Mage rage!!!!

plz share ur rotation for hunters and/or ferals... and maybe even hpallys coz im at a complete loss.
polymorph, arcane blast, polymorph, arcane blast, polymorph, arcane blast, arcane blast, arcane blast, counterspell(the denounce or the flash heal, they are now locked out of holy at around 1k hp), blink, frost nova, arcane blast+arcane barrage with your 4 stack, they are now shattered to zero and dead.
the same rotation can be used for any healer except and rdru.
Rogues can easily kill a mage using the environment. Most Pug rogues open up on a mage where there is no Los at their advantage.Usually in mid
Rogues can easily kill a mage using the environment. Most Pug rogues open up on a mage where there is no Los at their advantage.Usually in mid

The only way you lose to a rogue on a mage is if they 1 hit you. There is no reason why they should ever touch you again after popping blazing speed.
Using subterfuge and getting two ambushes off, usually critting, the venom should kill the mage.

If the mage is aware of whats happening after the first ambush,you'd have a chance.
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Using subterfuge and getting two ambushes off, usually critting, the venom should kill the mage.

Nah, Frost Nova, and pop Blazing Speed. If rogue trinkets frost nova, mage should still be able to kite it to death.
^ depends on the mages awareness.If thats the case then the rogue wont touch you after that.
If you aren't queueing with a pocket healer mages are frusturating to PuG with.

I've never que'd w/ a premade before in my life and I completely agree with this ^^
polymorph, arcane blast, polymorph, arcane blast, polymorph, arcane blast, arcane blast, arcane blast, counterspell(the denounce or the flash heal, they are now locked out of holy at around 1k hp), blink, frost nova, arcane blast+arcane barrage with your 4 stack, they are now shattered to zero and dead.
the same rotation can be used for any healer except and rdru.

1k yoloshock healcrit, gg your strat

Just for the record: I stopped doing bgs on my Mage and will do so throughout all of 5.3, the conshot spam is strong in this patch.
1k yoloshock healcrit, gg your strat

Just for the record: I stopped doing bgs on my Mage and will do so throughout all of 5.3, the conshot spam is strong in this patch.
Not really. The holy shock is already accounted for. It's done before they attempt the flash.

The only reason you should ever lose to a hpal is if they either juke you, or trinket your nova when you are about shatter. If they dont do either, and you still lose, its on your end.
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counterspell(the denounce or the flash heal, they are now locked out of holy at around 1k hp).

That's what you said, tell me again where you a) said anything about yoloshock and b) how you come to the conclusion that any hpal has only 1k hp left after yoloshocking to full hp...

You're overestimating mages and underestimating holy paladins, but anyways, if your strategy works for you, great, but in reality it doesn't.
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That's what you said, tell me again where you a) said anything about yoloshock and b) how you come to the conclusion that any hpal has only 1k hp left after yoloshocking to full hp...
They can as you term it, "yoloshock" to full, it takes two casts to drop them back to 1k, at which point you shatter for over 1000. I've done it over and over in arenas and bgs, it really isn't that hard.
They can as you term it, "yoloshock" to full, it takes two casts to drop them back to 1k, at which point you shatter for over 1000. I've done it over and over in arenas and bgs, it really isn't that hard.

All the mages here must have either perfect RNG to always get a shatter proc (you need 25% crit to get 100% crit chance with Shatter). To hit 500 Arcane Blasts (I'm assuming you're fighting against a 2k hpaly) you need either about 200+ spellpower with 3+ charges or crit with normal 150ish spellpower with 3 charges. I'm bad at statistics but tell me the probability of getting 2 AB crits in a row if you can.

Also, you're making this situation out to be like any good holy paladin would not do anything and just let you freecast all the time (I'm not talking about the time he's polymorphed).

Stop theorycrafting and either show proof of your awesome strategy or make the situation more realistic. Of course you could get lucky and get everything to crit, have 0 latency and pull this without any flaws but what you make out is close to impossible.
All the mages here must have either perfect RNG to always get a shatter proc (you need 25% crit to get 100% crit chance with Shatter). To hit 500 Arcane Blasts (I'm assuming you're fighting against a 2k hpaly) you need either about 200+ spellpower with 3+ charges or crit with normal 150ish spellpower with 3 charges. I'm bad at statistics but tell me the probability of getting 2 AB crits in a row if you can.

Also, you're making this situation out to be like any good holy paladin would not do anything and just let you freecast all the time (I'm not talking about the time he's polymorphed).

Stop theorycrafting and either show proof of your awesome strategy or make the situation more realistic. Of course you could get lucky and get everything to crit, have 0 latency and pull this without any flaws but what you make out is close to impossible.
I could have at least 3 different healers, priest, paladin, and shaman, come into this thread and verify what im saying within a day. I'm not theory crafting, its something that's quite easily done, if you're playing your mage right. If you need to, you can drop them lower than 1k. Thats just the average kill zone for me. You can argue all you want, but the fact remains that it's quite easily doable. I'm sorry but just because you may have a rough time doing it, doesn't mean others cant do it. I've seen several other mages do it, in addition to me.

--Feel free to message me with a time, and you can log on at the specified time, and watch me do it. Cheers :]
I could have at least 3 different healers, priest, paladin, and shaman, come into this thread and verify what im saying within a day. I'm not theory crafting, its something that's quite easily done, if you're playing your mage right. If you need to, you can drop them lower than 1k. Thats just the average kill zone for me. You can argue all you want, but the fact remains that it's quite easily doable. I'm sorry but just because you may have a rough time doing it, doesn't mean others cant do it. I've seen several other mages do it, in addition to me.

--Feel free to message me with a time, and you can log on at the specified time, and watch me do it. Cheers :]

I'm a bit grumpy with how the game is AGAIN, i.e conshot everywhere...

But if you would've taken the time to look at my sig and checked out any of my chars you would know I'm from EU :p

Anyways, I think I made the point clear that I'm not happy with 5.3's PvP changes. Hope you have a great day :)
I'm a bit grumpy with how the game is AGAIN, i.e conshot everywhere...

But if you would've taken the time to look at my sig and checked out any of my chars you would know I'm from EU :p

Anyways, I think I made the point clear that I'm not happy with 5.3's PvP changes. Hope you have a great day :)
I took the time to look :p
I have a geared mage on EU servers

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