Macro thread

Sorry was busy with work this weekend and didn't have much time to update. It's updated now, thanks to all who posted
When a 19 casts lifeblood from a skill level of 225 herb they gain ~26% haste which is really close to Heroism/Bloodlust's 30%. I'm a fan of the sound that happens when Heroism is cast, so I've created this simple macro that will play the Hero sound as you pop lifeblood, I find it amusing and fun to use tbh.

/cast lifeblood
/script PlaySoundFile("Sound\\Spells\\Heroism_Cast.wav")


This could work for any class/spell, but I like using this:

/tar psyfiend
/cast Conflagrate

ofc alot of priests shield/heal their psyfiend, but some dont!
Need some lock and monk macros!!!

A rarely used macro would be the one from the flash of light macro. Just switch it to tiger's lust if you're talented to it.

as for lock macros...

Focus fear macro:
/target focus
/cast fear

Affliction macros: (Not recommended to play aff in this bracket yet, but if you do...)

Soulburn drain life:
/cast Soulburn
/cast Drain Life

Soulburn instant demon:
/cast Soulburn
/cast Summon Imp (or Voidwalker)
I will post some Windwalker Monk macros here because they are missing. First of all: WWMonks dont need macros tbh but here are a few ones.

#showtooltip Provoke
/cast [nomodifier] Provoke
/cast [mod:shift, target=focus] Provoke
/cast [mod:ctrl, target=mouseover] Provoke

#showtooltip Tiger's Lust
/cast [nomod] Tiger's Lust
/cast [mod:shift, target=focus] Tiger's Lust
/cast [mod:ctrl, target=mouseover] Tiger's Lust
/cast [mod:alt, target=player] Tiger's Lust


#showtooltip Jab
/cast Jab

and some focus target/mouseover and arena macros... Thats all i use
Some Warrior macros I use on my main:

#showtooltip Charge
/cast [nomodifier] Charge
/cast [mod; shift, target=focus] Charge

This is useful for interrupting heals or quickly switching target in arena :) I personally use it with Mod; ctrl but I guess most people are familiar with mod; shift

#showtooltip defensive stance
/equipslot 16 [1-hander name here]
/equipslot 17 [shield name here]
/cast defensive stance

#showtooltip defensive stance
/equipslot 16 [2-hander name here]
/cast defensive stance

#showtooltip Battle Stance
/equipslot 16 [2-hander name here]
/cast Battle stance

with those 3 macros I find it more easy to switch between weapons n stances. (a little tip, I have Battle stance / Defensive stance on binds: "1" and "2" and shield dstance on "shift-2" you might wanna bind them so you just have to press a modifier and the same key)
To make it more specific
#showtooltip fear
/target focus
/cast fear

this does so you can cast fear on your focus without loosing current target

Or you can just make a macro that says

/cast [target=focus] Fear

and not lose your target.

Or better yet, can put fear and focus fear on one key with a modifier. For example..

/cast [mod:shift, target=focus] Fear; Fear
I don't use many macros on my warlock. I use focus modifiers for fear and curse of enfeeblement, and as demo, I use the following macros..

/cancelaura Metamorphosis
/cast Corruption

/cancelaura Metamorphosis
/cast Hand of Gul'Dan

These drop Meta form if it's up when you attempt to cast corruption or guldan, since you have to be in caster form for those.

I also use a macro that is just /petfollow to control my imp pet on lock, while keeping it on assist.
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Or you can just make a macro that says

/cast [target=focus] Fear

and not lose your target.

Or better yet, can put fear and focus fear on one key with a modifier. For example..

/cast [mod:shift, target=focus] Fear; Fear

I've tried that second macro multiple times, it never worked as intended for me. It's always looking for a focus target even when I'm not holding shift.
I've tried that second macro multiple times, it never worked as intended for me. It's always looking for a focus target even when I'm not holding shift.

#showtooltip Fear
/cast [nomod] Fear
/cast [mod:shift, target=focus] Fear

make sure to have shift T unbound if you bound the macro to T..
Or you can just make a macro that says

/cast [target=focus] Fear

and not lose your target.

Or better yet, can put fear and focus fear on one key with a modifier. For example..

/cast [mod:shift, target=focus] Fear; Fear
with that macro you don't lose target either, and the mod macro is good yes but since 19s don't have many spells you're in no need to save a bind, good thinking though
I don't use many macros on my warlock. I use focus modifiers for fear and curse of enfeeblement, and as demo, I use the following macros..

/cancelaura Metamorphosis
/cast Corruption

/cancelaura Metamorphosis
/cast Hand of Gul'Dan

These drop Meta form if it's up when you attempt to cast corruption or guldan, since you have to be in caster form for those.

I also use a macro that is just /petfollow to control my imp pet on lock, while keeping it on assist.
You can also turn Gul'dan macro around, I tried this and the 24% dmg increase applies to gul'dan so make 2 binds for Gul'dan one pure and one for metamorphis
/cast [target=focus] Holy Word: Chastise

/target Psyfiend
/cast Power Word: Shield

/target Syba
/cast Penance
is there a macro that allows me to use my pets abilities depending on which pet I have?
As in if I am using my cunning pet it uses roar of sacrifice
but if it is my tenacity pet it charges?
idk if people still care but I found out how to improve on my healing macros.

my new Flash of light (can copy paste for word of glory as well) macro.
#showtooltip Flash of Light
/cast [mod:ctrl, target=player][@mouseover,exists,help,nodead][@target,exists,help,nodead][@focus,help,nodead][] Flash of Light

what this does and in this order:
1)if the modifier is pressed it will cast the spell on you
2)if there is a mouseover it will cast the spell on the mouseover
3)if there is a target it will cast on the target (if friendly)
4)if there is a focus with no one targeted (that is friendly) it will cast on the focus

holy shock:
#showtooltip Holy Shock
/cast [mod:ctrl, target=player][@mouseover,exists,nodead][@target,exists,nodead] [@focus,nodead][] Holy Shock

same idea except you remove the [help] clause from both mouseover, target, and focus allowing you to cast on enemy targets.

Lay on hands:
#showtooltip Lay on Hands
/cast [mod:ctrl, target=player][@mouseover,exists,help,nodead][@target,exists,help,nodead][@focus,help,nodead][] Lay on Hands
/use Darkmoon Whistle
/use Imp in a Ball

same idea as the flash of light macro except once it is cast you use both the darkmoon whistle (makes an in game sound, alerting others around you) as well as the imp in a ball just because I can.

My focus macro (I have been trying to get this to work for a while)
/focus [@mouseover,nodead,exists]; [@target,exists]

what this does:
1)sets your mouseover to focus if pressed once (if someone is your mouseover)
2)sets your focus to the target if someone is targeted
3)clears the focus on 2nd press (if no one is targeted)

hope this helps!

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