Looks like Lil is getting mad.
Sally you pretty much just got told; if you need to, you can go apply some aloe to that burn.
at lithfailology.... sorry i have a life and im not gona sit on my ass for 2hrs while your scrub ass team gets their ass together just so they can all get farmed for 25 minutes would defeat the purpose. And then after i would be getting level one whispers from you..... once again so.... yeah thanks but no thanks. You should of thought about wanting a fair game when u made a lvl 1 to bother me. Don't bother me. it never ends up good for you... always look more scub bag assish then you looked before. keep spewing out your disgusting words. It won't do you no good. BTw from what you whispered me on a lvl 1 " i don't care nobody knows me." haha stay small and go rage somemore, somewhere else. Btw post more shit i got you on ignore now(just like your level 1s)and you can't dodge something that wouldn't have anychance of hiting you...silly failology.
Says DuoDodge
Dodging Lith since 2012... If you have that much confidence in your team why did you tell me on vent that you don't have 10 players you feel "comfortable" with to premade me with?
Sounds like you only have confidence in your team when you're farming a bunch of level 20s.. Seems legit..
Sorry "Lith-
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Gems are for scrubs.. but it's okay 10v10 our team and you can have your gems.. We'll still be sure to land a 3 cap and farm your gems at mid field..
40 resil can only do so much as far as masking your skill.. Or lack there of.
first of all, whats wrong with gems?
Its like a 24.
if its allowed to be in 20-24 bracket then so be it.
Also doesnt your 24 faction transfered gear rogue have over 110k hks after playing a 24 shitting on trials in a 5 man premade?
While I may not agree with gems, 40 resilience or PvP power is going to steamroll (compared to have-nots!). I've seen it happen numerous times. So talk about skill all your want, but sometimes gear > skill. This is one of those cases.
In the game of Warsong. I think me and you both know that strategy can over-come a "skilled" group of players with gems..