Mac or PC

Which do you use?

  • Mac

    Votes: 8 25.0%
  • PC

    Votes: 24 75.0%

  • Total voters
Use a Mac for my day to day in the house, PC for gaming, and PC for work.

Can't really bash on either, I use both and they both serve their functions.
PC for gaming.
Agree with the above poster; there's no real competition between them as they've specialized in different areas.

apple specialized in creating rabid fanboys who buy over priced brushed aluminium
I've got a Macbook Air (last year's model) and love it for day to day use. It's very portable, the SSD is awesome for instant on, and the touchpad is the best I've ever used (usually w/ a laptop I use a mouse but I actually prefer the Air's touchpad to a mouse).

For WoW and gaming, however, I've got a 17" massive Asus laptop It's a beast and I love everything about it except the touchpad sucks bad. There's no way my Air could even come close to the gaming experience I get with my PC.

As Tai said, I use both but for different things. I realize most people can't have both (the only reason I have both is because work paid for the Mac) and if gaming is part of the equation for you I'd still stick with a PC...that's if I was choosing one. Though this new Macbook w/ the Retina display looks like Mac is making strides to sway gamers and such...they just need to get more developers to make their products compatible with PC and Mac (like Blizzard does).

PC. I'm a nerd who loves to tinker with things. I just built myself a new PC. You can't build your own Mac!!! Not to mention I built it with the idea that when certain new technology comes out I have a solid base to swap in and out of without breaking my bank.
My 15 inch MacBook Pro is perfect. Game runs great nearly on ultra with still 140 fps (lol). In addition to that, MacBooks have way less issues with viruses. Theres very little hassle and it seems everything that you want to do you can actually get to work. I was so tired of my PC crashing and picking up viruses along with seeing so many error messages. Now I have a highly portable laptop that performs at a higher level in a compact body than most PCs at around the same price tag.

Never going back to PC :)
I use a PC for gaming, and a 2010 macbook pro for day to day use. But if you like macs, then way hold back with the current models? You can build one yourself. Its called Hackintosh. Here is a link to info. Hackintosh Instructions, Hackintosh How To Guides @ You can find out what is compatible and how to build one. But, since building a PC is easier, I'd go with that. But the new macbook pro w/ the retina display is quite convincing as well.
My 15 inch MacBook Pro is perfect. Game runs great nearly on ultra with still 140 fps (lol). In addition to that, MacBooks have way less issues with viruses. Theres very little hassle and it seems everything that you want to do you can actually get to work. I was so tired of my PC crashing and picking up viruses along with seeing so many error messages. Now I have a highly portable laptop that performs at a higher level in a compact body than most PCs at around the same price tag.

Never going back to PC :)

For a price of a Macbook Pro, I could build a PC that would just trounce it 5 times over :).

And for viruses... you should see how fast some of those hacking competition guys can hack a mac.
Viruses are like STDs. If you stick your dick in a dirty hole you're likely to find a disease. The same goes for computers except you're sticking your browser into a dirty site and getting a virus.

Don't be dumb and it's pretty hard to get a virus, especially with any of the MULTIPLE free Anti-Viruses out there. O ya and like Taitaih said, have fun dropping twice as much money on a Mac that has the same shit in it as my PC.
I will say that Apple offers the best warranty I've ever had on anything. Last summer my laptop died, I didn't see it happen but I'm 90% sure it was a fall. Turn it on, nothing. So I take it to the genius bar. Normally they'd have the part replaced in a few days (fastest repair I've ever had was a new topcase in 2 hours) but this one took a week, at which point they called me and told me they'd tried a few things and nothing was working... so rather than waste more time and parts on it they were going to replace my laptop. Naturally mine was out of production... they replaced it with the most recently released equivalent. Free. I was allowed to buy a 3 year warranty for my replacement, which was cheap because a good portion of it was paid for by a refund they gave me of the last few months I had left on the warranty of the computer that had died. In addition the hard drive of my old computer was fine, so they did a data migration and I was left with a brand new computer that had all of my stuff on it just how I like it.

All this with no gimmicks, shipping time, or mountains of paperwork and rebates. Just walk into the store and sign here, enjoy your free computer ma'am.
I will say, Apple has made a great product for the masses, although I got mine because my CS school is still stuck in the dark ages and everything was done in a UNIX shell.

It's very interesting though, that the Windows 8 Surface will not be able to touch the prices of the iPad.

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