Mechagon is now available

original post edited 27 Jan 2024

blizzard added skip was made on 10.1.7 so players who did not do BFA or skipped alot of BFA can jump right in and do the Mechagon unlock.

1. you need a level 40+ player
2. you do the basic BFA main city intro that enables your portal room
3. a NPC near the main city FP will appear to start the mechagon questline
4. the level 40+ has to fully complete The Mechagonian Threat you can see daily quests before you fully complete it. thinking the zone is unlocked
5. once step 4 is done, alts level 10+ do step 2 and 3 above

dungeon for requires level 50+
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my 20 landed at horde great seal FP and gazlowe nearby had the intro quest open that starts the chain. i got to mechagon and last quests i was able to do on the island intro at the junkwatt depot were
- we can fix it
- rescuing the resistance
i am at the broken drill rig, it is yellow, shows a ! but can't continue on quest
yes, i'm on BFA time
mobs and rares were level-21. the trash items they drop wracks up huge gold fast

as horde at mechagon you may want get to the anyport FP in drustvar for a connector and set your hearth to the inn there inside the cave, there is a npc outsife near a small port that takes you back to zuldazar

i went to snug harbor on a alliance 20, quest legend of mechagon was available near FP. got the quest, says go to the vault yet yellow dot stays in snug harbor. took a FP nearest to vault, tinkmaster overspark was outside vault with a shaded ?. does some RP speak, never allows you to turn in quest
How far have you completed the BFA questlines. I have only zandalar done and gazlowe does not appear for me.
How far have you completed the BFA questlines. I have only zandalar done and gazlowe does not appear for me.
player is a vet20, i have not picked either zone on the mission table to start intro to either of the 2 zones to start in. only did the initial intro to unphase city
just logged the horde 20 in at mechagon's junkwatt depot area, and prince erazmin ran up to me with a quest i was able to start chain again, now have mechagon unlocked lots of quests and dailies. did the rec rig event, two boxes i got req lvl 50

on alliance 20 now just did chain to mechagon, appears to be working as of now, just unlocked area
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during BFA the sequence was unlock nazjatar, into that initial chain you were sent to start mechagon. i did this on a main. my account is in VET mode unsubbed. not sure if having done the first part allows players alts to start directly into mechagon?
I have been able to reach the isle as alliance, but still can't enter the dungeon. Shows "lvl 50 required" to enter the heroic mode, but dont know if there is a chance to enter normal mode. Also most of the items have the 50+ req
There is no normal mode
Mechagon intro quest does not seem to be available to F2P Alliance


Gila is the one offering the first quest for Alliance, and she is not there as F2P.




No quest from Gazlowe on Horde either
Seems like F2Ps are fucked

If anyone manages to unlock Mechagon on a unlinked F2P, let me know.
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Ok, can't go trough the quest Factory refurbished: You have to open one crafted box that has level requirement to get one quest item, so...
And also the reclamation rig event reward's box can't be opened too
layering , sharding or WTFever blizzard is using sucks. on one player i see lots others. there are call outs, rig, drills, anti gravity/armory platform (can then hover fly around) etc. are popping up activated. able to get alot done. another player is either only the one with the zone being dead or at very random see maybe one other player there. it would be painful to grind out items to activate all the items. it's nice getting help or tags when others are around to make it faster.

blueprint of item to activate is on top of a box next to spawn point. this rare can drop this is more handy than contributing to the platforms. when on a dead layer, plus the platforms are not there everyday. just logging daily into the area flying around looting chests and killing some rares yields huge gold. capped three players today, used gold for BOA upgrades

so far able to solo most rares, rares in drill caves are hard (guardian druid) due to the instant respawn of the small trash mech mobs. my hunter and lock could not kill those rares due to the constant trash aggro and damage from them. after you unlock the zone, the junkwatt depot is really scaled hard, especially the entrance spawn mobs, flew into the depot it but still losing huge chunks of HP on hits. i gave up on trying to do the quest: factory refurbished (see above post about level 50 req to finish)). if layered onto a more populated zone, if the depot has acid rain activated it removes the elite status making them easier to kill. in BFA usually groups were needed to farm this area, when corruption came out, it was soloable for alot of classes
layering , sharding or WTFever blizzard is using sucks. on one player i see lots others. there are call outs, rig, drills, anti gravity/armory platform (can then hover fly around) etc. are popping up activated. able to get alot done. another player is either only the one with the zone being dead or at very random see maybe one other player there. it would be painful to grind out items to activate all the items. it's nice getting help or tags when others are around to make it faster.

blueprint of item to activate is on top of a box next to spawn point. this rare can drop this is more handy than contributing to the platforms. when on a dead layer, plus the platforms are not there everyday. just logging daily into the area flying around looting chests and killing some rares yields huge gold. capped three players today, used gold for BOA upgrades

so far able to solo most rares, rares in drill caves are hard (guardian druid) due to the instant respawn of the small trash mech mobs. my hunter and lock could not kill those rares due to the constant trash aggro and damage from them. after you unlock the zone, the junkwatt depot is really scaled hard, especially the entrance spawn mobs, flew into the depot it but still losing huge chunks of HP on hits. i gave up on trying to do the quest: factory refurbished (see above post about level 50 req to finish)). if layered onto a more populated zone, if the depot has acid rain activated it removes the elite status making them easier to kill. in BFA usually groups were needed to farm this area, when corruption came out, it was soloable for alot of classes
i seen a few not scaled NPC on the entrance of junkyard, but just ignore them if you hunter, just run ahead and later use fake death for dropping aggro.

With normal mobs and RARE not have problem, kill all on my MM hunter)
lately i have unlocked the area for most of my vet 20s, i log them daily and use the and just click on the 7-9 chests daily. wait about 10 min before logging another, especially if they are on same server. takes about 6 minutes to do a whole chest loop

gold cap comes fast if you are vending right away, i would recommend looking for and stacking this items if you have the bag space:
various mini statues are 100g each if you already know them they also stack
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during BFA the sequence was unlock nazjatar, into that initial chain you were sent to start mechagon. i did this on a main. my account is in VET mode unsubbed. not sure if having done the first part allows players alts to start directly into mechagon?
Hi. I was bored recently and decided to figure out the exact criteria. I have multiple 60s (both leveled and boosted), as well as a vet on the same account, a vet on a linked account, and a pure f2p, so I will be able to test a bunch of things. I need some info from someone who has it unlocked (like completed quests/achievements check), are you willing to help me for 15 minutes? DIscord messages should work if you have an account.

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