Looking to farm Blasted Lands rares for 18-20lvl gear | What is valuable?


As the title says im looking to roughly know the value (or even what is and isnt worth decent gold) of the blues and epics that you can get from the blue crystals from Blasted Lands rares
Is the character level for the rings the same level for the weapons in blasted lands? Isn't weps 17 or 18 or something?

Had the Boomstick randomly drop for me in Strat...

...on my 20. :FrogeTorch:


(was a f2p warrior, didnt care tho. :D)
For epics Freezing Band (150-250k~) and Boomstick (350-750k~) are probably the only two worth something.
Should I be opening these on a 20 or 19 toon for those? Blues at 20 are lvl 20 but epics are like 21 arent they?
Should I be opening these on a 20 or 19 toon for those? Blues at 20 are lvl 20 but epics are like 21 arent they?

If youre farming epics:

Blasted lands chest farm should be done on an 18. You will get level 18 ilvl 28 armor and lvl 18 ilvl 27 weapons

The items of value:
Blackskull shield - 20k-50k
Freezing band - 100k or less
Flurry Axe - 100k-200k
Hammer of northern wind - 100k-250k
Precisely Calibrated Boomstick - 500k-1.5m

every other epic available from the emerald chests is a trash item only worth for meme/swag sets. But because you are 18 getting i28, stuff has a better chance to sell for those swag sets..

I don’t really think any of the blues are worth much. Widowmaker//warmonger/guttbuster/soulkeeper/mug o hurt are pretty much the only ones with good stats
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Not really no. It’s not a special item at all. Just purple. Worth at i27 solely for block rating and purple, over a socket dungeon shield
Last question (thank you again for the responses) Is guttbuster lvl 20 worth anything?
If youre farming epics:

Blasted lands chest farm should be done on an 18. You will get level 18 ilvl 28 armor and lvl 18 ilvl 27 weapons

The items of value:
Blackskull shield - 20k-50k
Freezing band - 100k or less
Flurry Axe - 100k-200k
Hammer of northern wind - 100k-250k
Precisely Calibrated Boomstick - 500k-1.5m

every other epic available from the emerald chests is a trash item only worth for meme/swag sets. But because you are 18 getting i28, stuff has a better chance to sell for those swag sets..

I don’t really think any of the blues are worth much. Widowmaker//warmonger/guttbuster/soulkeeper/mug o hurt are pretty much the only ones with good stats

and what about the ilvl 28 weapon lvl 19 req? did they farm chest with a lvl 18 too or its just another farm?
and what about the ilvl 28 weapon lvl 19 req? did they farm chest with a lvl 18 too or its just another farm?
ilvl 28 lvl 19 boe epic shield/weapon boes, and ilvl 26 lvl 16 epic shield/weapon boes are GFd, looted before SL prepatch. one single person claimed to loot an i28 "The Green Tower" as a 20 in stratholme recently, but it was likely false info

Last question (thank you again for the responses) Is guttbuster lvl 20 worth anything?
not really, its not really worth using over https://www.wowhead.com/item=39487/dragon-slayers-shortbow?bonus=6703&ilvl=26. its also a common drop from the boxes. worth 10k-30k

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