Lord Quack returns


Hello there to all you readers.
I gather you here today to once again discuss 19s, now I am aware how hated I am in this little bracket or throughout all twinking. Am I bothered? No. My main goal is to me known. I let me actions speak louder than words. Meanwhile all you people talk shit about me my name is getting out there - so thank you ! I have legit got whispers saying are you the real quack etc not trolls ofc.
I also wanted to talk about the twinking community and why I think it's failing.
Well for one no one wants to listen to the other. People are forming guilds claiming to be the best- which is not hard considering no one plays this bracket. So if I roll a holy priest ( which no one plays ) am I the best ? Nice okay gg.
The bracket will continue to die out and revive UNTILL the point you try to communicate with eachother. It's a matter of ill scratch your back if you scratch mine.
Everyone wants to 3 - 5 man queue ( which is accepted in certain conditions ) but why bother when the opposition is struggling to get 10 men together?
You all say you want a challenge but yet you afk games you get stomped
I can honestly say that I haven't afkd many games ( back when it popped ) in this bracket - or infact 29s, unless something like I have to go for food or there is a ridiculous amount of feral Druids etc. Asides that I always try my best.
Now a lot of you will come back to me and say " im a stupid kid " " im shit at the game " whatever but the reason you're doing that is why ? Because you know im right and can't stand me speaking out about this.

However, how about you think about this for a minute before replying smashing your keyboard trying to come up with little petit comebacks and such - we have more than 40 people in this community. Instead of all being butthurt we must come together as one and queue - it will be hard at first the games might be shit ! However we can build up and up and up. It will take work and this will not happen in a month or less. But the more we build up - the better
This will lead to a confidence boost for players, causing them to form guilds meaning we can engage in 10v10 guîld games and not even have to worry about pugs as we know there will be players there.
Please feel free to leave your opinions below
As always
Lord Quack
Chap gets his tabard after 6months of promises and scams? or
Overlooking the fact that you're the asshole that scammed me 5 months back, your points are hardly any more valid than they were the last time the bracket was revived. Everything collapsed then, and there's no reason to think it wouldn't again. It's hardly the right time to try once more, given the already in-progress revivals of 60-69 and 70-79. Personally, I would prefer you creep back to where you came from, and I find it particularly laughable that you want to enforce the community, when you treat the people in it like shit.
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Overlooking the fact that you're the asshole that scammed me 5 months back, your points are hardly any more valid than they were the last time the bracket was revived. Everything collapsed then, and there's no reason to think it wouldn't again. It's hardly the right time to try once more, given the already in-progress revivals of 60-69 and 70-79. Personally, I would prefer you creep back to where you came from, and I find it particularly laughable that you want to enforce the community, when you treat the people in it like shit.

You are just jelous on Lord Quack, get out of this thread
All hail the lord Quack, i stand behind you and will gather my forces to join up and create the best twink guild this bracket has ever seen!
You're a hypocrite, US 19s are far superior than trying anything on EU atm. Nice try though, very deluded reasons but nice try.
Overlooking the fact that you're the asshole that scammed me 5 months back, your points are hardly any more valid than they were the last time the bracket was revived. Everything collapsed then, and there's no reason to think it wouldn't again. It's hardly the right time to try once more, given the already in-progress revivals of 60-69 and 70-79. Personally, I would prefer you creep back to where you came from, and I find it particularly laughable that you want to enforce the community, when you treat the people in it like shit.

I agree to what you wrote here.

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