US Machine Gun Clicks vs Waw Tawent 10/29/2011

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ye if i commented randomly about things i was clueless about id be a c team warrior 2

I know what's going on here!!! but why are you hating on me just because I'm C team??
I think some of the recent additions to WT namely Das, Dory, & Graf were all bad decisions. Also Beau general tso chickened out and came back to WT. Only weakened the already struggling alliance.

These are all "A" Team capable players but unfortunately they don't start for WT.

I may be out of line by stating this but I think this is where the expression "If you can't beat them, join them" comes into play.

playing here with most of my active 19s friends is all that keeps me playing the bracket so u can fk off ;]
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