Lvl 60 Death Knight twink


Hi, so, I was going to make a lvl 59 DK twink when I realised that if I was lvl 60 I could get two legendary weapons (Sulfuras and Thunderfury) so I decided that I was going to lvl my DK up to 60 and then twink it up a bit. But I have no gear guide on the best gear for every slot, so that's why I came to you guys. Cause it was here I found a guide to a lvl 59 DK twink ( which lead to the gear guide The Death Knight twink! - PWN Depot) so I was wondering if any of you guys are making one guide yourself, or have a 60 DK twink or something like that - Thanks!
good luck doing lvl 60 pvp with xp turned off mang, dont think it exists anywhere. and id much rather have a dark edge of insanity than the legendaries, except for rare epeen and feats of strength
Well who says I want to PvP? And I would rather have the legendaries because, well they're awesome. It's cool when you have them cause it's much harder to get them than any other weapons and it's nice to get the feats of strength because it really feels like I accomblished something..
Wow.. That's probably the most useless reply I ever got.. 1) I never said I would PvP. 2) I dont need to twink a character to kill other people, so I would put it the other way around and say there's no reason to PvP when you are twinked, cause there ain't no challenge. 3) The reason why I twink is that it's like an exercise in WoW and when I'm done twinking a character I'm proud of myself because it took a long time and alot gold but I completed it.
well for a pve DK...just get the best plate gear from aq40 and bwl. you'll have no tier gear so all your slots will be plate offset gear. filter through wowhead if you wanna see stuff, dont really need a guide

as for weapons DEoI ftw imo.

legendaries are nice but not that great...and they're not really hard to get either. Hand of Rag just takes money & a blacksmith and then getting lucky with the eye. thunderfury requires extreme luck to get both bindings relatively quickly...the rest isnt bad.
pretty crappy for feral, but cool none the less!
character planner . 60 pve blood dps non450 engi - = Blood DPS (I cannot remember the armor pen % from Bonereavers, but if it is 70% and not 80%, swap 2 gems to 20 armor pen ones).

- Big damage, easy rotation, scales well.

- Relies on a proc but can keep good uptime with it.

character planner . 60 pve frost dps non450 engi - = Frost DK dual wield.

- Great AoE damage, and Frost damage is nice against many bosses you fight (Ragnaros = good dps).

- Amazing DPS single target as well, I can pull around 1500+ in a raid with all buffs present on any boss in BWL/MC (rag is like 3k)/AQ40.

- Simple rotation: IT, PS, HB, BS, BS, FS, FS

- Take glyph of Blood Strike (not pest) as using pest puts your rotation into having to utilize IT/PS anyways due to HB cooldown, Blood Strikes hit hard with glyph + talents in Frost.

- Chillbains is optional, it allows the Glyph of Blood Strike to work on anything, but in a raid you probably have some other form of slowing. I still take it since you only lose 1% crit...which isn't that bad.

- Macro Deathchill into your Blood Strike to make your Frost Strikes crit (this is almost a surefire way to get 2 x Frost Strike crits in a row).

Stay away from Unholy, it scales like shit, but here is a chardev for it.

character planner . 60 pve unholy dps non450 engi -

It is way lower damage, by probably 200-300 dps I have found by testing (and yes I have a sulf, and I have 450 engi...nothing helps).
Hi Aigel.

This my level 60 DK PvE twink: The World of Warcraft Armory - Solohero @ Arathor - Profile

His gear is reasonable. I mainly need to get the ZG shoulder enchant. Haste enchant on head would give fractionally higher dps, but its close once you are fully buffed tbh. Hit and expertise capped. DEoI would be better overall dps but HW weapon gives it a decent run for it`s money. The armory doesn`t show Blood Presence, it is not unusual to see around 2k white crits. On the dummies I am seeing around 1400 dps sustained in an aoe environment and around 1200+ single target. They scale really well with buffs. With Berserking up and hitting my trinket/hysteria macro the numbers really fly.

They are good fun and you can see some silly numbers, I`ve had 3k+ Death Strikes and almost that in Heart Strikes unbuffed. Of course you are limited to PvE dungeons and maybe some duelling/world pvp, but doing 50% of the groups damage in a Ramparts/Blood Furnace run can be fun ;)

Hopefully it will give you a few ideas to start with, let us know how you get on with it.

Thanks for showing. Now I know how it will feel in the start :p And yes I will keep updating ;D
I think I will go with the Frost dual wield spec - might make the offspec Blood but it will take a looong time and will probably never happen :p
Aigel said:
Well who says I want to PvP? And I would rather have the legendaries because, well they're awesome. It's cool when you have them cause it's much harder to get them than any other weapons and it's nice to get the feats of strength because it really feels like I accomblished something..

Getting carried by level 85's to get these items? Really? That'll give you a sense of accomplishment? Rofl.... I have no further words for you.
HoR is a complete joke. the only thing you need a raid for is the eye of sulf and who cares if you kill him with 40 60s or 1 85....
Msragepaint said:
Getting carried by level 85's to get these items? Really? That'll give you a sense of accomplishment? Rofl.... I have no further words for you.

i was responding to this saying you will feel more sense of accomplishment, lore wise

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