Mage/Priest 2v2 wargames

Sputnick said:
Non of them are even average compared to the people from Detour.

o boi skilled 19ers reppin it up in here

behind the sarcasm i bet u dnt even kno who most of them r

at least u know who the best sinister strike spammer is tho m8 ye?
Blackout said:
I dont remember seeing any of the best active players on there when i logged on there. But then again, if people wasn't using their ingame names im not to know who they are ^^

I had the pleasure to meet so many self-proclaimed "bests" who couldn't stand for their claims. But then again, the ones I played with and agains't are the ones who prefer to keep anonymous - And those are the people who don't claim nor use words but actions. And those are the ones I lost and won agains't, and the ones I respect the most.
see the 2k guy w 58% wl as shatterplay is doing it rite

Best 19 rogue #EU armory


just 2 bad wit the other stuff cus sadistic intents n lolflay is on kor gall
Vqqlol said:
see the 2k guy w 58% wl as shatterplay is doing it rite

just 2 bad wit the other stuff cus sadistic intents n lolflay is on kor gall

No comprendo. Your trolling goes beyond my sarcasm.
Sputnick said:
No comprendo. Your trolling goes beyond my sarcasm.

gd attempt at avoiding the subject, do u know who the ppl r or not? im not trolling

n wat i ment which is obvious is tht the 2k shatterplay dude put "19" instead of just "best" like u do, as if ur comparable to proper players
Vqqlol said:
gd attempt at avoiding the subject, do u know who the ppl r or not? im not trolling

n wat i ment which is obvious is tht the 2k shatterplay dude put "19" instead of just "best" like u do, as if ur comparable to proper players

Yes, I do know some. And if you haven't played agains't or with me you have no morals to comment if I'm comparable to X or Y.
Sputnick said:
Yes, I do know some. And if you haven't played agains't or with me you have no morals to comment if I'm comparable to X or Y.

ye ofc u know the sponsored players like dignitas, hr etc who dish out movies even 1.8k scrubs watch, but u dnt know the others cus ur a peasant (sry m8, not being rude here, dnt take it the wrong way)

also ur lvl 19 all i need to know m8

all im trying to prove here m8 is that u should get out of ur bubble and face reality and drop the peen.. i can point out 1000x mistakes in the vid, but do u c me doing it? be nice to ur m8s :)))
Vqqlol said:
just 2 bad wit the other stuff cus sadistic intents n lolflay is on kor gall

Our guild is a Rated BG based PvP guild ^^ and we are higher than Sadistic Intents in RBG by a long shot according to conquestwow /cheer

I didn't make this signiture, i came on the forums one day and it was there. Jaxel made it for me trying to troll me and ive just not been bothered to remove it ^^
Vqqlol said:
ye ofc u know the sponsored players like dignitas, hr etc who dish out movies even 1.8k scrubs watch, but u dnt know the others cus ur a peasant (sry m8, not being rude here, dnt take it the wrong way)

also ur lvl 19 all i need to know m8

all im trying to prove here m8 is that u should get out of ur bubble and face reality and drop the peen.. i can point out 1000x mistakes in the vid, but do u c me doing it? be nice to ur m8s :)))

What meaning do you expect your delusional self-important statements of unknowing, inexperienced opinion to have to us who think and reason? What fantasy do you hold that you would believe that your tiny-fisted tantrums would have more weight than that of a leprous desert rat, spinning rabidly in a circle, waiting for the bite of the snake? You are a waste of flesh.
Blackout said:
Our guild is a Rated BG based PvP guild ^^ and we are higher than Sadistic Intents in RBG by a long shot according to conquestwow /cheer

rofl i kno lolflay he doesnt even care about rbg, no one in sadistic does.. u kno u basically cant lose rbg rating right? its just a farm. but i dont see any of your guildies on their level when it comes to arena which is wht matters n wat they (n every1 else) care about

I didn't make this signiture, i came on the forums one day and it was there. Jaxel made it for me trying to troll me and ive just not been bothered to remove it ^^

fair enough m8 im not hating :)))
Sputnick said:
What meaning do you expect your delusional self-important statements of unknowing, inexperienced opinion to have to us who think and reason? What fantasy do you hold that you would believe that your tiny-fisted tantrums would have more weight than that of a leprous desert rat, spinning rabidly in a circle, waiting for the bite of the snake? You are a waste of flesh.

my statements which actually are experienced (u dont evn kno who players like khuna is lol) as opposed to urs which clearly are vry misinformed. sure u know all about the sinister strike spam, but m8 my level is something u will never reach

What fantasy do you hold that you would believe that your tiny-fisted tantrums would have more weight than that of a leprous desert rat, spinning rabidly in a circle, waiting for the bite of the snake?

What illusion has you grasped that makes you believe your tiny-fisted tantrums would hold more weight than that of a leprous desert rat, spinning rabidly in a circle, waiting for the snake's strike?

here m8 think i just made ur jibberish (which u used to again avoid the subject) look more like a proper sentence.. fair attempt tho m8 :)))
Vqqlol said:
rofl i kno lolflay he doesnt even care about rbg, no one in sadistic does.. u kno u basically cant lose rbg rating right? its just a farm. but i dont see any of your guildies on their level when it comes to arena which is wht matters n wat they (n every1 else) care about

Well when you get to around 2200, you do actually start losing a fair amount of rating but thats if you lose to a lower team. It may well be a farm, but when your facing people of 2400 MMR's / team average its extremely challenging ^^ Teams from MONSTERS and such. Not yet faced a team from hydramist! But we all really wanna.

So man, hows it been? Been up to much? Loads to do in the city of Oslow :>
You <lindenkron - no>. You <lindenkron - no>. You worthless <lindenkron - no>. I wager you couldn't empty a boot of excrement were the instructions on the heel. You are a canker. A sore that won't go away. I would rather kiss a lawyer than be seen with you. Try to edit your responses of unnecessary material before attempting to impress us with your insight. The evidence that you are a nincompoop will still be available to readers, but they will be able to access it more rapidly.

I hope that you're from EU. I wanna see if I can "reach your level".
Blackout said:
Well when you get to around 2200, you do actually start losing a fair amount of rating but thats if you lose to a lower team. It may well be a farm, but when your facing people of 2400 MMR's / team average its extremely challenging ^^ Teams from MONSTERS and such. Not yet faced a team from hydramist! But we all really wanna.

So man, hows it been? Been up to much? Loads to do in the city of Oslow :>

ye it might be challenging, but the amounts u lose is minimal. MONSTERS, hydramist, oh shug (we farmed hydramist btw), slashflex etc ofc giv a gd challenge but again, u lose so little (hydramist was @ our rating, they lost like -6 -7 -2). also if u meet hydramist, they started rolling wit a prot warr, its gay as fuk.. just bring enuf mages, they're also easily outplayed in the meta game, its just individually they have some sick stuff going on

r u talking to me wit the last part?
Sputnick said:
You <lindenkron - no>. You <lindenkron - no>. You <lindenkron - no>. I wager you couldn't empty a boot of excrement were the instructions on the heel. You are a canker. A sore that won't go away. I would rather kiss a lawyer than be seen with you. Try to edit your responses of unnecessary material before attempting to impress us with your insight. The evidence that you are a nincompoop will still be available to readers, but they will be able to access it more rapidly.

I hope that you're from EU. I wanna see if I can "reach your level".

finished wit u, ur still avoiding, u got decimated and any1 who can read knows it. but if u really wanna talk come aggamaggan ask any1 from oh shug its them again if djcrest is on. u can also find me on abyssal under djcrestx happily do 2s/3s/duels w.e u prefer
Vqqlol said:
ye it might be challenging, but the amounts u lose is minimal. MONSTERS, hydramist, oh shug (we farmed hydramist btw), slashflex etc ofc giv a gd challenge but again, u lose so little (hydramist was @ our rating, they lost like -6 -7 -2). also if u meet hydramist, they started rolling wit a prot warr, its gay as fuk.. just bring enuf mages, they're also easily outplayed in the meta game, its just individually they have some sick stuff going on

r u talking to me wit the last part?

yeah i was talking to you with the last part ^^

i just heard from some dudes, sadistic dudes infact that hydramist were doing well in RBG. but they are not in the top 25 in EU so they cant be that high. a couple of days ago our guild was #20th in EU, and 8th out of the horde. So they cant be high rated then i guess - they are probably more arena focused ^^ Each to their own though right :)
I got decimated? You're obnoxious. I'll make sure to record every single fart I give vs you to repeatedly shove it on your face.
Blackout said:
yeah i was talking to you with the last part ^^

i just heard from some dudes, sadistic dudes infact that hydramist were doing well in RBG. but they are not in the top 25 in EU so they cant be that high. a couple of days ago our guild was #20th in EU, and 8th out of the horde. So they cant be high rated then i guess - they are probably more arena focused ^^ Each to their own though right :)

oh ok, how did u kno tho? its cold dude just started snowing again..

ye ofc hydramist is tearing pmuch everything up when they actually q, but they're pretty low rated, they dont have a set team (we're in the same boat) just picking up whoever's on, which means the rating is just spread around. most of us are at like 900 rat.. could easily be top 10 eu with the roster we have but interest is simply low when it comes to rbg
lol its antisociale in worsong gluch :D

btw im best eu all class every bracket get on my levle

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