Maratian the Bloodthirsty, F2P world first!

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Waaaaaaaaay back before you played Imirak, someone brought up this player as one with rising hks in some other thread. He was quickly dismissed as being as botter by someone else on the forums. The number of hks were and are not my personal reason for dubbing him/her as a botter.

No achievement by a botter is worth being jealous of, who knows how many of those kills he even earned. Another reason for being an obvious botter is by the fact that even with so many hks, he/she is still a poor player. You would think that with so much time invested one would at least be better than terrible.
Waaaaaaaaay back before you played Imirak, someone brought up this player as one with rising hks in some other thread. He was quickly dismissed as being as botter by someone else on the forums. The number of hks were and are not my personal reason for dubbing him/her as a botter.

No achievement by a botter is worth being jealous of, who knows how many of those kills he even earned. Another reason for being an obvious botter is by the fact that even with so many hks, he/she is still a poor player. You would think that with so much time invested one would at least be better than terrible.

What's interesting about that thread is that it gives us an idea of Maratian's rate of HKs before 10/11 (when it was posted) and since 10/11.

Before, it was about 1100 kills/day. Afterwards, it was about 940/day but then this includes the holiday time. In addition, Maratian has been definitely averaging 1200+/day in the past few weeks when people say he's definitely not botting.

The high HKs could be a sign of botting, or a sign of someone who puts in a lot of hours in this game. It seems to be that the descriptions given by a lot of EU players puts Maratian in the latter category. And the opinions of people who have seen her play are really the only ones that carry weight with me.
What's interesting about that thread is that it gives us an idea of Maratian's rate of HKs before 10/11 (when it was posted) and since 10/11.

Before, it was about 1100 kills/day. Afterwards, it was about 940/day but then this includes the holiday time. In addition, Maratian has been definitely averaging 1200+/day in the past few weeks when people say he's definitely not botting.

The high HKs could be a sign of botting, or a sign of someone who puts in a lot of hours in this game. It seems to be that the descriptions given by a lot of EU players puts Maratian in the latter category. And the opinions of people who have seen her play are really the only ones that carry weight with me.

/sigh, i told you like ten posts back the guy BOTs, just because he dont do it every game dont mean he dont do it at all.
Ah what can we say about our Mara;

- the ladies see him as ''cute and fluffy''

- he's often angry (with the emotes)

- he won't ever become an english professor (that one is for sure)

- he's online more then some NPC's

- each WSG he gives his heart and soul regardless of the mistakes

- some say Mara killed the Lich King with only moonfire

- he doesn't BOT

- if i'll have a pet cat i'll name him Maratian

- impressive number of HK's Mara , gz :)

Hugs, kisses, and broken fingers,

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Gz Maratian.

She's often on late at night, and I've played in the same BGs often enough over the past months. She's doing stuff on a regular basis no bot would think of (yeah, the raid icons thing, and talking in chat, and goofing around with the flag or rezzing healers on the battlefield). Botting never even occurred to me.

When she's turning up when I'm on horde it makes me smile, and when I'm on ally I go 'oh shit' and we'll probably get gy-camped too before losing more often than not. If someone deserves that title for putting in endless hours (and quite a bit of skill and passion), it's her.
Ah what can we say about our Mara;

- ladies see him as ''cute and fluffy''

- he's angry (with the emotes)

- he won't ever become an english professor (that one is for sure)

- he's online more then some NPC's

- each WSG he gives his heart and soul regardless of the mistakes

- some say Mara killed the Lich King with moonfire

- he doesn't BOT

- if i'll have a pet cat i'll name him Maratian

- impressive number of HK's Mara , gz :)

Hugs, kisses, and broken fingers,


True Story everything above! Guy just plays this game 25hours a day., and 2x12=? is just that guy even playing on EU?
BTW Alpha n Beta only get HK's when I heal them! Besides that, player is nub!
Jokes! Alpha is the shit!
Zagorec Skymane!
Amagaaad :D Mara joined the TI Community !
Back to the subject : How could anyone hate Mara ? Really, he is my favorite troll tbh :) I enjoy playing with him, he always makes me laugh although he also calls me : "Cele noob" every time he dies and I'm around him healing haha. You have to love that !
Gz for your achievement Mara :eek:
With my alts, I played a number of BG against and with him.
He makes me laugh harassing 600 HP nubs.
He is always angry that's why his finger trembling on his Moonfire spell keybind.
Sure, he doesn't bot at all !

I see him as only a a very passionate player who deserves his title.

GZ Maratian.
I've played in bgs for 1 month now and all the times I've been in bg with him, I've never seen him bot.
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