character planner . 60 pve blood dps non450 engi - = Blood DPS (I cannot remember the armor pen % from Bonereavers, but if it is 70% and not 80%, swap 2 gems to 20 armor pen ones).
- Big damage, easy rotation, scales well.
- Relies on a proc but can keep good uptime with it.
character planner . 60 pve frost dps non450 engi - = Frost DK dual wield.
- Great AoE damage, and Frost damage is nice against many bosses you fight (Ragnaros = good dps).
- Amazing DPS single target as well, I can pull around 1500+ in a raid with all buffs present on any boss in BWL/MC (rag is like 3k)/AQ40.
- Simple rotation: IT, PS, HB, BS, BS, FS, FS
- Take glyph of Blood Strike (not pest) as using pest puts your rotation into having to utilize IT/PS anyways due to HB cooldown, Blood Strikes hit hard with glyph + talents in Frost.
- Chillbains is optional, it allows the Glyph of Blood Strike to work on anything, but in a raid you probably have some other form of slowing. I still take it since you only lose 1% crit...which isn't that bad.
- Macro Deathchill into your Blood Strike to make your Frost Strikes crit (this is almost a surefire way to get 2 x Frost Strike crits in a row).
Stay away from Unholy, it scales like shit, but here is a chardev for it.
character planner . 60 pve unholy dps non450 engi -
It is way lower damage, by probably 200-300 dps I have found by testing (and yes I have a sulf, and I have 450 engi...nothing helps).