Maxing Out My Resil (Prot Pally)


Rëptär @ Ghostlands - Game Guide - World of Warcraft

I have more resil than the bis chardev for the pvp paladin FC I'm not sure if it's really BiS. Anyways I just bought new gloves and legs tonight for the +35 resil bonus. That's why they don't have chants/leg armor yet. I'm sitting at 743 resil right now. I know I can grab the Talisman for an extra 34 resilience. Other than that I REALLY want to get to 900 resil or as just as much as I can possibly get. Will you guys please link any pieces that would prove extra resilience without a significant decrease to my stamina? I would like to stay around 20k. I would seriously appreciate any help that any of you guys can offer. If you could link the piece and provide me with the stat changes I would be more than grateful. Thanks again guys...I hope this doesn't get 500 views like my other posts with 0 comments on them.<3
Oh shit thanks guys that's fucking awesome. Unyielding Bracers and Unyielding Belt are cloth so I don't think those would be best to wear. I'm sorry what is this grandfathered ring from ZA called?
Odal has a 1k resil set, can't remember how he got it though.
After 40% reduc it's pointless to gem resil but play however you want I guess.
I don't see how odal can get anymore resil unbuffed as he doesn't have the grandfathered za ring. This isn't my actual dc set lol I go with less resil and more stam gems. Ty dog gonna pick THat up soon
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chardev 9 something i did in chardev rather quickly
1021 resil, i wouldn't recommend stacking resil to this point though
it's entirely possible to get more than this
by the way, the first chardev that was posted is missing a meta gem.
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i saw this after the mists beta vid of the 96 resil or something this is scary
I wouldn't rather hit like a baby and miss my blows such as hammer of justice just to get that much resillience, as some other guy said above me, after %40 damage reduction you sacrifice a lot for 1 more resillience, but whatever floats your boat.
Not in the slightest. Resilience still gets better, even from that amount.

This, this and this. Everyone always says it is pointless to stack after a certain percentage, when it just keeps getting better.

However, that is not the same as saying you should stack it at the cost of losing health etc, then you would take into account EH plus things like mitigation from armor, etc..

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