idk if people still care but I found out how to improve on my healing macros.
my new Flash of light (can copy paste for word of glory as well) macro.
#showtooltip Flash of Light
/cast [mod:ctrl, target=player][@mouseover,exists,help,nodead][@target,exists,help,nodead][@focus,help,nodead][] Flash of Light
what this does and in this order:
1)if the modifier is pressed it will cast the spell on you
2)if there is a mouseover it will cast the spell on the mouseover
3)if there is a target it will cast on the target (if friendly)
4)if there is a focus with no one targeted (that is friendly) it will cast on the focus
holy shock:
#showtooltip Holy Shock
/cast [mod:ctrl, target=player][@mouseover,exists,nodead][@target,exists,nodead] [@focus,nodead][] Holy Shock
same idea except you remove the [help] clause from both mouseover, target, and focus allowing you to cast on enemy targets.
Lay on hands:
#showtooltip Lay on Hands
/cast [mod:ctrl, target=player][@mouseover,exists,help,nodead][@target,exists,help,nodead][@focus,help,nodead][] Lay on Hands
/use Darkmoon Whistle
/use Imp in a Ball
same idea as the flash of light macro except once it is cast you use both the darkmoon whistle (makes an in game sound, alerting others around you) as well as the imp in a ball just because I can.
My focus macro (I have been trying to get this to work for a while)
/focus [@mouseover,nodead,exists]; [@target,exists]
what this does:
1)sets your mouseover to focus if pressed once (if someone is your mouseover)
2)sets your focus to the target if someone is targeted
3)clears the focus on 2nd press (if no one is targeted)
hope this helps!