Magical Beard - super rare vanity item

Re: F2P what does your twink eat - revival [featuring a magical beard]

Re: F2P what does your twink eat - revival [featuring a magical beard]

[08:45:12 PM] Cripz: YOLO CRIPZ ON SKYPE

He's officially been chinned!
the fuck is wrong with u guize
Iv been here a grand total of 4 hour's on this account, So thanks for the solid input However and this ones a big one iv been around twinking since before BC And to prove i think i was here when this place was battlegroundforum ifirc Hope someone can confirm that since old billymays isnt going to have a clue what that it the wotlk scrub.

I'm going to need some Aloe Vera.

It's just banter Ramsey, I actually meant the welcome and was staying on "chin topic" - quite hard to make chin puns. Remember this is TI.

Feisty One - YouTube

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