Losin' Faith

srs bsns; said:
Now, if I want to roll a new toon, I feel like I have to go ham during DMF, which is like PvE hell. The removal of JP took away our way of PvP gearing.

I really hope they add back the JP vendors. I don't know why they removed justice points, they could have just made everything gold for awhile, if they really wanted JP gone. At launch, there were a ton of levelers wondering where they could buy the JP chest and shoulders; it was kind of a dick move on blizzards part, and smacks of laziness, and disregard, for new players.

And no one wants the crappy honor looms, as long as they still have resilience on them.

They should have just put all the JP looms on the PvP vendor for honor. Well and on the guild vendor for gold for all the PvE people who complain about having to ever PvP for anything.
To be honest queing with one of my friends makes games much more fun. If it's just the 2 of you then games still have the potential to be competitive.

I've also done games when the pre-patch hit and even more recently than that and it's actually made me want to play the bracket again. I quit when 5.4 hit (or when the prideful season came around, if some of you don't remember) and it's definitely miles upon miles better than it was then, against 29s or not.

But I will say, I've definitely had my fit of rages where 3 feral druids open on me out of no where either killing me or forcing me to bubble instantly, or getting teamed up on by ferals and wws. Unfortunately there always has to be a hunter.
Well as for myself personally, during MoP I heavily played my resto druid. I loved warsong gulch, in particular FC'ing. It was really fun to do the things that were possible prior to WoD. Evading 10 men and looking back at them all chasing me as I went for the 3rd and final cap was absolutely hilarious for me. Now, my resto druid does insane damage and it feels really unfair, much more than it had done so before. I tend to not play on my resto druid now because I feel as if I'm just following the crowd. Druids are arguably the best class atm, regardless of spec. I really did love druids, and now I have lost a lot of liking for them having seeing twice the amount as I did in MoP.
Having played just about all my toons, I came to conclusion that my warrior was easily the funnest and most enjoyable for myself. It took a bit of time but I have found true love and it is my warrior.
I hope you also find a class that suits you and sparks your attitude towards F2P twinking.
u could heal better with more int and crit from the pve looms

pve looms are better all the time except for the trinket and pally shoulder

idk, pvp mace heirloom loom has resilience on it - that's Extra stamima and never a bad thing for a healer to have Extra survivability and it has spirit - a stat that healers benefit from.
As for pvp shoulder - onli difference is one has crit and other resilience. As a healer I use the resil one and as ele i use the crit one...
This may have already been brought up already, as I haven't been reading TI as much recently: I'm wondering if the lack of pops in BGs has anything to do with the removal of the JP vendors. My thoughts on this are, now you can't farm honor to convert to justice points. The consequence is people see gearing as something to do during DMF, and they do that via PvE.

I think a lot of srs f2ps are "collectors" of BiS toons. I didn't start out this way, but every time I'd get a toon fully geared, I'd feel like it was finished, and would pretty much only play it during premades. I'd reroll and learn a new class in pugs, so I wouldn't be terribad when I actually played with people. Now, if I want to roll a new toon, I feel like I have to go ham during DMF, which is like PvE hell. The removal of JP took away our way of PvP gearing.

I really hope they add back the JP vendors. I don't know why they removed justice points, they could have just made everything gold for awhile, if they really wanted JP gone. At launch, there were a ton of levelers wondering where they could buy the JP chest and shoulders; it was kind of a dick move on blizzards part, and smacks of laziness, and disregard, for new players.

And no one wants the crappy honor looms, as long as they still have resilience on them.

Anyway, I'm probably not the only person that feels this way. I suppose I'm trying to pin down the reason why things aren't popping, so that we can fix it. My feeling is still that irresponsible people aren't blacklisting the abomination that is Alterac Valley. But I digress.

i am addicted to making new toons and getting them pre-boa BIS. i bet i have nearly 40, spread out over three accounts.
the thing that really yanked my chain was the fact that the heirloom tab hasn't made it into the game.
i don't want to grind DMF tickets any more. it's one thing to do the dailies one one toon. it sucks terribly to do it on 30.
i don't want to buy one more Devout Aurastone Hammer. i already have ten ffs. i really hope blizz lets us exchange once the tab is finally implemented, but at the same time, i think that multiple copies of the same heirlooms on the same account are the very reason that blizz is NOT giving us the heirloom tab.
they don't want to deal with the headache. it's lazy, and it's bullshit.
i think that multiple copies of the same heirlooms on the same account are the very reason that blizz is NOT giving us the heirloom tab. they don't want to deal with the headache.

On the other hand, I had about 8-9 White Kittens on various accounts when the pet tab came out, and that didn't prove to be any sort of problem.
but at the same time, i think that multiple copies of the same heirlooms on the same account are the very reason that blizz is NOT giving us the heirloom tab.
they don't want to deal with the headache.

What's wrong with that? Having multiple copies on the same account (not linked accounts though) shouldn't be an issue. The heirlooms should be learnable and easily deletable without the need to type "delete", considering you can just get another one from the tab. Guild boa should not be sellable after learned.

Players can only play 1 toon per free/paid account at a time, so having boa on any toon you want without the hassle of mailing over and over. There's no unfair advantage. It's modernized and convenient.
all have always been viable what's your point?

That people are doing the same thing they have always done: Bitch about OP classes, call them FOTM, and then roll one of their own. Play whatever class you want, get some good team mates, and win despite whatever the perceived odds are.

One of my first f2p toons is an hpal. Hpal is the worst healer right now. Ret is a better healer right now lol
I still play my hpal because I like it, and I've played that spec enough to overcome the weaknesses.

Life is 1% shit thrown at you and 99% how you deal with it. Don't complain and make excuses. Be an overcomer!

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On the other hand, I had about 8-9 White Kittens on various accounts when the pet tab came out, and that didn't prove to be any sort of problem.

Good point! I have a bunch of hatchlings from Wetlands :)

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Kids love unlockable things like achievements. They are a common marketing tactic used now by a lot of games as pseudo content. BOA tab will give this feel to heirlooms, thus giving ppl the desire to get them all and fill the tab and play more. I doubt it will be scrapped

They should add achievement(s) for unlocking/learning heirlooms.
90-100's with SoO boa would count as feats of strength.
Kids love unlockable things like achievements. They are a common marketing tactic used now by a lot of games as pseudo content. BOA tab will give this feel to heirlooms, thus giving ppl the desire to get them all and fill the tab and play more. I doubt it will be scrapped

Completely agree with this!

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