The World of Warcraft Armory - Dstort @ Skullcrusher - Profile
That's basically the gear you want to run for a lock plus a fishing hat tho can interchange trinkets for different situations:
Arena-AGM and Trinket
WSG-AGM and SP Trinket (change to double SP trinket after using your AGM)
As for basic combat against different classes:
Rogue: Dot up, Pop VW Shield, Fake Cast Fear, Fear (stay away from his front so you don't get gouged), Immolate, Redot and basically repeat while bandaging in between fears
Warrior: Same as rogue basically, BUT it works best to make them use their trinket first, then when you are low and rend is 5- sec, full fear him, trinket your hamstring, run the opposite direction of the warrior and get a bandage off...Winning against a good warrior who can read fake casts is sometimes difficult >_>
Shaman: Same as rogue, take down all totems! (especially tremor), SAVE your fears for when they want to heal! Use this opportunity to fear them and interrupt their healing!
Priests: Keep CoA up at all times, Searing pain spam and LoS their Smites/Mind Blasts...if they try to heal, fear them! When they are near 20% mana, start putting up Immolate/Corruption to make them worry about dispelling and healing at the same time!
Druids: Keep ALL dots on him, his hots will most likely keep him up in the beginning of the fight. Going against most druids, they will try to tangle you, wrath, and moonfire spam. IF they do this, take advantage and wail on them during this process! Fear them when they try to Regrowth/Healing Touch and whenever you need a bandage, make sure to be out of LoS of them (duh!
Paladin: Most pallies you will go against for Ret, going against a holy pally is just a mana fight. For Retadins, you are going to want to make them use their CC early on (HoJ, AT) While you are HoJ'd, pop your VW shield in order to make sure you don't get nukked to hell. Fear whenever you need a bandage and kite as much as you can, since they depend on auto swings for most of their dmg.
Mage: LoS, LoS, LoS...Keep Corruption and Immolate up and Fear whenever you suspect for AGM or Lifeblood to be popped! Locks should rarely lose to a mage, even exceptional ones!
Hunter: This class can be a bitch to beat sometimes. In arenas, keep your pet on the hunter at all times and pillar hump like there's no tomorrow! Only come in LoS to refresh your dots (only CoA and Corruption!) Dot up his pet aswell and fear it as much as you can to mitigate dmg. If the hunter catches you in LoS to cause you alot of dmg, pop VW Shield and Fear him, then go back to pillar humping! If he tries to come in the Wing Clip you while you are in plain LoS, run to him and fear his butt so that he can't shoot you. This is probably one of the harder duels for a lock while going against a good hunter!
Locks: Dot, dot, dot, LoS fears and Immolate, never try to kill the pet right off the bat, as a smart lock will Health Funnel through a pillar or LoS'able object. IF a lock starts to health funnel in plain LoS of you, start searing pain spam and fear his butt. You DO NOT want to lose any dps you can on the lock while he is in LoS of you. Most locks will worry about Immolating before Fearing, which is a NO NO!
As for melee in general, you want to kite them as much as you possibly can. As for range, make sure to stay in Fearing range for the very important heal intterupt or AGM interrupt
Oh and what I have ESPECIALLY found useful is if an opponent is EVER 25% hp or under, drain soul him to death (unless it's a healer, then you want to fear then DS) If they go OVER 25% hp, they still take 4x the dmg from the execute effect! This also works very well for those who pop AGM at 25% hp or below!
- X-perl
- Bartender
- Necrosis
- Interrupt Bar
WSG Tactics
- Keep DoTs on everyone, literally, keep them up!
- Keep FC on Focus and make a SB focus macro
- use mouseover addon for fearing healers
- Rotate fears evenly through the healers, usually only once or twice to keep Fear off DR
- USE fear on an FC to mess up their route
- NEVER fear a target when they are doing a wall jump, they will get feared UP the wall, helping THEM out!
- Keep your pets with you as you best can! If you know an EFC will drop FR from roof, keep your pet first floor to get on the FC from their
- Soulstone yourself Most people don't bother to remove your insignia these days hehe!
- Stack as much SP as you possible can! It's WAY better than spam stacking
- Play SMART! Run away if you have to and get that crucial bandage or heal hut. Dead DPS is NO DPS!
Hope this helps a bit
Good luck pwning!