Maxing Out My Resil (Prot Pally)

Not in the slightest. Resilience still gets better, even from that amount.

You'll benefit more from stam from that point, not because of how much more res you have to gem the math has been done on it, I just don't feel like going over it again ;p. Like I said, play however you want, if you want to gem retarded amounts of resil go for it; no one will stop you.
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I nay be wrong here but as a blood dk stam us also useful after you het a certain resil amount, because of blood presence and deathstrike heals are based off of max health, so stam has other benefits than just increasing health. Of course you still want a good amount of resil. Somebody should make a thread with te math comparing resil and stam, to have stickied.
don't listen to these guys, resil is king. ignore stamina gems unless you need to meet meta requirement.

Ignore Glancealot, he has stupid ideas (SRY BUT U DO)

i have a master's degree in math. when i say resil is king, it is.

sorry for sounding like a jerk...i believe i made quite a few posts on blizzard forums regarding resil vs stamina in the 60 and 70 brackets already, why are you still not convinced? :mad:
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but stam increases health ANd self healing from multiple spells :p

you are on the right track, but think a little bit harder.

i will give you a hint, 20% of one ton of iron weighs as much as 20% of one ton of cotton.

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