Massive changes to our gear stats coming next patch. Here are some PTR screenshot comparisons.


Level One-Derful
We are dealing with some unprecedented stuff here. Thanks to @DeLindsay for bringing to my attention that there were changes in the first place.

Summary at the bottom for the lazy. :p

I don't know why the formatting is fucked up on the first part of this. Go to to read a not fucked version, and come back for the rest of it.

Here's a brief overview of everything I copied over to check.

View attachment 18330

Buckle up fuckos. If you're having trouble following along, the PTR item will always have the blue tooltip.

Live BiS Plate Boots vs PTR BiS Plate Boots = -1 Stamina, speed unchanged.
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Live BiS Cloth Boots vs PTR BiS Cloth Boots = -1 Stamina, leech unchanged.
View attachment 18333View attachment 18335

Live "BiS" Int Trinket vs PTR "BiS" Int Trinket = +1 Haste, leech unchanged.
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Live BiS Cloth Chest vs PTR BiS Cloth Chest = Unchanged.
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Live Nik-Nik's vs PTR Nik-Nik's = Level 50 requirement added.
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Live Dookin' Ookin' vs PTR Dookin' Ookin' = Level 50 requirement added.
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Live Knightly Longswords (Properly full Stat Budget) vs PTR Knightly Longswords (Properly full Stat Budget) = +1 secondary stat for whichever one is smaller, +1 stamina.
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Live Knightly Longswords (Improper Smaller Stat Budget) vs PTR Knightly Longswords (Improper Smaller Stat Budget) = +1 secondary stat to each (total of +2), +1 stamina. Still inferior to the fully statted ones, but by a smaller margin now.
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Live Sage's Sash (Properly full Stat Budget) vs PTR Sage's Sash (Properly full Stat Budget) = -1 secondary stat
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[doublepost=1613207719,1613206018][/doublepost]Live Sage's Sash (Improper Smaller Stat Budget) vs PTR Sage's Sash (Improper Smaller Stat Budget) = +1 secondary stat, making them have the same budget as the previously higher stat Sage's Sashes.

Live Redbeard Crest vs PTR Redbeard Crest = -1 Int, -1 Str.

Live Magician's Mantle vs PTR Magician's Mantle = Unchanged.

Live Icemail Jerkin vs PTR Icemail Jerkin = Unchanged (New Glorious still not functional below 11).

Live Staff of Jordan vs PTR Staff of Jordan = -1 Vers.

Live i44 Valentine's Neck vs PTR i44 Valentine's Neck = Unchanged.

Live typical good ring without terts vs PTR typical good ring without terts = +2 of one secondary stat. (Steady Talasite unchanged)

Live BiS Cloak vs PTR BiS Cloak = Unchanged (remains to be seen/proven if cloaks can get another secondary stat or tertiary stat with these changes, as they cannot currently)

Live gloves with "all in one" suffix vs PTR gloves with "all in one" suffix = +1 to that secondary stat.

Live hat with "all in one" suffix vs PTR hat with "all in one" suffix = +1 to that secondary stat.

Live neck with "all in one" suffix vs PTR neck with "all in one" suffix = +1 to that secondary stat.

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Live ring with "all in one" suffix vs PTR ring with "all in one" suffix = +1 to that secondary stat.

Live MoP Ring vs PTR MoP Ring = Secondary stats introduced, and retains the primary stat that the legion rings lack.

Live Legion Epic Trinkets vs PTR Legion Epic Trinkets = Unchanged


Live Legion Epic Shoulder vs PTR Legion Epic Shoulder = +1int, +1 secondary

Live Legion Epic Ring vs PTR Legion Epic Ring = +1 stam, +2 secondary

Live +1/+1 random hat vs PTR +1/+1 random hat = Unchanged

Here's where it gets fucking wild

Live random +1/+1 hat (no socket, has tert) vs PTR random +1/+1 hat (no socket, has tert) = +1 secondary stat, unlike the above!!! When I started cataloguing these changes, I was getting under the impression that the rounding errors had been fixed and everything would retain the same budget. However, rather than that being the case, it replaced rounding errors to 0 with rounding errors up to 2. Meaning, instead of eliminating an element of RNG from our grind, it replaces it with a parallel one and MIGHT MAKE YOUR WORN BiS OR NEAR BIS GEAR NO LONGER SO!!!!!

Live random +1/+1 neck vs PTR random +1/+1 neck = +2 Secondary stat for one stat. Might not be universal, could round differently like above! Consistency has been thrown out the window! We are in the wild west again.

Live random +1/+1 shoulders vs PTR random +1/+1 shoulders = -1 stamina. Might not be universal for secondary stats, could round differently like above! Consistency has been thrown out the window! We are in the wild west again.

Live random +1/+1 chest vs PTR random +1/+1 chest = +1 Secondary stat for one stat. Might not be universal, could round differently like above! Consistency has been thrown out the window! We are in the wild west again.

Ready for another mindfuck?

Live random +1/socket BiS Bracer vs PTR random +1/socket BiS Bracer = unchanged, BUT A TERTIARY HAS APPEARED! This proves that terts were proccing all along on wrists, but were rounded to zero. With the new update, TERTIARY STATS CAN START APPEARING ON WRIST ITEMS. DUE TO BUDGET COMPARABILITY, THIS IS PROBABLY ALSO TRUE FOR CLOAKS, BUT I HAVE NOT PROVEN IT. F to all the socketed greens vendored due to not being needed, that had hidden terts.
Live random +1/+1 belt vs PTR random +1/+1 belt = -1 stamina. Might not be universal for secondary stats, could round differently like above! Consistency has been thrown out the window! We are in the wild west again.


Live random +1/+1 legs w/ socket vs PTR random +1/+1 legs w/ socket = Unchanged. Might not be universal, could round differently like above! Consistency has been thrown out the window! We are in the wild west again.

Live random +1/+1 boots w/ socket vs PTR random +1/+1 boots w/ socket = -1 stamina. Might not be universal for secondary stats, could round differently like above! Consistency has been thrown out the window! We are in the wild west again.

Live random +1/+1 gloves w/ socket vs PTR random +1/+1 gloves w/ socket = -1 stamina. Might not be universal for secondary stats, could round differently like above! Consistency has been thrown out the window! We are in the wild west again. The other two gloves next to this one just had +1 speed and +1 leech, respectively, and were unchanged. I will skip screenshotting them.

Live random +1 secondary belt, with a missing stat (rounded to 0) vs PTR random +1 secondary belt, with a missing stat (rounded to 0) = -1 stamina, and the missing secondary stat reappeared! This further affirms my theory above about the rounding error to 0 being replaced by an upwards rounding error to 2.

(Same story on these gloves, just posting for more conclusive proof)

That's it for the gear that I have to display, but here's a little bonus.

Live Khorium Lockbox (Unlocked) vs PTR Khorium Lockbox (Unlocked) = Finally displays what level is required. Previously, you'd have to click on it for it to tell you that you couldn't actually open it.


Read winterly's post below for more important screenshots

Let's summarize the most important changes

1) For the 6 unscaled Vanilla BoEs, there was some slight stat adjustments. Knightly Longswords with lower stat budgets are still lower (by a smaller margin), but all Sage's Sashes are the same budget now.
2) For the 2 unscaled grey items remaining, a level 50 requirement has been added.
3) Glorious stats is still unavailable to us going forward. Valentines ilvl44 neck has not been nerfed if you got it. Steady talasite is still unscaled.
4) Stamina levels have dropped across the board for our farmed BoEs, giving us less survivability
5) Farmed BoE Trinket, neck, and ring secondary stat budgets have increased. For rings and necks, "normal" (not bis, as there are some that are +2/+3 now with the new rounding disparities) distribution suffixes have been brought to parity with the budget of all-in-one stat suffixes (+1/+3 vs +4). Consistency is assumed and not fully proven.
6) Farmed BoE armor (non jewelry) with all-in-one stat suffixes have become +2 instead of +1. Not bis still as the highest rounded drops will be +1/+2.
7) Farmed BoE armor with normal distribution suffixes NO LONGER FUNCTION THE SAME WAY. Previously, non jewelry, bracer, or cloak pieces were all +1 primary, +2 stamina, and +1/+1 secondary stat, with the possibility of one secondary stat rounding to 0 and not being present. In PTR, no items are rounded to 0, and some of these items can have an extra secondary stat, being +1/+2. The same logic that dictated the previous rounding is NOT the same as the upcoming logic, as above it is show that with two heads that were +1/+1, only one of them became +1/+2. Per Winterly's confirmations, this affects all slots, besides bracers and cloaks which are now either +1 or +1/+1 like other armor was before the change.
8) Bracers may now have tertiary stats and a second secondary stat(and in fact had them all along, they were just rounded to 0)! It is "unproven" if cloaks may have tertiary stats now too, but it is assumed that they can as they share budget similarities with bracers.
9) With the exception of appearing on places they previously couldn't (bracer, cloak, jewelry), tertiary stat budgets do not appear to have changed on any slots, and remain at +1 per slot.

Please post as much research as you can in this thread, with the appropriate due diligence (screenshots, multiple variables, etc).
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So, it looks like rings / necks can proc 4, 3/2, 3/1, 2/2

Wrists are back baby



I'm assuming if wrists are capable of 1/1 socket + speed, cloaks are too

Looks like all main items like shoulders, helm, pants can proc 2/1, haven't seen a 2/2 yet.


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A little bit sad but a little bit good, we missed a huge nerf realistically, Could of had ilvl 21 1h's taken,Jordan taken, Pitfighter Requirement gated.. We dodged a bullet here i think, sure we might be8 stamina or so downfrom nerf of armor but still obtainable to reach 1K + Health as level 1 we're still winning guys, not to mention the secondary bonus's! Thanks for the info

- Bis/ Energy
With winterly's additional findings, here are some big confirmations I'll add to the summary.

The new stat rounding disparity that was confirmed for head and chest items affect everything, jewelry included
Bracers (and probably cloaks) can have 2 secondary stats now.
10's got a kick in the nuts. 20's get a big buff to Proc/Absorb
I'm sorry, must be the eraly hours of the mor ing and missed some info, what do you mean by 10 got shafted? What's the nerf? Went trough the images and the info here, but aside from the stam Red on BoE cant see anything else negative. My bad if some thing was obvious and i missed it.
@blue09 10's lost a fair bit of Main Stat (so did most low(er) Level Twinks), but the big part came from the Proc/Absorb changes. 20's benefit greatly from the changes, 10's the EXACT opposite. I lost as much as 70% damage on a couple Trinket's Proc. Absorbs on a couple trinkets dropped by 50% or more. Weapon Procs dropped considerably on every one I checked. Granted most 10's use Artys but it still hurts and reduces the amount of variety.

All of that said, 10's will still be in a good place in 9.0.5, but we certainly are getting hit by the almighty Nerfbat. 1's got a huge buff to their Gear, 20's got a good Buff to Proc/Absorb gear, 15's don't change at all, leaving 10's to get shafted.
I'm sorry, must be the eraly hours of the mor ing and missed some info, what do you mean by 10 got shafted? What's the nerf? Went trough the images and the info here, but aside from the stam Red on BoE cant see anything else negative. My bad if some thing was obvious and i missed it.
I'm not sure why you think a bunch of images in this thread centric to gear that 1s use would clue you in on what has changed for gear that 10s use. You should check for more general info.
Just transferred a character over from Live to PTR and I found some pretty cool finds that I think could be useful to the Level One Community.

It appears we can get the RedBeard Crest and Magician's Mantle without a level requirement on level one? Not too sure what the meaning of this is but if there are any other items out there like this I'd like to know! Thanks
Just transferred a character over from Live to PTR and I found some pretty cool finds that I think could be useful to the Level One Community.
View attachment 18486

It appears we can get the RedBeard Crest and Magician's Mantle without a level requirement on level one? Not too sure what the meaning of this is but if there are any other items out there like this I'd like to know! Thanks
That was such a 2020 meme, the new meme for 2021 is savant no socket + indestructible for level 1s

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