Mage rage!!!!


Is there any classes a mages CAN beat 1v1? (other than warriors)

Do alliance have access to classes other than rogues, hunters and pallys? Seriously, why are 5/10 characters on alliance hunters. every. single. game.

Why does avengers shield silence and do massive damage on a 15 sec CD while counterspell doesn't even work if the enemy cast bar is past half way... oh and on a 24 second CD!!!

Hunters get a 10% ap buff this patch... did they really need that on top of this new gear scaling buff??? now i cant get a damn spell off before 90% of my health is gone, or i spam instants every 3 seconds that hit like a wet noodle. Oh you lost intimidate? QQ where the fuck is my iceblock?

I finally get a pally down to 10% health. NOPE. Bubble!

Finally get a druid down to 10% health. NOPE. Shape-shift run awwwaaaayyyyy.....

Those shammys i could beat last patch?? Blizz; "fuck you shammys need some love! have a health, damage and awesomeness buff so that you shit rainbows" LB on the go? who do these guys think they are? hunters?

Rogues... everywhere... 2xambush crit? GG

Warriors with their 3k health.... and their fancy pants... i dont mind them at all.

Priests? /cast polymorph /cast polymorph /cast polymorph /cast counterspell

Seriously... who plays a monk...

and before you ask... YES I AM MAD BRO! :mad:

Anyway all in all a good patch for mages. What do you guys think?

(Edit) and feral Druids... I might as well walk myself back to the GY
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So if he get's into a situation where it's a 1v1, he should just say "Oh well, back to graveyard"? It's a pain in the ass to have mostly all of your defensive CD 20 levels higher levels. Most other classes have skills to compensate for that. Mages have blink, root, slows, and a silence. that's it. It's understandable to be frustrated but It does easier at some point... when that is I have no idea....
Mages are made to cc, not kill things.


If you can get enough range on a rogue you can kill them, or even a warrior, other than that not much unless you are full bis and the target is really new, dont get discouraged though, they are good in groups.
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Lol Yeah mage not easy. Funny how they say Horde get better crit gear... Totally see WSG dominated by locks/mages.... not.

Resto druids now are worse than Cata. Heals nerfed so bad lol. OH well ride it out. Next patch it will get better.

Lol , how do u know next patch they will get better?!
Cuz i dont know nothing of this :confused: !
While we're complaining, why don't paladins have pets and stealth? Completely unfair! Also, need stealth pets.

And only if there was some kind of caster that wore plate armor, with plenty of health and the ability to heal themselves... Oh well we can only dream, right?
try using blazing speed for awhile, when used with blink it can get you pretty damn far. it also removes movement impairing effects for the duration its active so you usually can escape hunters in mid etc
Lol , how do u know next patch they will get better?!
Cuz i dont know nothing of this :confused: !

Just based on the patches when 5.0 hit. Shockadins get nerfed to a reasonable level. Remember their denounces?! Hunters/Rogues/Warriors were nerfed Silly.... Restos had 500rejuvs!!!
So it got corrected. Still imbalances obviously. But overall F2P bracket progresses in the right direction.
PvP is teamwork not 1 vs 1. U must not care too much for duels .

Are you trying to tell me you never find yourself in a 1v1 situation? I don't mind duels... They make you a better player and sometimes you learn new shit... But when I duel it's usually against a higher level player and yes I lose 90% of the time. At least thers no gy spawn camping after I lose a duel

(Edit) fire mages suck a bag of dicks!
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Just based on the patches when 5.0 hit. Shockadins get nerfed to a reasonable level. Remember their denounces?! Hunters/Rogues/Warriors were nerfed Silly.... Restos had 500rejuvs!!!
So it got corrected. Still imbalances obviously. But overall F2P bracket progresses in the right direction.

WE must suggest this to blizzard if blizzard must balance the game at low levels.
Ok first of fire mages are the best thing since sliced bread. All I hear is people say omg no more scorch ! Who gives a poop it wasn't the best choice anyway . Fire is super easy two if you play it right and stack a medium amount of crit . All you do is run with a group and pop your nova then Evaluate how much time you have . From there choose to either pyroblast fireblast or fireball fireblast . If you chose the Pom talent u can even do a double pyro very fast . Blam they both crit and you get your fiery hands buff thing but wait u novad 2 ppl so cast fireball then use your proc on the second target blam u have another proc and can use that where err you want . IMO fire Mage is no where near up . They just are pretty dependent on freeze but ill tell you this . Bursting 3k plus on a unsuspecting prot pally is better than Nutella
Had some pretty good games today as a mage, probably would have gotten owned alot more if Bison hadn't been playing on his priest in my last 3 games.
Just based on the patches when 5.0 hit. Shockadins get nerfed to a reasonable level. Remember their denounces?! Hunters/Rogues/Warriors were nerfed Silly.... Restos had 500rejuvs!!!
So it got corrected. Still imbalances obviously. But overall F2P bracket progresses in the right direction.

The other rumor (bliz talked about) was adding PVP Power to looms. If that happens, it'll change things up for healing.

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