Making a 64 paladin, looking for gear suggestions.

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Well, title says it all. I'm looking for some gear ideas, I have no clue for the most part.

This is for offensive prot or ret.

Head: Furious Gizmatic Goggles

Shoulders: Truth Bearer Shoulderguards

Neck: Not entirely sure. Using Garrote-String Necklace right now.

Chest: I'm thinking Unscarred Breastplate.

Belt: Tenacious Defender

Gloves: Faith Bearer's Gauntlets

Legs: Greaves of the Iron Guardian

Boots: Ironsole Clompers

Bracers: Nexus-Bracers of Vigor

Cloak: No idea.

Ring 1: Probably Band of the Victor, but I'm looking for something else.

Ring 2: ^

Trinket 1: Bladefist's Breadth

Trinket 2: No idea.

MH: This is where I'm really confused. I'm using the BoA mace right now.

Shield: Also confused.

2H: I was comparing Grand Marshal's Claymore, BoA axe, and Hatebringer w/ 3x 20 strength gems. Hatebringer had the most AP, but the claymore had the most swing damage, and the axe just had some slightly higher stats.

Relic: Libram of Saints Departed

I was thinking of gemming a mix of strength and stamina, depending on what most people's health pools are.

Looking for some comments or ideas on how to improve/what to replace.
I had a look around and came up with this, hope it helps.

Head: Furious Gizmatic Goggles

Shoulders: Truth Bearer Shoulderguards

Neck: Pendant of Battle-Lust

Chest: Unscarred Breastplate

Belt: Tenacious Defender

Gloves: Faith Bearer's Gauntlets

Legs: Greaves of the Iron Guardian

Boots: Ironsole Clompers

Bracers: Nexus-Bracers of Vigor

Cloak: Nomad's Woven Cloak

Ring 1: Band of the Victor

Ring 2: Blessed Signet Ring

Trinket 1: Bladefist's Breadth

Trinket 2: Have a look through this list, there is a lot of options and you may even want to change Trinket 1.

MH: Venerable Mass of McGowan, Axe of the Legion

Shield: Petrified Lichen Guard

2H: Hatebringer

Relic: Libram of Zeal

I haven't looked into the Hit Cap, nor have I looked to see if all of these are still available after The Shattering - should be because I don't think they changed Outland quests.
60 or 64 - TF is the way to go.. What you lack in dps, you gain in chance on hit.. it's not only the damage that pwns.. it disorients A LOT!
Thanks for the quick and effective responses guys! I didn't think of checking many of the Outland reputation faction vendors. Also, Intercept, when you say TF, do you mean Thunderfury? Just curious.
Intercept said:
60 or 64 - TF is the way to go.. What you lack in dps, you gain in chance on hit.. it's not only the damage that pwns.. it disorients A LOT!

I was going to add TF to the list but decided not to because I assumed he already knew about it and was just looking for something slightly better than his BoA Mace.

But for the record:

MH: Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker
Dark Edge of Insanity I think is what he means...
I think getting Thunderfury will take a really long time, so I'll do with something else until I get it. I'm also very poor from grinding 350 engineering, being the already-poor hobo I am. Thanks again.
Mrcer said:
Dark Edge of Insanity I think is what he means...

Oh sorry, I assumed by TF he meant Thunderfury. I guess that would explain the disorient too.

But yes, if you can manage to get your hands on a Dark Edge of Insanity (without a 60 Twink taking it like they should be) then of course use it.
Ye.. I meant Thunderfury. Nothing more annoying and disorienting than having a huge cyclone that towers up nearly twice as high as your character follow you around.. :p

My paladin is lvl 30.. and I'll probably reach 60 eventually (I hope).
tauntz guear list pretty mutch sums it all , i would only change the green ring to the other circlet of the victor . for the trinkets consider a offensive one and the insignia , once you use it change for gnomish powltrizer and after you use it change for "Ogre Maulers Badges" or another offensive trinket since both have a 5 min cd.

bear in mind that if you do a 64 prot pala you are going to be FLAMED every bg , whinned upon etc etc , because mr oldschools refuse to accept that this bracket is now 60 64 :). i also have a pala 64 but i built him more sta/resilience stile , yea you do lot less dmg but its nearly impossible to kill me Profiler - Wowhead , im working now in getting a second set of the socketed stuff for dmg.
(making another post cause editing is screwed"

also dont consider any 2hand that does not have "Dark Edge of Insanity" on its name
One more question, what's a good healthpool to have in the 60-64 range?

Links to prot paladin/warrior armories could be helpful, even level 60 ones.

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