srs bsns; said:Now, if I want to roll a new toon, I feel like I have to go ham during DMF, which is like PvE hell. The removal of JP took away our way of PvP gearing.
I really hope they add back the JP vendors. I don't know why they removed justice points, they could have just made everything gold for awhile, if they really wanted JP gone. At launch, there were a ton of levelers wondering where they could buy the JP chest and shoulders; it was kind of a dick move on blizzards part, and smacks of laziness, and disregard, for new players.
And no one wants the crappy honor looms, as long as they still have resilience on them.
They should have just put all the JP looms on the PvP vendor for honor. Well and on the guild vendor for gold for all the PvE people who complain about having to ever PvP for anything.