[MENTION=16959]Atsuro[/MENTION] and [MENTION=14667]CripzBlood[/MENTION] I was obviously joking
Arcane shot, serpent sting, scatter shot, disengage + few more are frequently used, this was just a joke
[MENTION=6328]Snowjobs[/MENTION] 10s are also fun, but require a lot more work to be good.
Again [MENTION=16959]Atsuro[/MENTION] Horde has offensive racials and Alliance defensive, but for lvl 1 twinking Troll with their regeneration in combat racial is very very good because lvl 1s have sick out of combat regen, and taking 10% of it into combat gives them more hp/sec than draenei on their racial.
We can do Alliance or Horde on whatever server but I thought it would be better to start one on a server where we can ask people (F2P twinks for that matter) to help us with herbalism, skinning, gold, and AP 90s to portal us to a few places granting no exp
And also I think no-hunter on lvl 1 rule is mandatory, because when no enchant environment is taken into consideration (lvl 1 F2P) every class is viable, but hunters are op as hell. When we take out hunters every class can compete.