Mass funding spree


juggin n finessin
Rumsey Rum Brewing Co. is now accepting players by the MASS!!! We offer great BG experience, 5v5 guild events, 10 man wargames, daily premades, and over 10 people actively on at a time! We are now openly funding 1 character per person this includes: All Boe's Enchant's and any other items ie: extra weapon for weapon swap. You can also have a chance at getting more than 1 set funded if meeting all requirements and being a participation guild member. [All BoA's must be chanted yourself(if you have gold problems we can help with cape, neck, and chest enchant's if needed)].

RRBC is looking for dedicated players that are skillful within their class and are very competitive when it comes to PVP and twinking in general. We accept casual players as long as they are activity playing and participation in guild events (ie: premades).

Who is Rumsey Rum Brewing Co.?
Rumsey Rum Brewing Co is a experienced elitist/layed back Veteran Guild looking for more experienced members to join the almighty RRBC boys.

About Rumsey Rum Brewing Co.
Rumsey Rum Brewing Co is from the blood of Needs Mastery, we originated from the realm of Drenden wthin the guild name of Needs Mastery. We failed to thrive on Drenden due to the lack of actual twink gear so we had a idea, "Why not just move guild to a more Twink Friendly Realm?" we used this idea and brought everything to the realm of Bleeding Hollow with our 5 core players. Once we got here we then found the former guild "Fat Chickz Can't Los" (Neon owned this guild but it was abandoned) we used this as our frame to build upon our guild We then changed the name to "Rumsey Rum Brewing Co." we received this idea from one of our core players Tony. Now are thriving with over 12 online daily and growing daily, with around 135 players in the guild.

Your probably asking yourself right now: How do I get accepted into the Rumsey Rum Brewing Co.?
The answer to that is to meet all these requirements below:
1). MUST have Curse voice to join guild(this is our main voice chat for premades).

2). MUST keybind and be experienced within the PvP or Twinking part of game.

3). NEVER DDOS or Glitch while being in the guild(this means you shall never attempt or actually knock off someone elses router or go into a glitch).

4). Trash talking another player is a 3 warn rule (unless its in a playful way) :
Warning 1). Whisper about the rules with a stern talk about guild policies and politeness.
Warning 2). Guild Kick warning, goes on Punished rank for a full day.
Warning 3). There is no warning 3 because by now you will be Guild Kicked and never to return.

The following questions must me answered and posted in the thread to become accepted(you will be denied or accepted by the following people: Gokku, [MENTION=23518]Light[/MENTION], or [MENTION=27887]HungWang[/MENTION].


1). Why would you like to receive funding?

2). How long have you been playing in the twinking brackets(any really does not matter which).

3). How would you describe yourself attitude wise(ie: "I think of myself as a experienced and elitist wow player and i am ready to join a mature and experienced twinking guild).

4). Would you main on characters within the guild?Or would you keep the character within the guild as a Alt.

5). What class would you like to be funded? Do you have a lot of experience playing that class?

6). How do you think you will contribute to the RRBC guild?

7). Are you Xfering a character to the guild(if yes give link to armory, if not write no).


WHAT RRBC HAS TO OFFER YOU: We offer a selective group of players that are skillful and are willful to teach you and guide you ways to better your specific class, RRBC has some of the most top players in the bracket that have been around since the 20-29 twink bracket began. We also offer a collection of one of the best Guild Banks filled with all the cool goodies that allow withdraw of 2 stacks a day(depends on your rank).

This is one of the easiest questions on the thread, you will be able to rank up by the following:
Time Out: Only given when you break rules/ warning/ need guild to listen to high rank official.

Recruit: You become this rank when you join guild, usually you will get automatic rank if you continue to level/gear that character.

Member: Rewarded after a couple of days of playing that character/within the guild.

Active Twink: You get this rank once you are activity playing that character daily, rewarded with more access to guild bank including possible second character being funded.

Officer: Must be with the guild for a liable time, also must be mature and be able to handle and monitor the guild and make sure everyone is not breaking rules/ not spamming guild chat.

RRBC also has a unique Guild Bank that hold the best gear and finest consumbles. Donations are not required but greatly appreciated, the guild thrives off of members participation and we recognize who is and who is not meeting the requirements and there will be consequences for breaking the rules. RRBC also recognizes the most participating members and the players will the best attitude towards others; players would be rewarded for such actions.

The following are SS of the RRBC Guild Bank (Taken a few hours ago so it is kind of low atm).

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(Sorry I dont know how to insert straight into the thread ;( )
Thanks for taking the time to read this and I hope everyone has a chance to join.
If you have been accepted please PM me, Light, or Hungwang your Battle Tag.


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1). Why would you like to receive funding?

to play boomkin

2). How long have you been playing in the twinking brackets(any really does not matter which).

5-6 years

3). How would you describe yourself attitude wise(ie: "I think of myself as a experienced and elitist wow player and i am ready to join a mature and experienced twinking guild).
i'm the best player in the bracket"

4). Would you main on characters within the guild?Or would you keep the character within the guild as a Alt.


5). What class would you like to be funded? Do you have a lot of experience playing that class?

boomkin, played it once in a wargame so alot of experience

6). How do you think you will contribute to the RRBC guild?

by lending my presence

7). Are you Xfering a character to the guild(if yes give link to armory, if not write no).

1). Why would you like to receive funding?

to play boomkin

2). How long have you been playing in the twinking brackets(any really does not matter which).

5-6 years

3). How would you describe yourself attitude wise(ie: "I think of myself as a experienced and elitist wow player and i am ready to join a mature and experienced twinking guild).
i'm the best player in the bracket"

4). Would you main on characters within the guild?Or would you keep the character within the guild as a Alt.


5). What class would you like to be funded? Do you have a lot of experience playing that class?

boomkin, played it once in a wargame so alot of experience

6). How do you think you will contribute to the RRBC guild?

by lending my presence

7). Are you Xfering a character to the guild(if yes give link to armory, if not write no).


Feel like we have enough vet guilds to start a GG20
Not sure if we have enough funders

I tried to start a GG20. All everyone offered to fund was runs.

I would love to set one up though. Would be good for the Vet community.
1). Why would you like to receive funding?

to play boomkin

2). How long have you been playing in the twinking brackets(any really does not matter which).

5-6 years

3). How would you describe yourself attitude wise(ie: "I think of myself as a experienced and elitist wow player and i am ready to join a mature and experienced twinking guild).
i'm the best player in the bracket"

4). Would you main on characters within the guild?Or would you keep the character within the guild as a Alt.


5). What class would you like to be funded? Do you have a lot of experience playing that class?

boomkin, played it once in a wargame so alot of experience

6). How do you think you will contribute to the RRBC guild?

by lending my presence

7). Are you Xfering a character to the guild(if yes give link to armory, if not write no).


You have been DENIED due to the lack of effort and to much sarcasm.
Edit your application to have a chance of being accepted. Thank you.
Just a teeny weeny tip...
I think may have failed to mention you were Alliance.

Edit: to all you new recruits!!
If you do not have the Void trinket I will be giving one away. Possibly heirlooms this Friday! See link below. This is no way affiliated with RRBC but all level 20's are welcome.

I mean most know who we are and if not it is really easy to ask.
Also my signature is a worgen and it says GM of RRBC

Your probably asking yourself right now: How do I get accepted into the Rumsey Rum Brewing Co.?
The answer to that is to meet all these requirements below:
1). MUST have Curse voice to join guild(this is our main voice chat for premades).

2). MUST keybind and be experienced within the 20-29 twinking game.

3). NEVER DDOS or Glitch while being in the guild(this means you shall never attempt or actually knock off someone elses router or go into a glitch).

I would reword rule 2, must be experienced with 20-29 twinking, if someone is new to the bracket and wanting to give it a go they will be turned off by being excluded. You could put something like must have an understanding of wow pvp.
I would reword rule 2, must be experienced with 20-29 twinking, if someone is new to the bracket and wanting to give it a go they will be turned off by being excluded. You could put something like must have an understanding of wow pvp.

Thanks for the tip will edit it!

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