Losin' Faith

Tom Ganks

I'm not sure really what to do in this bracket anymore. I continue to play any former classes I have created, but I don't care to roll new classes/specs just because of how effective they are. I have always been on the wrong side of the court when a patch hits. days/months invested into a particular twink, and the next second it's hit with a nerf beyond viability. As you may notice, my main twink is a ret paladin. But I my main love is for prot paladin. Fc'ing, Frisbee tosses, tanky'ness. The whole plate. But now it's crippled and so is my rogue.

And ever since the new BGs and arenas were introduced to f2p, the community has been a lot less social and intact. Everyone is Queuing 2's and battlegrounds are full of feral druids.

Call me a hipster, but I refuse to role anything that would put other players at huge disadvantage just because it's the "new hunter"

I had actually began to love wod changes. But the more and more I play it, the more and more I miss 20-24 pvp. I know the health and damage pools have been inflated, but it just doesn't feel the same. I feel like we're back at square 1, with years of future bullshit-patches ahead of us. Call it unbalanced or broken, I honestly miss old f2p/24 pvp. Besides, the new scaling system has totally ruined the point of twinking. Sure an agm and lfh helps a little, but the gap between mediocre gear and bis has been shortened so much that there's not much to look forward to when gearing up.

I'll still be in the bracket, but with a lot less enthusiasm. Waiting on the World (of Warcraft) to change.

It's an interesting philosophical question you indirectly pose. Which is worse: playing a class for years only to have it get nerfed, becoming ineffective; or playing a class for years only to have it get buffed, becoming FOTM and reviled?

Opinions welcome.

*playing for years and being nerfed is (gameplay wise) a big let down, but shows rebellion and attracts positive/funny attention like fury warriors did in mop (oldspike)

*playing for years and getting buffed is satisfying at first, I would assume, because you have that gear advantage and experience with the class, but eventually everyone will role it, become good at it, and people see you as just another op <insert class>
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Well, my friend, you are not the only one feeling this, i queue 2s because BGs never pop, or rarely, i used to get insta pops.... Now its totaly...
I miss the old warsong gulch, the 20-24, MoP has been the best xPansion for me. In that one i learned waht TI was, and i had a WoW Goal, to learn more and more tactics. So i did, and i really enjoyed that. But now... i just dont really have waht to do, its all booring...
I like playing as a guardian druid just as mutch as you like playing your prot paladin. I honestly thought this ... Holinka was smart ... but now i truly understand that ghostcrawler saw the bracket population be4 adding more bgs etc.
It's an interesting philosophical question you indirectly pose. Which is worse: playing a class for years only to have it get nerfed, becoming ineffective; or playing a class for years only to have it get buffed, becoming FOTM and reviled?

Opinions welcome.
For me WoD pre-patch was a god send. I was finally be able to continue playing on my ret pally, which I always liked when I first time started playing WoW 2012 in EU on my dwarf ret pally. I always wanted to be able to wield 2-handers and just to feel like a true hybrid warrior. I think I will never respec to prot from now on. Never!
It's an interesting philosophical question you indirectly pose. Which is worse: playing a class for years only to have it get nerfed, becoming ineffective; or playing a class for years only to have it get buffed, becoming FOTM and reviled?

Opinions welcome.

Really nice discussion topic if i do say so myself, way to narrow it down i can dig it! Robo i think that in your case scenario you seem like a pretty level headed guy looking to make the most out of the classes you enjoy, and from what i understand currently are either underpowered or overpowered!

One of the main reasons i LOVE and continue to play in the f2p bracket is the f2p vs p2p challenge, which as you described has gone through significant changes this expansion from last. My hopes in writing this post is to inspire belief not only to you, but to the community as a whole that their are still plenty of opportunities to be had and ways to challenge yourself against whatever the day may bring you.

Few of my suggestions!

1. Play the classes and specs you love to play! Even if that means playing a prot paladin! I enjoy playing all 3 specs of mage (imo all 3 mage specs are a bit better/to a lot better off than prot) whether it be fire, arcane, or frost. If you were to ask me what was the best of the 3 specs i would tell you frost, but you can certainly make the other 2 work with the right class compositions in arenas and well thought out game play! Maybe try something like prot/rogue, prot/feral, prot/ret where you can act as a support healer and cc tank while your partner can do the heavy lifting dps wise!

2. Play your character that suits the day! Some days you get the QT swarm, other days its competitive 20 3v3s, and we have all had to deal with 29 priest/feral teams. Play a class that matches the intensity you want to be able to play at for that given day! There is no better feeling or shame in running a viable comp against competitive 20s or 29s trying to pull out the win and it is a rewarding feeling when you give yourself the opportunity It is also nice to be able to mix up either your classes and or specs to give some variety.

3. Play with people you enjoy playing with. Honestly, I feel you on the point that WoW can seem stale at times, oddly enough at the beginning of the new expansion to be saying this, but having some buddies to log on and play with makes for a great time and even a great stress reliever for me personally as i am able to hangout with people that i thoroughly enjoy working with and talking to! I say this with a strong meaning and no shame, I know a lot of my buddies on WoW better than i know the majority of the friends in my everyday life and that is not something i take for granted, and i am thankful for those friends and those experiences which keep me coming back and playing the game.

Hope some of my suggestions help guide you on your way, normally don't post this hard on the forums but you seem like a genuine guy with a topic that hit home to me, so cheers!


P.S. On the whole gear scaling thing, take advantage of the situation at the moment! I have dug up a lot of low Item Level gear on Wowhead and have made AWESOME sets for my mage! Sitting at 21% crit in arenas on a 20 mage 3.5k hp is awesome!
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I lost faith as soon as BGs were no longer instant. I have played a total of 2 since WOD. I'll be hunkering down until I hear word of queue times being instant to 5 minutes again. Ain't nobody got time for that shit!
i wish yherr was more f2p on ptr i feel lonely... ive met a total of 5 f2ps total since ive been on the ptr...
The only thing that makes me not to log on wow for the past few days is just the bg ques and pops. From where im from bgs doesnt seem to pop at night and its really sad because i dont think theres even a bug or problem somewhere that made ques longer atm, to me its just down to the bracket having 4 separate bgs which needed 20 to 30 or even 80 peeps in a bg. :banghead:
"I don't queue for BGs because they never pop!" said everyone, ironically.
Hang in there Robo. I hope you find a new spec that you love, or find a way to make prot work. HB makes a lot of good points.

Though I don't feel your pain right now, I've been in your shoes. In cata I played a rogue heavily, and back then it was a far more interesting class than it is today. You had gouge, sprint, and the damage wasn't bananas. You had to actively use more abilities to have kills. Then MoP came and the class became a 2, maybe 3 button class. Was it UP? Nope, it was just much less fun to play. I also played enhancement a lot and of course MoP didn't boost their damage nearly to the level they did other classes.

Anyway, with MoP I experimented with different specs and ended up loving resto shammies, which were not an OP spec but just a ton of fun to play. It took some time for me to find a new love, but it came. I imagine it will for you too, just hang in there.

Also, Kincaide's question is a good one. I get just as disappointed when a class I love becomes stupid OP. Not because everyone is gonna play "my" class, but OP is just simply not fun.

Also, also... Oi!!!!!
Yea ive been fooling around on my lock since this patch dropped, i always tell myself to go demo but chaos bolt is just too much fun

i cant believe they managed to turn wsg in the least enjoyable experience possible by showing where efc is right as they pick the flag and how fast flag stacks pile up all in just 15 mins
It just feels like you are so rushed to win, so i pretty much stopped playing objectively all together sans efc chasing

But yea bad times for f2p population :(
I mean it will never be dead. Where there will be f2p wow, there will be twinks. I'm just not feelin that vibe right now.
AV was a Trojan Horse, for sure, but I don't know if that's the only thing jamming up the queue. I think we still got the people, but things aren't popping. Can anyone confirm is it's people not blacklisting correctly, or what?

I'm still trying to figure out a way to communicate out of game with Latin America, to get them on board with queueing, but I know little of Portuguese, and my Spanish is so poor, any attempt to attract twinks in those languages would fail.

Does anyone know where non-north America goes to talk about wow stuff? Shane seems to understand SEO, maybe there is a way we could direct them here (even though English is the language of use here).

Anyway, Keep the faith, I think twinking will come back strong once people remember that raiding blows, and ferals smell.

p.s. Soupz/Udders has always gone both ways (in-game). Even when Ret was unviable, it was still OP in BWL underpowered arenas. It's all relative. Don't feel bad about being king of f2ps for a while. Ret and feral are going to see nerfs (feral already has at endgame, and people are wondering when the axe will drop on Rets and DKs).

And nothing is the new hunter, unless it stays OP for a couple more years and destroys a few xp-off brackets in its wake.
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I log in at off hours, so I never get any pops or competitive games or arenas, been gearing my 100 frost mage so I can get glad, looks so easy atm, this game has been dumbed down so much.

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