.
1 =
Malfunctioning Beastbot requires a
Beastbot Powerpack to be spawned. This can be crafted in
Rustbolt with:
2 =
Enforcer KX-T57 requires rain to spawn. requires you to kill elites found at
Junkwatt Depot while they have the debuff
Rusting. This can be caused by rain or
BAWLD-371. Rain can however be only activated with
Weather Alteration Machine which requires you to be
lvl 45. You might still get lucky with someone else activating it, but if you want to do it solo just use
BAWLD-371. You will know that rain is happening since the sky looks much darker than normally and enemies will have the
Rusting debuff already. It has been theorized that only killing
Anodized Enforcers causes him to spawn but as this hasn't been confirmed you should kill all the elites located there, since you will also gain more
Spare Parts this way.
3 =
Mr.Fixthis was previously believed to require rain to spawn, but that simply is not the case. He will be added to normal rares.
4 =
Killsaw is almost a
normal rare except he can't spawn on the days there are Venture Co. npcs around his spawning area. This happens when daily
Unprofitable Ventures is up for grabs in
Rustbolt. Note that his spawning area is quite large as marked in the map below.
5 =
Sparkqueem P'emp can only spawn on days when the daily
Bugs, Lots of Them! is up for grabs. After it spawn it starts moving towards
Rustbolt and when it reaches
Razak Ironsides he will instakill it. You know when it spawns since
Razak Ironsides yells:
"Wait till that bug gets close, then blow it to pieces! I want nothing left."
6 =
Gear Checker Cogstar has a large variety of spawn points. Since they are so many I didn't want to put all of them on the map since it would've been too messy. You can check them from
his wowhead page. He has a small chance of spawning when
Upgraded Sentry are killed. You know he is going to spawn since the dying
Upgraded Sentry will say:
"Bzzt... Unit defeated... request immediate support... Szzt." After this he will spawn in a few seconds at the location of the killed
Upgraded Sentry. Note that he can require a lot of kills to spawn and the specific chance is not known so consider if it is worth it.
Item | Amount | Drop rate |
| 1 | 98% |
| 1-2 | 98% |
| 3-6 | 97% |
As the area is free-for-all beware of other players, but realistically most players have no clue this location exists.
View attachment 24605
There are couple different boxes you can obtain, which can give you
Chain Ignitercoils.
These boxes are:
However they all have lvl 45 requirement so trying to obtain these is useless, unless they get changed to lvl 10.
3.3 Galvanic Oscillator sources
3.4 Combined Sources
One source for both epic materials and energy cells is
Mechanized Chests. You can easily find them with Handy Notes, but if you hate addons you can get the locations from a comment
here. You have a
daily opening limit of 8 chests, so after opening 8 you can not find more for the rest of the day. Below you can see a map of the chest locations.
View attachment 24606
The drop rates for the useful items in chests are in the table below.
Item | Drop rate |
| 98% |
| 12% |
| 4% |
| 2% |
On the Western Spray you can obtain a key with a daily lockout. The key can be one of three, which are:
Item | Drop rate |
| 99% |
| 10% |
| 6% |
| 1.4% |
The key is obtained from the murlocs located at the Western Spray. Each key has approximate drop rate of 3%. Since you can only obtain 1 key daily you have to kill approximately 100 murlocs to receive
Mechanized Supply Key. Getting 1x
Galvanic Oscillator this way requires approximately 1667 murlocs and getting 1x
Chain Ignitercoil 7143 murlocs so if you want to maximize daily materials be my guest, but know that is it is quite inefficient. If you are interested on grinding or just happen to get the key, you can check the location of the chest
Mechagon also has
Pet Battles which give you quest items such as
Mechanical Eye and
Can of Critter Spray. The quests they start reward you with
Chain Ignitercoil and
Galvanic Oscillator. However the quest item has a level requirement of 45 on wowhead, so most likely these are not doable (still require confirmation).
3.5 Energy Cells and Spare Parts
3.5.1 CC Rigs
Since you might get into a situation where you are lacking needed
Energy Cells or
Spare Parts we are going trough a way of farming them. I was informed of this method by
@Darimius here, so the thanks go to him!
In the map below you can see locations for three Drill Rigs. Two of these Drill Rigs are marked by green dots and one is by a red dot. The green dots are
The Kleptoboss and
Caustic Mechaslime and the red dot is
Gorged Gear Cruncher. All three rares are located in the same cave system and which rare / minions spawn there are mandated by the spawned Drill Rig event. For example if the Drill Rig is
Caustic Mechaslime, then only it and its minions will spawn inside the caves. The reason for the red dot is that when
Gorged Gear Cruncher spawns, the cave will contain
Ranishu Nibblers. These are high levels npcs (not scaled properly), which will kill you very quickly. For that reason we are going to avoid the Drill Rig in question. However since only one of these three Drill Rigs can spawn at a time you need to complete the Drill Rig event for
Gorged Gear Cruncher or just come back another time. After completing a
CC Rig, another one will spawn in 30 minutes.
View attachment 24608
The Drill Rig event will require:
After used the Drill Rig will start drilling for one minute. After the minute is up the drilled cave entrance will open and stay that way for 5 minutes. You can kill the npcs in the caves for these 5 minutes after which you are simply teleported out and the entrance will cave-in.
The rare
Caustic Mechaslime will drop you more
Empty Energy Cells and
Spare Parts
even after the first daily kill, so killing it more than once is worth it. The killed minions will drop
Spare Parts and after couple seconds they will spawn
Energy Cells,
Empty Energy Cells and
Spare Parts on the floor. On
Burrowing Kleptobots you can see if they are carrying something, but as they are so small you will most likely only notice
Energy Cells. You shouldn't bother picking up the
Spare Parts since you'll get much more of them by looting the npcs, but you should loot the
Energy Cells and
Empty Energy Cells.
From one
CC-Drill Rig you can get an average of:
Note that the required mats for the drill were reduced from these results, but as you see, still you will end up gaining a lot more materials. Below you can see a picture of what the items of the floor look like.
View attachment 24609
3.5.2 Downtime farming
Since you will have over 20 minutes of downtime between the
CC Rigs you might as well use that for farming. The
Junkwatt Depot area has multiple elites. All of them drop quite a bit of
Spare Parts and rarely some
Empty Energy Cells. Since scaling is broken you can them quite quickly by yourself while utilizing the Mechagon weapons.
1 hour of farming
Junkwatt Depot you can get approximately:
If you are using
BAWLD-371 you also have a chance of spawning
Enforcer KX-T57, and if you kill the sentries found in the area (
Anodized Sentry,
Upgraded Sentry) you also have a chance of spawning
Gear Checker Cogstar.
The best way to utilize this farm would be to do the
CC Rig and farm while waiting another one to spawn. You should also take advantage of the daily rares spawning in the area and stop the farming for the day after getting both of them.
3.5.3 Charging Empty Energy Cells
The drops for these on average are the following:
| Amount | Drop Rate |
| 15 | 100% |
| 1 | 5% |
| Amount | Drop Rate |
| 37.5 | 100% |
| 1-2 | 97% |
| 1 | 10% |
As you can see
Scrapbone Energy-Eater much better drops but his chance for spawning is smaller. Next we are going to calculate how many
Empty Energy Cells you need to have to profit from charging.
First we will calculate how many materials you get on average from charging one
Empty Energy Cell. As
Scrapbone Demolisher has a 9.199% chance of spawning we will take that percentage from his drops to tell us the average loot from each charge. As the amount are very low, we will use smaller decimals to get higher precision compared to other calculations in the guide.
We can calculate the amount of charges required for profit:
This means that you will profit on
Energy Cells after 73 charges, but you will need at least 157 charges to profit on
Spare Parts. On average on you need 157
Empty Energy Cells to get profit from charging. Note that these results are only from a sample pool of about 400 charges, which means that you should do about 200 charges to be safe. I will update these results once I get more data.
4. Additional information
Today in mechagon / wowhead app
4.1 Mechagon Weapons
Since scaling is so broken there are some things in the game that are very broken. One source for broken items is the
Rustbolt Armory. This can be built from
Broken Rustbolt Armory for 200
Spare Parts and 1
Energy Cell. They are located
around the island, so you will most likely find one with a bit of flying around.
From it you can pickup one item at a time, and the items available are the following:
As the
Anti-Gravity Pack is useless now that you have flying, you want to get one of the weapons. Each of them is very unique and very broken, but I would recommend on getting
Volatile Blaster, since it does multiple ranged aoe hits, and the cooldown is only 15 seconds. After picking a weapon up you can use it for the next 12 hours.
An alternate way to get one of the weapons is by doing the daily quest
Toys For Destruction which you can get from
Rocket-Chief Fuselage. In addition to the other weapons from this quest you also have a chance of getting
Supercollider. The weapon from the quest however is random and the daily takes some time just standing still and clicking, I wouldn't recommend on doing the daily after reaching
4.2 WeakAuras
Since the Drill Rig events take some time to clear the way, I made a WeakAura to track those times.
View attachment 24622It can track multiple Drill Rig timers simultaneously. You can use it to know when you need to be at a
Drill Rig if for example someone else activated it at another location in the zone. It will tell you which
Drill Rig the timer is for by using the
Drill Rig code, for example
DR-JD99 as seen in the picture. For efficient daily rounds you can spawn the
Drill Rig and do other things while it is drilling. With the help of this WeakAura you will know when you actually need to be at the cave so someone else won't snatch your kill. You can check the WeakAura here
Drill Rig Timer - Weakaura.
There also exists a WeakAura for automatically making waypoints to announced rares. Announced rares mean rares that give some sort of chat message when they spawn. For this WeakAura to work you also need to have the addon
TomTom. You can check the WeakAura here
Mechagon Yell Rare Scanner. It has some problems but you might get some use from it. I wanted to implement the waypoint system in my WeakAura using the in-game ping, but sadly this can't be done without external addons such as TomTom.
5. Conclusion
TLDR. Do world quests, kill rares and open chests.
If you feel like there was something lacking from this guide be sure to tell me and I most likely will add it. I will keep tracks of the socket / tertiary chances for the rings, so all data towards this would be appreciated!
- Fixed typos and links
- Made some visual changes (for the better I hope)
- Added the confirmation on
The Rusty Prince
- Added info about pet battles and
More Recycling daily
- Added Bloody Grotto horde daily visitor
Usha Eyegouge
- Added
Jawbreaker on the map (oops)
- Added information about
Mechanized Supply Chest
- Added few subheads and moved some paragraphs based on them
- Added calculations to explain
The Rusty Prince not being worth it
- Added info about
tertiary stat amounts
- Added
3.5 Energy Cells and Spare Parts
- Added screenshots showcasing rain
- Confirmed
Mr.Fixthis spawning with
- Small additions to couple other rares
- Added more information on the level 45 boxes
- Added new rare and chest maps and couple new chest locations
- Fixed some things overall, like
honored requirement to
- Updated info on
Enforcer KX-T57 spawning requirements
- Added that
Caustic Mechaslime will keep dropping some materials after the daily kill
- Added info on
Burrowing Kleptobots having visual differences based on the drop
- Added
4.1 WeakAuras
3.1 Cost of materials
- Made some other changes to avoid inconsistencies with
- Changed
Mr.Fixthis to a normal rare (still not updated on the map)
- Added a link to
https://sites.google.com/view/betis10stwinkguide/jewelry?authuser=0 to showcase different ilvls
- Made the links for appealing to people without JavaScript
- Made the total cost values in 3.1 more clear
- Fixed typos
- Made different values line up visually
- Added a link to
- Added
3.5.2 Downtime Farming
- Added
3.5.3 Charging Empty Energy Cells
- Changed
4.1 Weakauras to
- Added
4.1 Mechagon Weapons