Do you have an Alternative to the LFH i dont have it and i probably wont anytime soon
Edit: and i dont wear Cloth boots
Then if you have it you can still transmog it since LFH got no lvl req. If you don't got it anymore you can ticket a GM or use the restoration tool Good luck!i did on my 19 pally but i lvled him out a while back D:
Oh sorry, thought they were on the same realmHe is On Zul'jin my main realm. Restopathic is on Medivh. ;p
I do really like that Xmog set Oliks, but i dont really have time to farm for the LFH now adays. Hope you can find an alternative that looks just as good. ^.^
What's your class? Warrior
What's your race? Male Night elf
Any specific color you'd like? Black, brown, any darker-ish color
TCG-loot tabards? nope
What high lvl class's do you have and what faction is that char? I have a 63 horde warrior im lvling atm
Blime @ Medivh - Game Guide - World of Warcraft
I wanna see what you come up with :]
Laborer's Belt requires Worgen. any diff belts that would work?
I want to Thank you oliks for my Transmog, looking pretty Badass now thanks to you xD , Btw ive been Getting some people asking about Mail Transmog set, ik good ones are so hard to come by for lvl 10s you might put on on this Thread sometime if you can
These are the ones i need.
mumferd set:
I dont hope its too boring, but it was all i could come up with that would fit with a hunter imo..
Head: Rifle commander's eyepatch
shoulder: [cured mammoth hide mantle]
chest: [grimaxe's black breastplate]
shirt: [rustic workman's shirt]
tabard: [stormpike battle tabard]
wrist: [stonehallow's arm bands]
hands: [heavy linen gloves]
waist: [lupine cord]
legs: [shackled bindings]
feet: [mossy boots]
gun: Siege captain's gun